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The Hermit Card: Tarot Arcana February 2023

The Hermit Card: Tarot Arcana February 2023

hermit 2023 february

The Hermit Card represents the archetype of solitude, which is sometimes necessary for us to analyze and judge our internal environment, feelings, wants, and needs.

The Hermit Card – Archetype of Solitude


A man is walking alone in the dark night. He has a beard and white hair because he is already old. The wise old man uses a staff as a support and a lantern to light his path, walking along an arid and stony path surrounded by water in the background.

Here, the elder is the person who has the capacity and experience to observe events critically and, based on this rational analysis, evaluate the value of the events that are developing along his path.

I am alone,

and my heart

is my own.



The first is a curse,

the second a blessing.

I would rather be a hermit

than live with a stranger

who would make me feel

even more lonely

than when I am



– Margarita Engle, The Lightning Dreamer


The Hermit is the Jungian archetype of the Wise Old Man. His lamp illuminates the dark part of the psyche, for he is the archetype of the spirit. Hermit Archetype

His knowledge goes beyond the space and time known in terrestrial life.

He is a sage with the patience to face the journey that has not yet ended even after much lived.

The Old wise man represents the Awakening to the internal planes and realities.


 The Hermit Card and Its Symbols

He is alone with an old outfit that covers his head and a very long beard. At his feet, a snake. Behind him, an ocean.

The Hermit has only a staff and a lamp. The staff represents experience and wisdom, and the lamp represents the pursuit of enlightenment. Having reached this stage of life, he looks for the meaning of his experiences.

The lamp and his old body can indicate the arrival at the end of the path and the meeting with the soul and eternal life.



The snake represents the kundalini energy that is about to be discovered, which is the second birth in spirit, an inner journey. It means that the Hermit has not reached the end of his journey but rather that he has been preparing for a different and difficult journey, which is the journey within himself. In this walk of life, he has been developing his discipline and maturity.

All moments of life are learning times when we are young or when we are old.

It means meditating, reflecting, and learning something.

He advises looking for an external reference, looking for something beyond what he already knows. Some key words in the positive: Light, hope, prudence, wisdom, patience, and discretion.


See Also
Justice Card: Tarot Arcanum February 2022

The Hermit Archetype and the Internal Alchemy

Through silence and reflection, the Hermit teaches us that we will reach the infinite, and miraculously we will know how to deal with our human fears.

After all, the Hermit brings the number 9, which represents Wisdom (Father – Mother – Son x 3 = 9) and is the synthesis of all numbers. This arcanum is a great observer, not only of himself but of others and events. He has the ability to “look from the inside out” and thus sees “the whole” of situations. He seeks the essence of things and the knowledge of life.

Hermit energy may temporarily slow you down to help you understand what is happening with your life and properly evaluate your next step. Use this unique energy wisely!



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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.


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