Tarot Astrology Forecast September 2022 for Each Zodiac Sign

The Tarot Astrology Forecast September 2022 shows the Lovers Card’s influence and balance’s energy on the Zodiac Signs. Learn what the Tarot has to say specifically for your Sign.
Tarot Astrology Forecast September 2022
In this ninth month of the year, the entire energy forecast will feel that things may go more smoothly and peacefully.
However, a period of such tranquility can mean paralysis and stagnation for most people. Hence, it will be necessary to charge yourself daily and avoid procrastination because time does not stop and will not forgive anyone’s negligence. But avoid putting yourself in the background and prioritize your health, mind, and personal projects because nothing is more important than all that.
For more information on the Tarot Arcanum for August, read The Lovers Card: Tarot Arcana for September 2022
The Lovers Card’s Influence on the Tarot Astrology Forecast September 2022 for Each Zodiac Sign
Tarot Astrology Forecast September 2022 – Aries: The Magician
Assertiveness: This month, your ability to understand and all your skill can be displayed. Little by little, you may end up regaining your position or attracting new views about your competence in a project that may have been discredited. It may happen either by revising or, who knows, putting it into practice.
Your insecurity is the aspect that must be worked on so that your success comes and remains in the following months.
Command phrase: I have comfort and confidence in my actions.
Favorable colors: shades of green and brown.
Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Aries
Taurus: The Chariot
Focus: Not always your strong point is to give continuity to your plans and ideas. So be careful with impulses in what you say and how you position yourself this month, so you will not be in a vulnerable position. This month can be all yours if you know that your skills will be calls to action. Your way of taking advantage of opportunities will help you to manifest and open new pathways. It will be up to you to apply yourself and manifest a plentiful and successful professional month.
Command phrase: I am in control, I can, and I deserve it.
Favorable colors: blue.
Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Taurus
Gemini: The Wheel of Fortune
Less emotion: You have a thousand possibilities to start within the month of September, but the oracle asks you to prioritize and reorganize all your pending issues. Your way of acting can be beneficial for you and others to give, at the moment, the right attention necessary for any knot to come undone. Have no doubt! Go for the certainty that you know yourself like no one else. You have the solution in yourself. But remember that new projects and more new projects, without completion, only generate wear and tear.
Command phrase: I find the purpose and execute it to the end.
Favorable colors: yellow and red.
Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Gemini
Tarot Astrology Forecast September 2022 – Cancer: The Hermit
Solitude: Alone, we are nobody! We need to have moments to reflect, to delve into our depths. And the oracle asks you to allow yourself more, relate more, and offer all your competence to the small community you are a part of. Therefore, seeking to know each other can contribute to several opportunities that, in general, can be good for all parties involved. Open yourself to a new light.
Command phrase: I allow and contribute with a blessing to all.
Favorable colors: neutral tones.
Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Cancer
Leo: The Death
Breakup: It is a month that may require decisions from you. Go or stay, settle or simply turn a blind eye… which is not always easy, is it? Within the influences for this month, enjoy the moment and don’t extend problems ahead, not even for the next day. Use all your analytical skills to give the problem or question the solution within your reach. You may end up breaking ties that don’t help you emotionally.
Command phrase: I own my domain, I decide.
Favorable colors: olive green and white.
Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Leo
Virgo: The Star
Opportunities: what an extraordinary month! You can do anything you want if you know your strength’s importance. The other’s look at you will be one of approval, so approve, in the most simplistic way, of who you are and have confidence in the effort you’ve put in to get here. You will have great opportunities, so use your enthusiasm for studies. Your lightness can come in handy in challenging issues. Act with sensitivity, as if it were the light in the pitch.
Command phrase: I live in the now and deliver my best!
Favorable colors: shades of violet.
Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Virgo
Tarot Astrology Forecast September 2022 – Libra: The Universe
Big Opportunities: This month can be your big opportunity to be what you need to be within your professional and even personal circle. We all know that everyone expects a lot from you, but your exhaustion will start to improve, and you will feel more steadfast in your goals. Pay attention to what’s important and actually bring it to a close. Intuition has helped so far, but now it’s time to apply everything you’ve learned. Don’t be uncomfortable with the constant demands for your time; you’re your attention. If that happens, their belief in your competence.
Command phrase: I am 100% present.
Favorable colors: brown and yellow.
Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Libra
Scorpio: The Temperance
Slow down: You have been driven by passions with a force of great enthusiasm. Unfortunately, it also happened that you were the preferred target for some people. Now, take your foot off the accelerator. It’s time to enjoy the scenery in the slow lane. You have what it takes to solve or reach the required result. You don’t have to go too deep or too fast. It is a month that can reveal yourself and your needs, and you will be surprised by this “I” of yours that you have not seen so deeply. It’s a moment of your own, a personal phase.
Command phrase: I have and am who I can and accept!
Favorable colors: blue.
Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Scorpio
Sagittarius: The Hanged Man
Overcoming: you come from a great journey of trying to make others realize what only you are able to see. Therefore, do not purposely waste time this month.
All people have their own time, which is the time of inner peace for you. The way you give priority will help to overcome situations that will no longer hurt you. You want and can handle difficulties. Take care not to bring into your inner and intimate world situations or people that only serve as barriers to your own expansion. Expand your spiritual connection this month. It has the potential to be an incredible period for a expansion of consciousness.
Command phrase: I choose myself!
Favorable colors: orange and white.
Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Sagittarius
Tarot Astrology Forecast September 2022 – Capricorn: The Strength
Self-control: In September, the oracle asks you to take advantage of situations to stand out, grow, exchange, and interact, understand what is essential, avoiding all forms of excess. When our energy is more evident, we can shift from focus to target that would not be helpful. You will noticeably more prominence within this period, forcing a somewhat embarrassing situation. Nevertheless, it’s a confident moment; just avoid advertising how sensational this position can be, thus avoiding unnecessary situations.
Command phrase: I am passionate about the sum of who I am!
Favorable colors: salmon and pastel tones.
Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Capricorn
Aquarius: The Moon
Awareness: this month is a time to perceive others and their actions. Be careful with situations that can be very romanticized or even fanciful to prevent unnecessary exposure since it comes from moments that, even with effort, did not achieve the broad or total result. Time to keep quiet, to observe, and integrate! Your sensitivity is always perceived. Start to contribute more with your look. After all, it is a great benefit to have a skill lacking for many! Put lightness. You will have better placement if you are part of the whole!
Command phrase: Time to observe and integrate and learn!
Favorable colors: brownish yellow and earthy tones.
Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Aquarius
Pisces: The Sun
Harmony: this month will manifest your “Midas’s touch; the oracle shows you can transform everything you touch. It’s a time to make all good seeds germinate. You are someone who comes to recognize a long-awaited inner strength that can really feel special. Take advantage of the month for good relationships and spirituality. It is such a strong energy that it will manifest itself in your life through the gestures and words of others. You are here and now; you have everything to take away the anguish and exchange it for prosperous projects. Start Now.
Command phrase: Now, it’s my turn!
Favorable colors: purple and indigo.
Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Pisces
To learn more about the connection between Tarot and Astrology, read Major Arcana of the Tarot and the Signs of the Zodiac
You will also enjoy The Lovers Card: Tarot Arcana for September 2022 and Astrology Forecast September 2022
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About the Author
Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day, ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.
OMTimes is the premier Spiritually Conscious Magazine. Follow Us On Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest, and Youtube
Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.