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Tarot Astrology Forecast October 2023 for Each Zodiac Sign

Tarot Astrology Forecast October 2023 for Each Zodiac Sign

Tarot for October 2023

The Tarot Astrology Forecast October 2023 shows the Star Card’s influence and the energy of choice on the Zodiac Signs. Learn what the Tarotscope has to say specifically for your Sign.

Tarot Astrology Forecast October 2023


Tarotscope Advice for October: What you’ve sown, you will reap this month. The outcome will come from everything you’ve planted and want to improve. Believe it! Don’t embrace situations too tightly; it’s essential to remember yourself as well. Without time, you won’t be able to do what needs to be done. Ask for help from others if required, don’t be ashamed, but think of those you trust, as they can support you very well. Slowly but surely, the planets release energy, allowing us to jump-start new life phases after so many retrogrades.


Tarotscope October 2023 – The Chariot Card’s Influence on the Tarot Astrology Forecast October 2023 for Each Zodiac Sign

AriesTarot Astrology Forecast October 2023 – ARIES

TAROT CARD: Wheel of Fortune

Tarot Advice: Everything you’ve been fighting and striving for will have the expected result, and you will achieve what you desire. Now is not the time to give up! Breaks are welcome when tired, but don’t throw in the towel. Reflect and calm down, as there will be results after the effort. Don’t lose faith.

IN LOVE Singles: People always come into our lives, but don’t neglect your “garden” so the right people can walk through it. It’s time to take care of yourself a bit more and love yourself first. You matter!

In a Relationship: Pay attention to your loved one. Sometimes, you’re working too much or doing several things at once that you forget to dedicate time to your relationship. Talk, sit together for daily meals, or go out more often. Enjoy these little moments as a couple!

IN FINANCES Keep everything noted down and your bills up to date. Beware of excessive spending and look for some extra income to assist you financially. Everything well done, with persistence, yields results! It’s time to believe more in your potential and skills. Don’t forget to take breaks as well. Rest is always important.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Aries




Tarot Advice: Rethink some ideas that are going through your mind. It’s time to observe the details and focus on what’s already in motion. Better restructure things so that everything flows lightly but is also grounded. Don’t be afraid to dive into other matters. Don’t let fear hold you back. You can do it, as long as you’re responsible!

IN LOVE Singles: The past still affects you a bit, but if there was a breakup, it wasn’t meant to be. Give it time, take care of yourself, breathe, strengthen yourself, and do something positive with people who make you feel good. If you want, allow yourself to build something with someone. Enjoy the moment, especially with yourself.

In a Relationship: Pay more attention to your loved one. Better understand the conversation desires and each other, as this is very important. Allow yourselves to try new things. It will be worth it!

IN FINANCES Note down your expenses well so you don’t harm yourself. Recalculate some costs and organize others so you don’t run out of money. What can you do now to have extra income? What skills can you put into practice? How about something new? Think about it!

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Taurus



TAROT CARD: The Magician.

Tarot Advice: Don’t be shy or afraid to take the lead in some matters, as you know how to perform and, especially, communicate very well. Everything you desire and set in motion will come to you. Make it happen this month!

TAROT FOR OCTOBER IN LOVE Singles: Time to calm down a bit, okay? Sometimes, you might be looking for someone specific and end up getting involved with several people, but the moment calls for a pause. For those who are more relaxed and want to search for someone, go to places you like where people have the same vibe as you.

In a Relationship: This is a time to shake up the relationship a bit more. If you’ve been distant from your loved one, isn’t it time to understand and talk once and for all? Listen to the other person and listen to yourself, too. For things to change, you need to verbalize. Do fun things together, innovate, or resume activities from the beginning of the relationship.

IN FINANCES Things will get back on track for those going through a tough financial time. So get moving and do something you know you can perform, even if you have few “tools” at hand. Just don’t waste time standing still! Better control excessive spending.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Gemini



CancerTarot Astrology Forecast October 2023 – CANCER

TAROT CARD: The Chariot

Tarot Advice: Don’t cling to things that can harm you. Leave the past in the past, and don’t dwell on what’s already gone. This means you won’t be able to focus on things you really need to set in motion or on what’s wrong. Calm down and seek more peaceful moments, preferably in contact with nature. The presence of friends and family can also do you a lot of good!

IN LOVE Singles: Lamenting what’s gone can hurt you, but certain situations serve your own learning. Try to better observe what’s in your heart, its value, and to whom you’ll give it, okay? It’s time to take better care of yourself and talk to someone you can confide in.

In a Relationship: Pay more attention to your loved one. This doesn’t mean being overly attached; there needs to be a balance for everything to go well, and everyone needs some space. Change the routine, if possible, to have more moments together.

IN FINANCES Balance is everything in life. You don’t need to be stingy, nor spend too much. It’s necessary to manage this money responsibly. Use your knowledge and creativity to make this money grow!

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Cancer



TAROT CARD: The Strength

Tarot Advice: This is a favorable month to implement your ideas. Whatever you want to do, it’s worth trying. Don’t overthink. Of course, reflection is important, but now is the time to act. Don’t sit around waiting for things to fall from the sky. What do you want to do? Go for it! Everything tends to grow and take shape. Believe in it.

IN LOVE Singles: Take time to care for yourself, look at yourself, and love yourself first. Analyze what needs improvement, try again, and let things happen. Who do you want by your side? Go to places where you think you can find them. Allow yourself!

In a Relationship: Take a break to give more attention to your loved one, a gesture, a conversation, a chat about how the day went… Take some time to live these moments of companionship and lighten the weight of the days and stress on you both. Nothing is better than talking to the one you love to improve things!

IN FINANCES Keep a close eye on every expense so nothing is lacking this month. Control it a bit better, okay? It’s good to treat yourself, but try to organize better so that nothing gets out of control.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Leo



TAROT CARD: The Temperance

Tarot Advice: Whatever you do and propose to do, do it well! Don’t doubt thinking you can’t achieve what’s been handed to you, as you have the capability. Try and allow yourself to look beyond. Seek alternatives within your reach. Divide or delegate tasks so you don’t get too tired and neglect what you really need to do. This will also be a very good month for the organization.

IN LOVE Singles: Stay calm and grounded when it comes to love. For some, the secret is to open up more. Just observing without taking action won’t get you anywhere! Live in the present and bring lightness to your heart – try to heal from past wounds. Don’t get involved with multiple people simultaneously to avoid getting hurt and, importantly, not hurting others.

In a Relationship: Pay attention to some of your actions. Nothing will change if you remain stagnant, so you must act! Reflect on your actions and those of your loved one, talk naturally, and look for alternatives to do something different together.

IN FINANCES Put ideas into practice, moving them from just ideas or paper, as they can be excellent alternatives and assist you in many matters. You already have the knowledge, so allow yourself and believe in your abilities!

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Virgo



LibraTarot Astrology Forecast October 2023 – LIBRA

TAROT CARD: The High Priestess

Tarot Advice: Regardless of what has happened or may happen, don’t forget about yourself first. Do what you love and pay attention to various aspects. Don’t get down. This is a month to reverse that energy. Follow your intuition more, listen to what your heart says, and stay grounded. Let the tide calm and leave behind what doesn’t serve you, transforming your thoughts. Don’t let doubts get in the way. Believe that you can achieve what you desire!

IN LOVE Singles: Now is not the time to put obstacles in your way and dwell on the past; it’s time to lift your head and bounce back. Of course, it’s harder to put this into practice when the energy isn’t the best, but you need to let go of the past for things to flow better from now on. Allow yourself to feel something new.

In a Relationship: Pay more attention to your loved one. If you’re giving too much attention to the other and forgetting about yourself, it’s time to better observe these issues. Be careful not to neglect your love. Create pleasant moments together. Tip: surprise each other. The energy is favorable this month.

IN FINANCES Be careful with excessive spending, and closely monitor these issues. Gifts and outings are always welcome but calculated so as not to interfere with other aspects. Listen to your intuition and look beyond! If you’re looking for work, use your creativity and artistic side. Look for opportunities where you have experiences to offer or where you feel comfortable learning. Don’t be afraid! New skills bring great knowledge and more opportunities for us.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Libra



TAROT CARD: The Emperor

Tarot Advice: Even though you feel you have great things in your hands, at the same time, you feel you have nothing. Achievements come, but you still feel down – in an “up and down” cycle. But look beyond. Celebrate the small victories! You’re on another level, and paths will always emerge ahead. Do something different, dare! You have everything in your hands, like great ideas, willpower, and people to assist you, so it’s time not to feel down but to do what needs to be done responsibly.

IN LOVE Singles: Focus more on what you desire, especially if you want something serious. Show your intentions and goals, and keep your promises to not upset the person you’re getting to know – this way, they’ll feel secure with you.

In a Relationship: Make the most of moments with your loved one. Staying the same can wear out the relationship a bit. So, do something together, like trips or connecting with nature, which can help recharge the couple’s batteries. Do things you haven’t done before; adventures are valid for this month.

IN FINANCES Seek alternatives, if you find it interesting, to earn extra income. Add a special touch to creativity; don’t look in just one direction. Look at the whole picture, as it can help you! Don’t get discouraged if things are complicated right now. Doing something on the side can assist you!

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Scorpio



TAROT CARD: The Hermit

Tarot Advice: Spend more moments with yourself this month. You do so many things that you end up forgetting about yourself. You get so tired that it seems your battery has run out. So, take some time for yourself and do things you enjoy! Meditate, spend more moments in contact with nature, and clear your mind. Examine what’s doing you good and what’s worth it. Only do things that make you feel good.

IN LOVE Singles: Open up more to love — even if you want to close off, try to allow yourself. Give yourself some time, if necessary, but don’t get discouraged, as many good things are coming. Just try not to jump from one relationship to another. Otherwise, the cycle repeats, okay? Evaluate some issues within yourself first and then move forward.

In a Relationship: Listen more to your loved one and try not to be too stubborn, as it hinders the relationship. Of course, you should evaluate what’s valid for you, too, but listening to the other, being clear, and tying up loose ends will help you both strengthen as a couple. Don’t be closed off; have healthy conversations and express your feelings. Relationships are beautiful exchanges, so do your part and see how things improve between you!

IN FINANCES Holding onto money or not paying what needs to be paid can harm you. Pay attention to these issues! It’s time to establish better financial control and, if necessary, find temporary extra income to assist you. Sometimes, an opportunity is already offered to you, so observe and allow yourself.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Sagittarius



CapricornTarot Astrology Forecast October 2023 – CAPRICORN


See Also

Tarot Advice: Don’t get attached to the little things, detach more from superficialities, and assert yourself when necessary. This way, everything will resolve itself. Overthinking won’t solve anything. Enjoy moments with more lightness, relax, and do something to de-stress. Don’t get too attached to material matters, okay? Some are important, but look for other activities and change focus.

IN LOVE Singles: Let go of the past. It’s no longer relevant! Lift your head and move on, no matter how hard it is. Don’t get too attached to people. Proceed with more tranquility to not scare them so you don’t get hurt. Always be truthful!

In a Relationship: Don’t be too clingy with the one you love, as it can scare or demotivate them in the relationship. Give the necessary space to the other person and to yourself as well. Excessive jealousy is harmful. Always verbalize a relationship needs to flow smoothly and calmly.

IN FINANCES Make the most of the money you’ve saved. It’s a favorable period to move a bit more, do things you like, treat yourself, or gift someone. Traveling, going out more, etc., are also good options. Those facing financial issues might see alternatives that can multiply their money. Reflect and use creativity! With honesty and wisdom, you’ll be able to transform these matters.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Capricorn



TAROT CARD: The Empress

Tarot Advice: What’s the point of confining ourselves to an aquarium when we have an ocean before us? Don’t be trapped by thoughts, the past, or regrets. Isn’t it time to leave everything behind? Move forward, allow yourself to experience the new this month. Find the balance for everything to flow. Avoid arguments, addictions, and certain thoughts, as they can hurt you even more. Phrase for this month:

“Look at the ocean in front of me. Shall we explore it?”

IN LOVE Singles: Stop lamenting over past relationships. As hard as it may be, don’t feel guilty. As sad as it is, unfortunately, everyone has their choices. So, shall we allow ourselves to embrace the new? Take care of yourself, and prioritize yourself without offending others. Embrace those who come into your life. Everyone is different! Don’t be too hard on yourself. Let things flow.

In a Relationship: Be more present in your relationship. Just gifts won’t solve everything, okay? Of course, they’re great, but being there is also important. Inject more feelings into the relationship, treat your partner with the tenderness of a new relationship — how about reviving some things?

IN FINANCES Be careful with addictions and impulsive spending. Treating yourself is good, but be wary of excesses: too much of anything is harmful. Unless your finances are in good shape, enjoy! The period is favorable even for trips but control your expenses well to avoid setbacks.

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Aquarius




Tarot Advice: This month, focus on yourself and your desires; take action and believe! Despite daily battles, don’t get discouraged or give up. Use your creativity extensively. Avoid procrastination, as postponing won’t solve anything — quite the opposite. Get rid of what’s keeping you awake as soon as possible; everything can be resolved quickly, so move forward!

IN LOVE Singles: Change your focus on certain points, whether they are thoughts or actions. Don’t think you have a “cursed touch,” okay? Otherwise, you’ll attract what you don’t want and likely repeat similar cycles. Look in “other directions” or at other issues. Don’t confine yourself too much; stop and feel what you desire, ask the universe or your belief. A higher power always listens, so know how to ask, and it will deliver.

In a Relationship, Things can become more harmonious. You both can understand each other better through honest conversations. Express your feelings and articulate them well. Show what you want to build with this person. Everything tends to grow and flow, so don’t forget to “focus” on each other when together, without distractions.

IN FINANCES Having better control over money regarding expenses can calm down and bring positivity to increase prosperity. Nothing comes to us alone; also, use your ideas and creativity to help you with extra income. Precious thought tip: “Everything I spend comes back to me double and goes double to the commerce I supported.”

Click here to read your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscope for Pisces



To learn more about the connection between Tarot and Astrology, read Major Arcana of the Tarot and the Signs of the Zodiac


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Click the image to read the Daily/Weekly/Monthly Horoscope for your Zodiac Sign.

Daily Horoscope Aries Taurus Gemini
Aries Taurus Gemini
Cancer Leo Virgo
Cancer Leo Virgo
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius
Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Capricorn Aquarius Pisces



About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day, ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.


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