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The Pursuit of Happiness, Love, Peace, and Security

The Pursuit of Happiness, Love, Peace, and Security


The happiness, love, and peace that we seek, live inside us. Instead of constant pursuit, we are learning how to allow it to blossom from within.

Finding Happiness, Love, Peace…and Security



Human beings can tend to feel anxious and fearful when untethered from their inner source of existence. We are only here in the flesh for a short time to help cope with the knowledge that humanity has filled up that time with constant distractions. Materialism, competition, domination, control dramas, and judgment are all signs of energy competition. Pursuing the finer things in life can dim the spiritual connections that offer the happiness, love, peace, and security we genuinely crave.

When we can grasp the concept that we really do have the power to open up the energies within us, we can let go of gaining power from anyone else. Through our mystical practices in meditation, prayer, and spiritual beliefs, we set the tones and sounds in our lives. The universal love around us, inside us and in every living thing, will always be there in abundance. It is a matter of acknowledgment and respect to this love energy that keeps it strong and flowing.

As we go deeper into the purposes and meanings of our lives and others’ lives in relation, we can develop the skills we need to let go of control dramas. We seek out the higher frequencies through our own personal lifestyles and practices, which help us maintain healthy relationships with others. This, in turn, sets the stage for a much better quality of life. We don’t always have to be correct. We don’t have to have the last word, and sometimes we don’t get to tell our side of the story. That’s okay!

Naturally tranquil people seem to have a unique soul connection to the higher frequencies. They can remain calm when others have lost control. They think more clearly in crisis situations as they navigate life’s challenges. Every time they decide to seek peaceful solutions, they send out a ripple of calm and hope to others involved. Their actions can bring light to many situations, allowing the flow of interaction to remain fluid and positive to help heal conflicts.



Right now, many are seeking comfort and connection to the higher powers of universal energies to balance their feelings and ideas about themselves and the world. There are countless new websites, applications, and online memberships for meditations and spiritual practices to help relieve stress and anxiety. A need to find the inner peace inside instead of looking outward is part of the shift we are making in humanity to help us remember our spiritual connections.

It takes practice and discipline to add and maintain our spiritual practices. This helps maintain our energy centers. When it becomes a part of our daily life, we physically and emotionally can feel the love, insight, and peaceful bliss it brings in. We want to keep it flowing. Anytime we do feel the weight of life heavy on our shoulders, we have the tools to help us through it by letting spiritual connections in to assist.

In time, our awareness grows, and our understanding evolves into an even deeper and more profound realization of how powerful our thoughts are. We can easier manifest the feeling of calm support, sending our guidance with more clarity and kindness for ourselves and others. We learn the skills to help keep our lives flowing with information and solutions. Synchronicity, messages, like-minded people, and answers to our questions all begin to accelerate when we are open to receiving.

The happiness, love, and peace that we seek live inside us. Instead of constant pursuit, we are learning how to allow it to blossom from within. The ability to love ourselves and accept our challenges help keep us in constant soul evolution for a better quality of our lives and those around us.


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About the Author

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients worldwide. To learn more or contact for a session, see


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