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The Religion of Science – Quantum Physics

The Religion of Science – Quantum Physics

Religion of Science

Science and Religion are competing and seem to have won the day. But problems have arisen as Science delves into a new area called Quantum Physics. The old rules prove not to apply as Science learns the observer influences the observed, something which our old hard solid World of Newtonian Science cannot reconcile.

The Religion of Science

by Arthur Telling



Mind Versus a Solid World

Two contrary schools of thought dominate the World today; Eastern Religion generally proclaims “Mind” as the foundation of everything, whereas Western Science takes the position of a world being an evolution of solid physical objects, the Mind rising from living organisms within the solid physical World. The Science of Quantum Physics is learning through study and experimentation that a solid physical world does not really exist, yet Science is not ready to make a plunge into the spiritual and physical mindset that everything is Mind.

Mind and a solid physical world cannot reside together. Everything must be Mind or is not mind. To place solid objects within the Mind would be like dropping pebbles or gravel into a living mind. The two are not compatible. We might compare it to an argument made that water is not always wet. But water is wet, or it otherwise is not water. Frozen ice is composed of water but is not water. It is ice or snow. Water is always wet, or it is ice or snow, or gas when heated.

Like water changing characteristics within temperature changes, solid physical objects also do. Pebbles may become molten metal, become “wet” like water, or enter a gaseous state. Here we can see the natural fluidity of physical objects, their hard solid nature being a product of outer world environment qualities, namely temperature, but pressure too can alter the state of seemly solid physical things. The physical World thus potentially changes in nature with the introduction of some particular outside characteristic such as temperature changes. There is just one thing of which remains constant in nature — it is the Mind.



Quantum Physics a Game Changer

Science doesn’t know what the Mind is. It is outside of the boundaries of observable Science. Science thus generally ignores the Mind and refuses to recognize the Mind as the necessary observer in any scientific study and experiment. There being no observer, it is unknown whether there exists anything which can be observed. If the scientist is not living, he neither observes nor proves anything. He can imagine that at his death, other scientists will continue observing things of the World, but such cannot be replicated, and “replication” is the necessary element separating Science from what is unprovable.

The World as it exists is entirely dependent upon outer qualities like temperature and on there being a mind to observe this supposed solid physical reality. The Mind entirely controls the situation; objects cannot be proven to exist without there being a mind, yet the Mind has no such limitations, for the Mind exists even when we close our eyes and put our physical body in a rest state where our Mind refocuses on other so-called physical realities, and we call this “dreaming.” Outer qualities like temperature are entirely within the control of the Mind, for otherwise, we could not habitually experience the places we visit in dreams. We essentially dial in the perfect temperature for providing the familiar images of pebbles, water, and air necessary for our nighttime dream experiences.

Today’s Science so far fails to provide an authoritative answer to the puzzling questions about life and reality that it lays claim to answer. It is a religion in infancy blindly finding its way from a “flat-world” experience that was obvious in nature until disproven by the present “round-world” philosophy, which is giving way now to a new Quantum Science recognizing the observer necessary to the equation and finding the old rules do not universally apply.


The Religion of Science – Can Magic be the Great Unifier?

In our physical World, two apples + two apples will always equal four apples, yet a magician can easily produce an outcome of five apples by fooling his audience, the observer. A nighttime dream can bring the same result where there is no trickery, for dreams are germane to magic by nature. Medical, scientific breakthroughs through vaccines and pills appear to be obvious, impossible to dispute, yet if there are no solid physical objects and everything is thus minded, then the medical establishment is merely performing rituals — magic — that fools the Mind into changing its thoughts from a negative outcome to one that is positive. Religions do the same through prayer, flooding the sick personality with positive healing thoughts.



Regarding the Science of modern medicine and religious prayer, a kind of ritual we may call “dogma” accomplishes the same result, the patient’s belief that he will not become well changes to thoughts of hope. Healthy, positive thoughts replace the formerly negative thoughts of despair and hopelessness. With the Mind the foundation of everything, scientific advancements are religious dogma, for the Mind alone accomplishes the “magic” that happens. As with the magician creating an illusion that 2 + 2 = 5, the Mind will go wherever the personality guides it, with or without the outside influence we call Religion, magic, miracle, or Science.


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About the Author

Arthur Telling has written numerous stories and articles on Religion, philosophy, and metaphysics. Telling is the author of “Johann’s Awakening, “a parody of Jonathon Livingston Seagull, and various novels, including “The Incarnation: Cleopatra’s Story of Jesus,” exploring the true history of Christianity. Telling’s non-fiction books include “What Did Jesus Really Say?” His first published article, “A Different Jesus Message,” appeared in the November 2011 AMORC Rosicrucian Digest. His ongoing Amazon Vella stories include “Cleopatra in Ixtlan.” Website: and


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