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Tarot Astrology Forecast January 2022 for Each Zodiac Sign

Tarot Astrology Forecast January 2022 for Each Zodiac Sign

Tarot predictions for January 2022

The Tarot Astrology Forecast January 2022 shows the influence of The Lovers on the Zodiac and the union of opposing and complementary forces coming into balance.  Learn what the Tarot has to say specifically for your Sign.

Tarot Astrology Forecast January 2022 – Union and Balance



This January, all the zodiac signs will be influenced by a strong sense of changes in various levels: order, ethics, and communication, thanks to the new cycle that begins, marked by the arcane The Lovers in the Tarot. The Number VI Tarot Card, The Lovers, brings the need to make choices and bring prosperity, loyalty, faith, and spirituality. Due to the archetype, the Tarot for this period of the year also indicates greater self-control, seeking wisdom, spiritual growth, autonomy, seriousness, focus, and generosity, in whatever aspect of life.

Thus, the arcane that will rule this year brings the message of Open Paths. Many possibilities will present themselves to renew your desires, plans, attitudes, and thoughts according to what you live and want from now on.

Tarot predictions for January 2022-The Lovers


Tarot Astrology Forecast January 2022 – Forecasts for Each Sign

Tarot Astrology Forecast January 2022 – Tunning to a new Frequencies for Aries

Tarot Card: The Justice (Adjustment)

For many of you, the year begins with balance, physically and mentally speaking. It’s time to take better care of yourself. Enjoy all the energy and positivity of the period to make your body stronger; and your wiser mind (yoga and meditation are very positive this time of year). The Justice card will also help Arians solve problems more clearly and wisely while avoiding stress. In other ways, Aries can end up feeling lost (what’s my purpose? What am I doing here?) and even irritable this month. Known as impulsive, they can do what this card says not to do: act without thinking. This can lead your sign to relationship problems in the workplace and even financial loss. Think twice before making serious commitments. This is not a year to stagnate, but at the same time, don’t make rash decisions. Remember that justice will be done, one time or another.

Command phrase: I am what I am, accept myself, and have faith in myself.

Favorable colors: Various shades of orange.

Focus on relationships: Professional ones.

Psalm: 92

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscope for Aries


Rapid Transformations for Taurus

TTarot Card: Wheel of Fortune

For January, there couldn’t be a better card to challenge Taurus, who ended a karmic cycle in 2021, and now migrates to the beginning of a new era in 2022. All you want now is stability, isn’t it? But be aware that things are likely to take another turn from now on. So be it in the sentimental, professional, and especially in the health field, wait for news.

Even if you’re not overly excited about changes or breaks in your routine, your life tends to take a turn for the better—on the positive side. Don’t be afraid to step out and experience what the Universe has to offer. Even if something new takes you by surprise, don’t back down or refuse opportunities. The Wheel has turned for you, Taurus, and things will get better! Everything changes. Nothing is forever.

Command phrase: I love myself, others, I am light in all ways.

Favorable colors: blue.

Focus on relationships: family, intimate circle of coexistence.

Psalm: 11

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscope for Taurus


Closing Old Phases and Old Stories for Gemini

GeTarot Card: The Universe

You Gemini have probably entered 2022 with renewed energy and hope, a feeling of lightness, of mission, accomplished. And that’s right. But it is also important that you see this transition as the end of a cycle without neglecting to plan for the new beginning period. Life goes on, and you need to maintain that feeling of fullness for success to keep connecting with your energy.

The Card of the World (the Universe in some decks) provides Geminis with a time of abundance. The Arcane is promising deals, new experiences and brings you to your full potential in every aspect of life. In addition, the period will also be excellent for traveling to discover new places (provided with the necessary sanitary reservations).

Command phrase: I trust, for myself and for others.

Favorable colors: yellow.

Focus on relationships: romantic couple.

Psalm: 23

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscope for Gemini



Tarot Astrology Forecast January 2022 – Enlighten Path to Cancer

Tarot Card: The Sun

Your year starts off with good vibes, Cancer. The Sun is an excellent signal for beginnings. Furthermore, it indicates that great love is in the action phase (either you are already together or about to meet). It is also possible that advantageous professional agreements could be signed soon. Basically, January will serve as an omen for a successful path, warm and full of achievements. The card also indicates the beginning of a new life and that you will now be able to let go of all the past hardships—goodbye 2020! However, as a Cancer, you may have some difficulty extricating yourself from certain bonds. Therefore, this is also a good time to cut ties with people and situations that do not add to you.

Command phrase: I am a provider of peace, I am light.

Favorable colors: light tones.

Focus on relationships: mother, mother figure.

Psalm: 7

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscope for Cancer


New Promises and Opportunities for Leo

Tarot Card: The Star

How to talk about Leo without remembering The Star’s arcane. In January, your sign gains extra strength to assert your talents, abilities and find your place in the world. Even though it’s not a royal card, as it kneels, takes root, and gives it away, it’s completely involved with the world—just like you. This is a time to transform the environment in which you live. To prosper, have new ideas, and be the point of light in the middle of the Universe, bringing what you know how to do best. Take advantage of the prosperity this period brings to draw valuable lessons from the past and make it a source of luck and truth. In love, there is a special person in an intimate environment. If you want to get pregnant, the arcane also suggest fertility.

Command phrase: I am perfect in the eyes of the creator. I can do everything for him!

Favorable colors: vibrant colors.

Focus on relationships: love, the affective relationship that has its focus.

Psalm: 80

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscope for Leo


Decisions and New Opened Paths for Virgo

Tarot Card: The Lovers

January will be a very important time for Virgos to reflect and review the affective side of their lives.

Your year may start with the need to make some important decisions—but in this regard, it’s recommended that you choose what your heart tells you, what really makes your eyes sparkle. You are an organized person who sometimes has difficulty getting out of your comfort zone. Maybe 2022 comes to shake up your structures and make you have some bolder moves. The Lovers’ card says the emergence of great love, speaking again of heart and emotion. If that person already exists in your life, now is the time to solidify ties and strengthen that relationship. Difficulties can arise in the Virgo’s path — including betrayal (on your part or your partner).

Command phrase: I will no longer limit myself. With faith, I will open all doors.

Favorable colors: shades of pink.

Focus on relationships: new relationships, building opportunities.

Psalm: 90

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscope for Virgo



Tarot Astrology Forecast January 2022 – Testing new limits for Libra

Tarot Card:

The Emperor This card says something about your personality. Although diplomatic, the sign of Libra can be stiffened in certain respects; They generally are afraid to take sides one way or the other. This arcane tells us a little about that, about what holds you and still keeps you in the same place. New year, new air! The tip for January 2022 is to break this conservative and traditionalist pattern. Perhaps a more stable person with a protective instinct can help you in this process of breaking paradigms (possibly someone younger). Once you can release more of these patterns, a shower of material prosperity will occur in your head. Stop living on autopilot! Security, stability, and spirituality are part of the Emperor’s essence. Together with the sign of the scales, they bring great strength and success. Also, do not let the immobilization of ideas reach your physical body, as it can cause joint pain and bone problems.

Command Phrase: The past is in its place. Today, I allow myself release.

Favorable colors: Shades of purple.

Focus on relationships: co-workers, material relationships.

Psalm: 100

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscope for Libra


Radical Transformations for Scorpio

Tarot Card: The Tower

Your year starts with some challenges, Scorpio. However, it signals a call for “help,” something latent inside you, which is now gaining ground in the outside world. Perhaps your resolutions for 2022 involved serious internal problems, unsolved ones, that are stuck in your throat, and now is the right time to put your plans to the test. Scorpio is an intense, emotional sign that cannot hold its emotions long. Therefore, The Tower appears as an opportunity to put out everything going wrong in your life: changes, separations, complicated situations in general. It’s time to have more ideas, insight, and tact on resolving these issues and removing obstacles in your path. Just be careful not to explode!

Command Phrase: Now, I will envision peace within my mind and heart.

Favorable colors: red.

Focus on relationships: co-workers, material relationships, difficult people.

Psalm: 45

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscope for Scorpio


Audacious and bold new Phase and adventures for Sagittarius

Tarot Card: The Chariot

For the Sagittarius adventurer, the victory card. The Chariot appears in your January forecasts as an affirmation of his success. Perhaps you have already started 2022 more relaxed, having achieved some of your dreams. If not, now is the right time to undertake some promising idea, such as start-ups or your own business, which has everything to be innovative. Enjoy this moment of reinvention that we are going through, and put your full potential into play! As well as your independent spirit, the Chariot suggests a moment of your own victory and that you should embrace and conquer, always considering the pros and cons. Just the way you like it, this card is full of energy, and while it’s a lonely walk, the victory is right there—in whatever aspect of life!

Command Phrase: No one will be able to master my power of action.

Favorable colors: white, ocher and blue.

Focus on relationships: romantic couple.

Psalm: 26

See Also
December 2020 Cancer Full Moon OMTimes

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscope for Sagittarius



Tarot Astrology Forecast January 2022 – Self-Discovery and Spiritual Accomplishments for Capricorn

Tarot Card: The Magus

Starting your year, we have card number I, The Magus or The Magician. Walking side by side with your sign, Capricorn, this card can manifest many benefits. Such as determination in the face of new endeavors, quick thinking, and knowing when to embrace an opportunity. You’ve been planting these seeds (in health, in love, or in work) along your way. The result could come anytime—like magic! However, if you have a more shy and withdrawn personality, it would be interesting to loosen up, communicate with the world, and show your skills to those who matter. Obviously, You can do that without ever straying from the material focus that Capricorns love so much. In the field of love, it can indicate the beginning of a relationship, a feeling that arises unintentionally but that suddenly takes over your emotions.

Command phrase: There are no difficulties. I give the solution.

Favorable colors: vibrant tones.

Focus on relationships: who need to practice forgiveness.

Psalm: 30

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscope for Capricorn


Caution in new life-changing decisions for Aquarius

AquariusTarot Card: The Hierophant

Your 2022 Aquarius starts a little different from the rest. You will be more interiorized, reflective, spiritualized. The “Lovers” Card invites you to give up your own ingenuity to listen to the opinions of others. It will be difficult, but this effort will be very important to your success in the coming months.

If you’re having trouble accepting advice or changing your point of view, maybe volunteering will suit you very well this early in the year. Dialogue and commitment will be invaluable for a relationship to work in the emotional aspect. January will not be a month for single Aquarians to have countless partners, nor for committed ones to drift apart. It is time for seriousness, bonds, unions, and no secrets between two people who love each other. In this period, value the things you feel rather than what you see more highly.

Command Phrase: Enough of postponing!

Favorable colors: Shades of deep blue.

Focus on relationships: mother, female energy, connections with important women.

Psalm: 88

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscope for Aquarius


Fortitude and Determination for Pisces

PiscesTarot Card: The Strength

Well, Pisces, we start the year 2022 with an arcane that goes against all your sensibilities: Strength. But, maybe by 2021, you’ve discovered some hidden talents and skills. Now you’re seeing opportunities, advice, or even extra energy to get it all out — you’re currently fighting a battle with yourself to prove how brave you are. In other respects, this arcane also suggests a lucky move by inviting you to invest in your creative potential and in new ventures. In the love field, this card suggests you let go, invest in your real feelings, and don’t let opportunities go unnoticed. Don’t be ashamed of your body, the way you express yourself; just trust the heat of the moment!

Command Phrase: Just for today, I’m going to empty myself of the past. Favorable colors: green, blue, and white.

Focus on relationships: Romantic couple, more attention, and quality energy.

Psalm: 138

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscope for Pisces



To learn more about the connection between Tarot and Astrology, read Major Arcana of the Tarot and the Signs of the Zodiac

You will also enjoy January 2022 Astrology Forecast and The Lovers Card: Tarot Arcanum for 2022


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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.


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