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Are You Living in Heaven, or Are You Living in Hell?

Are You Living in Heaven, or Are You Living in Hell?

Are You Living in Heaven, or Are You Living in Hell-tamra Oviat

I’m here to share with you what I’ve learned over the last 20 years of my spiritual awakening to help you be in your power, create the life you desire, and live in your Heaven on Earth.

Are You Living in Heaven or Hell?

By Tamra Oviatt



We are creating Heaven and Hell on the planet. And we’re creating it right here every day. So, what are you creating for yourself, your life, and the world? Are you creating Heaven or Hell?

Planet Earth is a school. It truly is. It’s a school where we come to learn to use our power, to use our energy, and to use our ability to create.

But a lot of people are creating Hell. That’s easy to do – creating diseases, suffering, lack, and limitations. Being in hell energy is super easy; it’s a huge collective consciousness. It’s fed daily by everybody’s thoughts and fears.

As long as you’re putting your energy out there into wars and suffering, anger, and lack, as long as you focus on those and give them your attention, you’re keeping them alive. You’re supporting that energy. This is because the collective Consciousness of hell energy is so strong. And it takes work to get out of that energy. So if you wake up in the morning and focus on not having enough, being angry at the system, or complaining about your life, that’s how you’re creating your Hell.

Trust me, I was caught up in the chaos, too. I was caught up in lack and limitation, suffering, loneliness, and fear; it took me a lot of work and time to shift all of those. Now I’m living in Heaven-on-Earth. I live in Yucatan, Mexico, on the beach with my soulmate. I have a fantastic life. I can’t think of anything better or any other place I’d rather be; it took me to work to get here.

You can do that too. You can leave the Hell you’re creating, the Hell you’re living in, and start living a life of Heaven-on-Earth. There’s no lock on the energy of Hell. You have to walk yourself through those gates. You must work on yourself, clear your subconscious belief systems, and create peace within yourself.



So I invite you to Heaven. Heaven-on-Earth is right here, right where we are. We’re in it, and we’re creating it. We’re creating it for ourselves and for the planet. When you see suffering, send it love. When you send love out, it goes through collective Consciousness. When you keep focusing and sending out the Consciousness of abundance, health, joy, happiness, and love, it affects the whole planet because you are part of everything. Your energy is part of all of us.

And it continues to spread; the whole planet then vibrates with more and more heaven energy. So you see, the more you create peace within you, the faster the world will be in that energy. This is your power to make changes on the planet.

So take time to work on yourself. When you work on yourself, know that you are helping the whole world. There’s a lot of support out there, but you have to take steps to do it. Heal yourself, and you heal the world. We are going into world peace through YOU; that’s how we get there; it’s through you.

If you’re reading this today, I’m here to help you shift your subconscious belief systems, so you will naturally shift your focus towards achieving peace within yourself, creating your Heaven-on-Earth, and not getting caught up with what’s going on out there; because it’s not about fighting what you don’t want, it’s about creating what you do want. So, if I touch your heart and if you resonate with me, I have a FREE GIFT for you. I have 7 powerful Activations/Deactivations on my website that are free.

They’re going to help you start shifting your subconscious belief systems. You just have to listen to it; things start changing in your life.

I have over 500 Activations/Deactivations on my website to help you heal and shift whatever areas of your life you want to work on. I offer regular webinars and masterclasses. If you want to help others shift their lives, I have 10 practitioner training. I have also started a weekly show on OMTimes running free Activations energies. Join me every week and receive Activations to start shifting your subconscious programming.



This was given to me as a gift to share with you, and that’s what I’m doing. That’s why I’m here. My passion has always been world peace; therefore, my passion is you, to help you create peace within yourself, to help you reach your Heaven-on-Earth.

So, where do you want to send your energy? Into Heaven or Hell?

Head to my website at and experience the magic of these 7 FREE ACTIVATIONS/DEACTIVATIONS.

Things to Know to Start Living in Heaven!

1. Things Get Worse Before They Get Better: Disconnect from this belief. This Deactivation clears out this huge collective belief that circumstances and situations may worsen before they start to improve. We don’t need to go through a lot of stuff before we can live happier, calmer, and lighter.


2. Alchemy of the 5th Dimension: Shift to 5D Consciousness. This Activation connects you to your heart space and into the Fifth Dimension of unconditional love, limitless abundance, pure creation, and Christ consciousness. This very high-vibrational energy lines you up to the 5D Consciousness.


3. Glass Ceiling: Shattering your subconscious barriers. This Activation allows you to perceive your self-imposed limitations, such as self-doubt, self-sabotage, fear of failure, disabling beliefs, or false conditioning, so you’re able to overcome these personal barriers and move forward.


4. Disconnect from War Consciousness: Nurture a sense of calm and peace within. This Activation disconnects you from the collective war consciousness and releases you from the collective trauma and suffering caused by the wars happening in the world right now, so you’ll stop contributing to this energy and start sending out the energy of healing, hope, and love.


5. Universal Life Grid: Protective energy shield. This Activation creates a protective shield of light around your energetic body. Universal Life Grid Activation protects you from people who zap your emotional energy (emotional or energy vampires) or dark energies that may attach to your energetic field.


See Also

6. Caste System Family: Release judgments and unhealthy comparison. This Activation releases you from comparing and judging yourself, your family, and others concerning abilities, choices, lifestyles, and all other aspects of life. This allows you to be in line and equal with others no matter what nationality you are born with, what socio-economic status you currently belong to, or what lifestyle you choose to live.



7.  I am a Big Deal: Remind yourself you’re amazing. This Activation brings in the energy of knowing your value and importance. Receiving this energy empowers you to see more positive things about yourself and be confident in your individuality.


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About the Author

As the founder of Sacred Activations, Tamra Oviatt is a keynote speaker, visionary leader, best-selling author of eight books, winner of the International Bestseller Publishing Award, and sought-after teacher. Learn more about her at


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