Tarot Astrology Forecast March 2023 for Each Zodiac Sign
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The Tarot Astrology Forecast March 2023 shows the Magus Card’s influence and the energy of Renewal on the Zodiac Signs. Learn what the Tarot has to say specifically for your Sign.
Tarot Astrology Forecast March 2023
The March 2023 Tarot Astrology Forecast brings both the end of a Season and the beginning of the astrological New Year. The energies of the equinox are awakening the dreams and aspirations of all the zodiac signs and creating the perfect conditions to start our soulful intentions of living with purpose again.
The Magus Card’s Influence on the Tarot Astrology Forecast March 2023 for Each Zodiac Sign
Tarot Astrology Forecast March 2023 – Aries
Arcanum: The Strength
You have been through a lot and have conquered your place under the sun. The Strength Card discusses Inner strength and stamina to break limits and open new paths. March is bringing you the possibility to be more, to learn more, and be more joyful. Your Keyword this month is opportunity. Be more observant, and you will find many new windows of opportunities opening everywhere. Still, they will be subtle, like the wings of butterflies. This is your turn, Aries.
Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Aries
Arcanum: The Emperor
The Emperor says that you should leave worries aside and enter the new phase (equinox) in a lighter and more relaxed way. The Tarot Card also asks you to be tolerant and see other people’s perspectives in case you get into some weird discussion. You know that you can be very stubborn and pigheaded. Your Keyword is Malleability. Be adaptable, gentle, and transparent with your feelings and intentions. Only this way will you go far.
Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Taurus
Arcanum: The Lovers
This month starts asking you to make decisions and difficult choices. It’s true. This arcane indicates two paths or two projects or two people. I know nothing is really easy! Your Keyword this month is Trust. It would be best if you trust your intuition when making these choices. Be sure to not mistake wants for needs. Concentrate, close yourself in your “inner heart,” and meditate on what you want for yourself. What is not good must now be left behind. Review those plans you had in mind last year; some came true, others, not really, if possible, dream others that you never imagined getting before. This is the beauty of life: the unexpected, the good surprises. Trust yourself.
Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Gemini
Tarot Astrology Forecast March 2023 – Cancer
Arcanum; The Magician
In personal terms, the magician brings the opportunity to consolidate itself. Some lessons and experiences will make you grow a little more in maturity. Face life’s challenges naturally, and try not to be upset about things when they don’t go your way. Your Keyword this month will be Self-Control. It’s your time to get the hang of your temperament. Everything happens with a purpose, but we can’t always see beyond the visible and beyond our “navel.” When we are always very focused on ourselves, we react when something a little out of the “normal” or less pleasant happens. We don’t even stop to see, with eyes to see, what is behind that experience. This might perhaps be called spiritual immaturity. More observing, less overreacting.
Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Cancer
Arcanum: The Hang Man
This is a card that incites you to shift your perspective on things. You may have felt a contraction in your life with a different vibe coming from family and friends, but in fact, the changes were coming from the inside, not outside of you. Like a butterfly, you have been rearranging your life, inside and out for a couple of years, so it is not a surprise that you are feeling the winds of change in your daily life. Your Keyword this Spring month is “Visionary.”
For any health issues, this card indicates improvements. As in Love, if there are any tensions, they tend to dissipate harmoniously. Do your part, will you? Give in and be tolerant. You are still the Star of the Zodiac.
Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Leo
Arcanum; The Sun
This is a fantastic card to grace your forecast this month. It brings light and clarity of purpose to your life. It is a card with serious loving notes, which is coming to warm up your love life. We know it may be a little difficult because someone new may not conform to your wishing list of qualities that you have organized and idealized for someone to be compatible with you. So your Keyword this month is “Allow.”
The Sun is a card of action, quick events, and unexpected awareness. Something might happen soon. Some novelty, some unfolding, some beneficial outcome. Cheer up because this Arcanum won’t allow your life to stagnate.
Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Virgo
Tarot Astrology Forecast March 2023 – Libra
Arcanum: The High Priestess
The High Priestess is a card that has two quite different interpretations: on the one hand, it announces a period of some peace and serenity, or even a retreat, but it also announces some internal conflict. First, you must have moments of silence and meditation. Then, it’s time to rest to regain the energy needed to start again with the renewal energy of Spring time. Your Keyword is Centering. On the other hand, this arcane also shows that you may be a prisoner of the past. That is, the – apparent – previous defeats may have created blockages that prevent you from taking risks and fighting for what you want. Understand the origin of these fears, and identify them because it is by understanding them and bringing them to light that you will be able to overcome them.
Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Libra
Arcanum: The Star
You seem to be experiencing hard-core transformations, no doubt about that. The past couple of years has been intense, to say the least. But what is amazing about you is your ability to be reborn from your own ashes. You are a self-motivator. Your soul fabric allows you to be just like a phoenix. Motivation is the driving force that leads us to act and believe that dreams are possible to achieve. That’s the energy that the card of the Star brings you. The message of this card is Aspiration and purpose. Your Keyword is Fearless. It is time to show that you overcame fears and inhibitions and went after what you wanted, even knowing that the struggle could be intense.
Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Scorpio
Arcanum: The Universe
For a free spirit like you Sagittarius, it is not easy to live within the constraints of a materialistic society. You know how painful it is to forget your essence and live under material values. But for what it’s worth, you are an innovator, a principled soul constantly testing boundaries and limits. So this First month of Spring is renewing your aspirations and goals, and maybe calling you to a new way to live your life. Your Key phrase this month is “shifting gears.”
The Universe asks you to walk your own path without forgetting values such as generosity, sharing, and respect for others. The equinox always brings with it a chance to improve and start over. Life is precious, brief, difficult, and too beautiful to be lived for nothing.
Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Sagittarius
Tarot Astrology Forecast March 2023 – Capricorn
Arcanum: The Devil
Contrary to popular belief, the Devil Card is not a negative arcana. Still, it does reveal our inner struggles with commitments, personal needs, desires, and the wants of others. Material goods may be important, but they don’t provide us with a comforting hug or a gesture of affection. Emotional issues may not be your priority, as you seem to be focused on the stability of your life in professional-financial terms, but the heart should not be forgotten. Your challenge this month is keeping emotional and spiritual balance among many demands. You are still motivated by many aspects that belong to the past. Your Keyword this month is “Let Go.” The Caveat is not to forget that people are unique and situations differ. Not everything and everyone is the same.
Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Capricorn
Arcanum: Temperance
March is a month that follows your birthday month when usually we are tried to the limit of our patience. So it is time to renew your hopes and wants and believe and persevere. You are a pragmatic soul, so sometimes it isn’t easy to dream big. But this will be your challenge for the month: Your Keyword is to fortitude above all odds and to realize that there is magic in your life, and you are the key to it. The point is that human beings are anxious by nature and often end up throwing everything away with impatience. So do not hurry the river; it will follow its course in due time.
Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Aquarius
Arcanum: The Wheel of Fortune
This month is bringing you a serious soul call: It is time to break the vicious cycle, break emotional shackles and discover new territories yet to be explored. Your Keyword this month is Dare. To dare is to venture, to be open to a quantum leap. This could be the turning point, new attitudes, and new oceans to sail. But this time, it’s really about doing new things. So “Shake off the dust” and start this new year with more confidence in yourself and in all the positive things yet to come.
Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Pisces
To learn more about the connection between Tarot and Astrology, read Major Arcana of the Tarot and the Signs of the Zodiac
You will also enjoy The Magus Card: Tarot Arcana for March 2023 and Astrology Forecast March 2023
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About the Author
Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day, ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.
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Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.