Tamra Oviatt: Sacred Activations
![Tamra Oviatt](https://ej3atki2nc6.exactdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Tamra-1-.jpg?strip=all&lossy=1&ssl=1)
Tamra Oviatt is the founder of Subconscious Metaprogramming Sacred Activations Healing Modality (SA). She was given the spiritual gift of Sacred Activations, a seventh plane modality that she received, quite by surprise from the Source Creator of All That Is, during an eight-month trek through the UK, Italy, and Spain in 2012. In this modality, she now works with many unseen ascended masters, angels, Lords, and light beings to help raise our vibrations to joy and love. She received her first Activation from Lord Metatron in Scotland’s Rosslyn Chapel.
Tamra Oviatt: Sacred Activations
Interview by Victor Fuhrman
Tamra Oviatt has always had the gift of Healing. While Tamra was led through many different training modalities, she was always told, “this is for your learning and not what you’re supposed to do.” During this time, she also experienced many of her own miracles.
As an energy worker, author, professional speaker, and teacher, Tamra trains advanced energy workers to use Sacred Activations in their own professional practice. Her work empowers others to align with their life purpose by clearing hundreds and thousands of cultural, religious, and collective consciousness belief systems.
Being a uniquely gifted Lightworker, a Master Healer, and Galactic Channel, Tamra has always been destined to bring permanent Healing, personal growth, and positive transformation to people using the power of the Sacred Activations. She is now a sought-after Master Teacher of 12 transformative Sacred Activations and Akashic Records classes and a best-selling author of 9 books.
She also hosts the weekly show, “Living in the Fifth Dimensional Consciousness,” on OMTimes TV. Tamra’s ultimate mission is to realize world peace by helping individuals unplug from the many negatives, self-defeating collective consciousness belief systems while plugging into the unconditional love of pure Source energy and the activation of the soul’s presence.
To listen to the full interview of Tamra Oviatt by Victor Fuhrman on Destination Unlimited, click the player below.
Victor Fuhrman: Tamra Oviatt, your path of discovery was somewhat unconventional. Please share with us your early life before you received your calling.
Tamra Oviatt: I always knew things. At 18, I had a sick cat and took her to the doctor. And she’s one of those skinny cats. She was blown up like a football, and the doctor didn’t know what was wrong with her. She was lethargic. I thought she was going to die. So, one night, I sat on my bed, put my hands on her, and heard “PRAY” for her. I did. And the following day, when I woke up, she looked like she was never sick. All the swelling was gone. She seemed totally normal, walking around normally. And it really freaked me out because I grew up very Christian, and only Jesus could heal. And so, I never really told anybody about that experience.
Victor Fuhrman: Tell us what else happened that led up to what happened in Rosslyn Chapel.
Tamra Oviatt: I recently divorced and was selling machine tools and CNC machines. I was doing well. I bought a house. I had a nanny for the kids. The kids had a car, and the nanny had a car. I mean, I was doing really well financially and having a lot of fun, but I kept hearing this isn’t what you’re supposed to be doing, in my head. I kept hearing, “You’re supposed to be a healer,” and I heard it over and repeatedly. So, as a result, I finally said, okay, God, I’ll follow… So that was obviously a past life thing, but at that time, I had never discovered past lives. I wasn’t interested in any psychic stuff. I wasn’t into any of it.
And so, one day, I was looking through a local magazine in the south bay, and it was a spiritual magazine, and there was a guy there that does readings charts. So, I called him, and I had a reading done by him. He was interesting, and he taught hypnosis. So, I said I wanted to learn hypnosis. So, I went out to his house, and he hypnotized me. Then this bird showed up, who said he wasn’t a bird at all. He called himself Charlie. And he was, it was really magical. He was like this really colorful bird with rainbow colors. He wore sunglasses, right. He took me up over the planet. He said, “Come with me.” He grabbed my arm, and I flew up in the air, and we were like sitting on this cloud, looking down at the earth, which was really like a ball. So, it looked like! It seemed like we were really high up. And Charlie told me, “Do you see this?” And I said, yes, he goes, do you see this? And I said, yes. He said it’s just a game, Tamra. That’s all it is.
Are you a winner, or are you a loser? And I went, well, let me see, I’m dyslexic and horrible at spelling, but I would love to win Scrabble. So, I love to win. That was my thought process that went on at the time. I learned hypnosis through him. And with my hypnosis script, I gave it to a friend and had her hypnotize me, so I could meet my spirit guide because I heard we have spirit guides. So, this being showed up, a Chinese human being showed up in this gown, this goatee, and this little hat, and he told me his name was Choung and that he was my guide. Right after that, I started teaching angel classes and how to talk to your angels, which was really interesting. So, I went into that and started teaching people how to talk to their angels. I was doing this in a store in Ventura. It was an angel store that was called “Things from Heaven.”
The funny thing, and how this led up, was that the store owners worked with a friend of mine in commercials for a local TV station. And she was talking to him, and he said his spirit guide’s name was Chung. And she says, that’s funny, my friend’s name, spirit guide’s name is Chung. So, we met, and the next thing I know, I’m teaching angel classes there.
So, I taught, um, angel classes. I did it in three different rounds of six-week courses. It was full of people, and I freaked out and changed my phone number. I pulled out; I had a yellow page ad and everything at that time. And during that time, I was having a tough time paying my rent and, obviously, belief systems that healers can’t make money or anything else. So, I had a lot of that going on. And one day, I walked on the beach, and I said, God, if you want me to be a healer, you have to pay my rent, and you have to do it now. Because I was five days late on my rent. And with that, it was like a $75 fee, which to me was just a lot of money.
So, within an hour of me yelling at God on the beach, one of my clients came to me with a check for $1,500 that paid my rent and bought my boys Christmas. At that time, my boys were young. So, um, I ended up going back into the workforce. I was selling sailboats and yachts for a while. That was a lot of fun. I just did different jobs. And then, I ended up doing online marketing, and during that time, I started doing various trainings. I did master hypnotherapy and mastered NLP as well.
I learned about theta healing, which was about when I was done with my job. I left, and I went and spent three months learning theta healing. And while I was there learning, I thought, okay, good. I’m going to become a teacher. This is what I’m going to do. All of this happened over a 10-year time. All of this was happening, and I kept hearing this, isn’t what you’re supposed to be doing. All of this was for my training. In 2011, I was talking to some guy in England, and I lived in California, and we started talking. Then we started skyping together, and um, he wanted to marry me. He wanted me to move to England, and my life was falling apart. I had quit my job. I was trying to be a healer full-time and ended up going into foreclosure in my house.
I couldn’t get refinanced on the house, and I was in a mess. So, I thought, okay, well, maybe I’m supposed to go to England and marry this guy and start my business there because I had all these different certificates.
So, I went over there, and I was just like, there’s no way I’m marrying this guy. So, one morning, I went for a walk and yelled at God again. I walked through this graveyard and realized: “What the hell am I doing here?” I am here in England, and my whole life has fallen apart. What am I doing here because I’m not marrying him? And I heard: “Go to the Rosslyn Chapel.” So, I went back to his house, and he was on the phone with a spiritual friend named Gaz, a really cool guy. I told him what I heard, and he said: “Oh, the Rosslyn Chapel is really amazing. It has this Stargate underneath it that it’s been built on.”
And it’s really incredible! So, I booked a B & B and a train for the next day. And when I was doing that, I was told to call one of my clients that lived in Scotland to have her meet me at the church. She agreed. We met at the church two days later, and I was sitting in a pew, and I said, okay, God, I’m here. And I heard, go to the Akashic Records. So, I did.
When I went into the Akashic records, a being was standing there. I’d never seen anybody in the Akashic records. So I would just go in there and get information, you know, and there’s this being standing there, and I said, who are you? And what do you want? And he said he was Lord Metatron, and he was there to assist me.
Victor Fuhrman: Let’s talk a little bit about Rosslyn Chapel. There are so many wonderful elements to your experience. The chapel was featured in Dan Brown’s book and the subsequent movie, the DaVinci Code. What did it feel like when you first saw and entered the Rosslyn Chapel?
Tamra Oviatt: It was just absolutely beautiful. It was. It’s really a stunning church. I would definitely recommend anybody to go visit that church. I’ve been back since, and it’s just really beautiful.
Victor Fuhrman: And what’s the energy like in there?
Tamra Oviatt: Really amazing! It’s really incredible energy, depending on what time you’re there. I prefer to go to places in the morning, before everybody comes in, and add all of their energy. I love to, um, go to sacred sites first thing in the morning. To me, it is the best time.
Victor Fuhrman: Now, through your experience, what is your understanding of God as a Creator Source?
Tamra Oviatt: Oh, that’s really interesting, and such a question! It’s all source energy. I call it God. I used to call it creator. When I was doing Theta healing, I called it creator.
Victor Fuhrman: Absolutely. Timing has a lot to do with it because we have to have experience in time to recognize when the time is right. Tamra, one of your many wonderful books is entitled: ” Heal yourself, heal the world.” What inspired this book, and what message should readers take from it?
Tamra Oviatt: I got goosebumps when you said that because we are a collective consciousness, and when we heal ourselves, everyone around us starts healing. Everybody starts changing, and everything around you starts changing. The world starts changing around you because you are the creator of your life. And everybody that shows up in your life is a mirror to you. There are many different roles for something you need to learn, overcome, or support. So, the only thing we truly have to do is work on ourselves, and then the world around us starts shifting. It’s really incredible to watch how people treat you differently when you change yourself.
Victor Fuhrman: And do each of us have the capacity for self-healing?
Tamra Oviatt: Of course, absolutely. Everybody has the capacity for self-healing. Absolutely!
Victor Fuhrman: And how do we embrace that?
Tamra Oviatt: Take some time out. Don’t focus on the disease or the disorder or focus on the Healing and the health. Because you’re talking to your body, your cells are listening to everything you say to yourself. So, if you’re having an issue, imagine it being perfect. See it being perfect. See it being healthy, feel it, celebrate it, love it, love your body. Love yourself, honor yourself!
Victor Fuhrman: That loving oneself and sensing one’s self-worth. That’s a real challenge for a lot of folks. Isn’t it?
Tamra Oviatt: It is. It was certainly a challenge for me.
Victor Fuhrman: And how would we overcome that?
Tamra Oviatt: Basically, Taking time for yourself. Seriously, take time for yourself. Go inside again, write, and listen to a song. And of course, I’m going to say, listen to the Sacred Activations. If you want to do it magically and easily, use the sacred activations.
Continue to Page 2 of the Interview with Tamra Oviatt
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Rev. Victor Fuhrman, MSC, is a healer, spiritual counselor, and author whose deep, rich, compassionate and articulate sound inspired the radio handle, “Victor the Voice”. A former armed forces broadcast journalist, Victor Fuhrman is a storyteller by nature and an inspiring public speaker. He brings unconditional love, compassion and a great sense of humor to his ministry. Victor is the Host of Destination Unlimited on OMTimes Radio, Wednesdays at 8:00 PM ET. http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/destination-unlimited/