The Tarot Astrology Forecast July 2022 shows the influence of the Death Card and the energy of transformation this month. Learn what the Tarot has to say specifically for your Sign.
Tarot Astrology Forecast July 2022
Tarot Card of the Month: The Death Card
This arcanum symbolizes Transformation, transmutation, and renewal. The Death card speaks of the power of alchemy, transmutation, and rites of passage. This arcane suggests the need to trust your inner voice, and it may also be an excellent time to collect and let the seeds planted bear fruit in the next cycle.
Loving Relationships
The fear of surrendering to love is a characteristic of this card. There is a coldness that comes from hurt, from something that happened in the past. No doubt, there are aspects in your relationships that may need to end or transform. In general, learn to follow your intuition that everything will change positively. Be careful to know who the right people are to get involved with.
Social and Family Life
July will be marked by few but excellent friends around. Sincere friendships will help you resolve situations peacefully, bringing a calming character to your life in general.
In family life, some secrets may surface, which will need you to have tranquility, wisdom, and empathy to deal with them well. In addition, past traumas and hurt will need to be addressed in order to move on.
Career and Money
During this month, it will be imperative that you do an overview of your life concerning your financial plans.
It is necessary to realize if your plans are in conflict with your purpose. The death card is loaded with a Scorpio energy, which indicates the income opportunity through work that uses intuition and self-reliance.
The Death Card’s Influence on the Tarot Astrology Forecast July 2022 for Each Zodiac Sign
PIN ITTarot Astrology Forecast July 2022 – ARIES: The Empress
In July, the Empress talks about success and progression in her plans, as well as being down-to-earth and pragmatic. She represents people with a great family and creative instincts and says that Aries will draw attention to their self-confidence this month.
In love, if you are single, the Empress card indicates a great time to find her better half, that one and only true love. However, if committed, the relationship will be marked by loyalty, understanding, and depth, with partners increasingly united.
In finance, the empress arcana can directly indicate who is working from home. It is a positive and prosperous card that discusses progress and success in projects and new businesses. The Empress Card can also talk about using money linked to the house, such as financing.
PIN ITIn July, this major arcana brings an energy of courage and commitment. Talk about acting in pursuit of your dreams regardless of your doubts and fears. The Chariot suggests that success comes to those who don’t give up because the paths are open to achieving their goals. It just takes planning and determination.
In love, if you are single, the paths are open to finding that special person for your life. But, now is the time to take control of your love life.
This period invites you to determine what you are looking for in love and relationships. When you know your goals, the Chariot encourages you to move forward. Communication is key to keeping your relationship harmonious. Beware of Jealousy from both parties.
In finance, the car suggests that your success is guaranteed if you keep your mind in control of your emotions. Success depends on certainty and perseverance in your focus until the end, don’t give up.
PIN ITGenerally, it is a period of deep Transformation, changes, and cycles that end. This process can often be difficult, but it is necessary to let go of the past and trust the flow of life. So, it’s a month of new beginnings for Gemini, and a new cycle begins.
In love, if you are single, this will likely change soon, but it is important to let go of old habits and patterns of behavior to attract what you want in love. If you are in a relationship, this arcane shows that the couple is insisting on something that is not working. Be careful and see what prevents the relationship from evolving to make the necessary changes.
In finance, the death card represents that it is not a month for investments or major financial commitments.
If you’re starting a business and don’t have the courage to leave a steady job, this arcane talks about dedicating yourself to it. If you want career changes, a change in this aspect will happen. Beware of losses or financial squeezes.
Tarot Astrology Forecast July 2022 – CANCER: The Strength
PIN ITJuly promises to be a month of courage, self-confidence, and power for you, Cancer.
The Strength card talks about the combination of mental and emotional courage. It is about mastering your emotions and acting in pursuit of your goals with the certainty of your worthiness, ability, and value. This card also speaks of passions and desires; therefore, it suggests the need to overcome instincts and direct your energy towards your personal development and creativity.
In love, if you are single, your self-confidence will be a key factor in meeting people. You know what you want and won’t settle for anything less. On the other hand, if you are in a relationship, the Strength card shows a strong, mutual, and stable relationship in your life, or it could be a new phase of vigor and strength in the relationship.
In finance, the arcane is very positive and usually indicates financial success. This arcane talks about self-confidence to achieve your goals and the certainty of worthiness and worth.
PIN ITThe key phrase for the month of July is to seek new paths. The Universe Card talks about letting go of what doesn’t do you any good and moving on in search of your happiness.
Have the courage to let go of situations that hold you back and no longer do you any good.
In love, if you are single, the Universe indicates that you have either achieved or are close to breaking free from a toxic relationship, and new possibilities in love are ahead. So heal your wounds and understand that it is possible to have a relationship that does you good.
If you are already in a relationship, consider changing your relationship routine, this will relieve a lot of the tensions. If you are unhappy in your relationship, it is necessary to look carefully and affectionately to make assertive decisions and seek your happiness in love.
In finances, this arcane suggests the need to be cautious and attentive with money. The month of July will be a difficult period because of some projects or businesses that will take more expenses than expected. But, don’t despair, do the financial control, and everything will be right again.
PIN ITSince the month of May, Virgo has been experiencing a different dynamic in their lives and will continue through July. It is winds of new opportunities in progress and expansion. The Wheel of Fortune is about recognizing everything you’ve accomplished and being ready for new possibilities. If it’s in the plans, this arcane talks about travel, adventures, or moving from one place to another.
In love, if you are single, this arcane indicates the possibility of living a romance on a trip or simply dealing with the satisfaction and happiness of being single, enjoying your freedom. On the other hand, if you are already in a relationship, the Wheel of Fortune suggests that the relationship is going well, and progressing as expected for both parties.
In finance, in the month of July, Virgos can expect a period of improvement in their financial life. As a result, they will have good prospects and opportunities for business expansion.
Tarot Astrology Forecast July 2022 – LIBRA: The Moon
PIN ITLibras will be in tune with intuition, their emotions, and spirituality. This arcane talks about imagination and creativity and is very favorable for artists, writers, and those who use emotions to express themselves. Having a strong connection to the subconscious mind, many Libras will receive intuitive messages, dreams, and premonitions directly from the soul.
In love, if you are single, this arcane asks you to be careful with mistakes and secrets – trust your intuition, and you will know the best way to deal with possible relationships.
If you are already in a relationship, this arcane indicates an affective dependence, where the relationship is not as perfect as it appears to be. With the wishes for change that the moon promotes, maybe it’s time to discuss the relationship with your partner and look for the best alternative for the couple.
In finance, trust your instincts to know the best investments and decisions to make with your money. But, as the moon is arcane of artistic expressions, it also suggests a source of income that comes through your creativity and entrepreneurship.
PIN ITFor Scorpios, the month of July will serve to recalculate your route and do good planning for the coming months. The Judgment arcana talks about plans based on what you really want, setting goals to get where you want.
This arcane also talks about travel and professional life changes. In love, if you are single, this card suggests that you already know what you want in your romantic partner and are looking for the right person. It may indicate that you will meet someone special in new places you will be visiting. If you are already in a relationship, it is a decisive period for that relationship. Both parties have to choose the direction of the relationship as a couple.
But overall, the couple combines and has harmony. They just need to make some changes together. In finance, the month of June talks about stability and balance in financial life. You are on the right path to getting where you want to be in the future.
PIN ITThe month of July comes with a lot of determination for Sagittarius, who will impose themselves with a lot of determination on their goals and life position. It is a period that calls for assertiveness and self-confidence so that they are prepared to fight for what is theirs and their interests. Persistence is the key.
In love, if you are single, The Emperor can indicate competition or the need to share your feelings with the person you are interested in. However, if you’re already in a relationship, it’s a challenging phase where one party may feel the relationship is at risk or blame the other for the problems. It takes a lot of dialogue with your partner and not letting fears end the relationship.
In finance, this arcane suggests that you are on the right path to protect your assets and ensure stability in the future. As a result, your situation will be privileged and secure, including being able to help other people financially.
Tarot Astrology Forecast July 2022 – CAPRICORN: The Justice
PIN ITFor Capricorns, the month of June will highlight all your effort and competence, where you will dedicate yourself to work and/or studies with great satisfaction, playing a very relevant role, especially in group work.
In love, if you are single, this card shows that a new relationship can arise through your work or study group. If you are already in a relationship, it is a period of attention, prioritize your partner instead of focusing too much on academic or professional activities over your relationship. Dedicate yourself to further strengthening the relationship with your partner. It is the time!
In finance, the card of Justice says that all your efforts will pay off and pay off. So, if you’re working hard to save money, don’t worry, this difficult time is about to end, and things will improve.
PIN ITAquarians will be with high energy, dynamism, and determination this month. They will tend to take on several commitments at the same time and will take care of all of them. Therefore, it is a month when you will be able to shine your maturity and self-confidence. These are vital elements for your formula for success.
In love, if you are single, this arcane indicates a good time when you will attract the attention of suitors with your attractive energy. This card indicates high passion, energy, and romance if you are already in a relationship. A passionate and enthusiastic relationship, where there are plans to form a life together and a family.
In finance, the High Priestess indicates stability and control of your financial life. Therefore, your work and efforts will be well rewarded.
PIN ITA month of a lot of personal power, action, and accomplishment. The magician card talks about high communication and action energy to conquer dreams and achieve goals. This arcane is very positive and talks about the ability to create and execute and about new beginnings.
In love, if you are single, this arcane indicates the ideal time to find new love, as your soulmate will be in the same tune. Be open and attentive to opportunities and situations. If you are already in a relationship, the Magician indicates stability and depth in the relationship, heightening the feeling of togetherness, joy, and pleasure.
In finance, this powerful arcane indicates success. It talks about the combination of opportunity with the right time, as well as passion and energy of execution to make your projects possible. The Mage card suggests that you can achieve all your goals this month with planning and focus.
Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day, ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.
Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.