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Ignite Creative Inspiration through Spiritual Connections

Ignite Creative Inspiration through Spiritual Connections

Creative Inspiration

How we ignite our creative inspiration is a personal phenomenon and something we can practice, learn, evolve, and appreciate. Our lives become more purposeful, meaningful, and wonderful when we realize how much creative power we really have.

Ignite Your Creative Inspiration



Our ability to create is always with us. We use our creativity to help us make choices, solve problems and inspire others. If we consider how many times we are asked to tap into our imagination and clever solutions a day, we can appreciate the process. The possibilities can be endless when we find that calming, peaceful energy and blend it into the intelligent knowledge of Spirit.

Our spiritual practices can assist us with our resourcefulness with colorful and innovative ideas that truly seem divinely inspired. Visualizing what we want to manifest is key to receiving information that brings our ideas to fruition. For example, decorating a room involves choosing coordinating colors, furniture placement, and artwork. Even choosing an outfit for the day by mixing different pieces of clothing helps us with our confidence as creators. Our awareness is further enhanced when we understand the connections we use on a constant basis. We have to rise above the worry that others won’t see or appreciate our visions and seek out the right audience and situations to help us shine.

Meditation, focus, visualization, and a belief that we have spiritual assistance help us tap into the extensive knowledge available on a constant basis. Knowing intuitively at the moment how to fix something we’ve never been schooled on is possible and can be extremely helpful. Many artists will say they are able to focus on scenes they have never seen in person but have experienced with closed eyes or in dreams.

Getting outside and appreciating the natural wonders of nature, sitting quietly by a stream or waterfall, or listening to beautiful music,  are all wonderful practices to help us create. When we can quiet the outside forces that make us doubt our cloud our thoughts process, we build a bridge. That bridge connects us to our talents as creators. Hearing, seeing, knowing, and understanding creation brings us color, shapes, sounds, words, and motivation to shape, which honors our spiritual process.



Those who write fiction can be influenced by true events, but they ultimately have to embellish and search for storylines and quirky characters to make the story more interesting. The process can distinguish between the same old story and an exciting, exhilarating narrative. Those who create a dance for the theater or ballet have mastered putting together original moves or a series of moves that accompany music in enlivening ways. Actors learn to bring characters to life not just through descriptions they are given but by channeling their own unique version of what they feel the character should represent to the audience.

We all have access to our creative gifts when we become aware of our many available sources. Even that which seems insignificant in a big world can make a world of difference in someone’s life. A child who is learning to draw and paint in art class opens up so many doors for the future when they are untouched by criticism and judgment. They pick colors they love, and they are happy to be able to articulate their creativity just because they can.

We help relieve stress, uncertainty, and overthinking when we are able to express ourselves and find solutions to challenges, thus creating something beautiful. Sharing our creations can help to change someone’s life, help them find their own gifts, and bring them joy. It is a spiritual experience in so many ways. How we ignite our creative inspiration is a personal phenomenon. Using our ability to create is something we can practice, learn, evolve, and appreciate. Our lives become more purposeful, meaningful, and wonderful when we realize how much creative power we really have.


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About the Author

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity, and a writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read to clients worldwide. To learn more or contact me for a session, see

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