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Discover Your Zodiacal Karmic Astrology

Discover Your Zodiacal Karmic Astrology

Karmic Astrology

Karmic Astrology is a branch of astrological studies that focuses on karma, that is, past actions and their consequences in the present and future.

Zodiacal Karmic Astrology – Discover Your Sign’s Hidden Life Lessons



What is Karmic Astrology?

This approach believes that the planetary positions at a person’s birth can provide valuable information about their karma and the lessons that need to be learned in this life. First are the 12 karmas, how they relate to the zodiac signs, and how they influence your birth chart and destiny.

Karmic Astrology offers a more spiritual approach, studying the influence that planetary energy has on the individual. Starting from the mystical connotations of the concept of Cause and Effect, it is possible to identify the karma of your sign, which hinders the process of evolution.

Although it is true that for each subject, there will be specific karmic and astrological guidelines, given by the position of the planets in the birth chart at the time of birth, the sun sign can provide (general) information about the main challenges (of character) that must be faced.


Each Sign represents the Twelve Karmic Lessons of the Zodiac

In this sense, when talking about the karma of your sign, attention is focused on the lessons associated with the sun sign (obtained by the day and month of birth), which need to be overcome as part of the life mission.

The doctrine of karma explains that actions and thoughts generate an energetic charge (positive or negative), which transcends the passage from one existence to another (incarnation), manifesting in the present life conditions.

In a Karmic Astrology session, the specialist studies the subject’s current existence and offers details about those aspects generated in past lives, discovering not only negative programs but also dormant potential.

By knowing the karma of your sign, you get a general view of the first life challenge you must address on the path to self-knowledge, spiritual evolution, and personal development.



What Is the Karmic Astrology of Your Sign?

As mentioned, the first step to discovering the karma of your sign (karmic astrology) is to know the sun sign, which represents the position where the Sun was during the day and month of birth (sometimes, the year is also needed).

The sun sign is the most known aspect of astrology by specialists and enthusiasts. Annually, the Sun spends around 30 days in each sign, and according to the period in which the subject was born, they can identify with one or another.

For example, if you were born on May 1st, you will be a Taurus, while someone born on September 30th will belong to Libra. Knowing this information, you will discover more about the (general) karma associated with the 12 signs.


If you are an Aries native, the karma of your sign is related to selfishness. The lesson involves learning to consider the needs of others as much as your own, because we are not alone in the world. Likewise, it is necessary to develop sensitivity and true personal confidence, as well as to become a positive leader (at work, the office, or home), instead of exercising tyranny.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Aries.



The karma of your sign is revealed as a challenge of personal valuation. You must build true internal confidence, and not base your own value on the number of possessions you have. Avoid material attachment.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Taurus



For Gemini natives, the goal is to transcend superficiality, allowing themselves to know more about what interests them (applies to people, situations, and objects).

Similarly, they must learn the positive use of communication and avoid creating critical comments, slander (gossip), or manipulations for pleasure and personal benefit.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Gemini




The Karma of your sign is of great interest because it focuses on the emotional. Just as Taurus must beware of material attachment, Cancer must cultivate emotional independence.

In this sense, the crab must give itself the emotional support it needs, instead of looking for it in others in the first instance. It is not about building walls, but about working with positive affection. Another important aspect is not to live imprisoned by the past, let go of what is no longer and focus on the present.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Cancer




The sons and daughters of Leo face a karma similar to that of Aries natives, as both signs have a marked tendency towards egocentrism, which can even turn into narcissism.

This situation threatens Leo’s ability to become a positive leader. It is essential to leave autocracy, learn to listen to others, and be more flexible in terms of thoughts.

The practice of moderation and control starts with oneself, imposing it on others without you going through the same filter is unfair. Every share of power demands responsibility from the one who holds it.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Leo




Virgo’s karma is based on balance and sensibility. Learn to apply rationality to events (and people), without leading you to cynicism or harsh criticism (even against yourself).

Likewise, the vocation of service must be assumed as such, with honesty, and not as a path to cultivate recognition or a manifestation of servility, as it will bring you great frustrations.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Virgo




The karma of your sign speaks of poor management of relationships, which includes the one you have with yourself, family, friends, and the environment. The first step is to assume that your ideas can differ from those of others. The main enemy to defeat is the need for acceptance, which sometimes leads you to indecision or to hide your true feelings (and ideas), to avoid hurting others or causing conflict.

Work on self-confidence, and be honest with yourself about what you want, and you will receive the same from your counterpart. In this way, you will obtain the much-desired balance of the scale.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Libra




Like Libra, Scorpio faces challenges related to relationships. In this case, it is about the exercise of power. It is necessary to exercise the understanding (harmonious) that relationships are not a game of impositions but a team effort with shared responsibilities.

Another important point is the fear of secrets from the past. Have confidence in your power of transformation, work on what you want to be and abandon what hurts you. Do not hesitate to ask for help if you need it; you do not have to carry the world on your shoulders alone.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Scorpio



For Sagittarius natives, the goal is to make peace with their beliefs (spiritual and personal), despite the disappointments they may have faced in that field.

It is not a reason to feel excluded or disenchanted, even if you lean towards skepticism or atheism. Face your decisions with optimism. Self-acceptance is one path to inner peace.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Sagittarius

See Also
emotional Intelligence Moon signs



The karmic challenge for the sons and daughters of Capricorn is to cultivate critical thinking beyond their attachment to the customs and norms of society. Recognize your right to dissent and listen to your inner voice.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Capricorn



Aquarius brings with it a strong tendency to rebel against what is imposed, contrary to Capricorn, so conflicts with figures of power, or what some consider “social order”, are not surprising.

It is necessary to cultivate empathy, understanding, and flexible thinking, to put oneself in the place of the other, without being overcome by the impulse to contradict at all costs, even without being right.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Aquarius




The karma of your sign is centered on learning to be the support (spiritual or emotional) of others, without it draining your energy and desire to live. You don’t need to be the perfect victim or the messiah of the world to connect with your spirituality or show compassion.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Pisces


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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day, ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.


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