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Pam Gregory: The Astrology of New Earth

Pam Gregory: The Astrology of New Earth

Pam Gregory

Pam Gregory’s journey with astrology spans an impressive 45 years, a path driven by her deep passion for aiding others. She sees astrology as a profound and sacred language of geometry and meaning that helps us to see the bigger picture.  Her interest lies in seeing astrology in the context of our spiritual journey and how new astrological discoveries expand our view of our life on Earth.

An Interview with Pam Gregory: The Astrology of New Earth

Interview by Sandie Sedgbeer



With so much chaos and negative news filling the headlines, it’s not always easy to remember who we are and the bigger picture of humanity’s true purpose and potential. Distraction can be a powerful tool in the hands of those with vested interests in fomenting fear, anxiety, and destabilization. But if there’s one reliable source of information about what’s going on behind all the current distractions, it is astrology. Sandie Sedgbeer sat down with internationally renowned astrologer Pam Gregory to discuss the bigger picture behind what’s currently unfolding, why the energy of 2024 is going to be quite different than 2023, how the astrology will be supporting us in our continuing awakening, expanding our knowledge and experience of infinite multidimensional nature, and our ultimate move towards unity.

To watch the full interview with Pam Gregory by Sandie Sedgbeer on What Is Going OM on OMTimes Radio and TV, click the player below.


Pam Gregory: The Astrology of New Earth

SANDIE SEDGBEER: Pam. You have said that 2024 is going to be a historic year. We’re in for a very exciting time; there’s going to be a lot of light coming our way, and time is going to warp and speed up. Tell us more about this.

PAM GREGORY: Yes. I’ve always said that it wasn’t going to take years and years of linear time to solve all the problems we have in the world. And I knew it had something to do with the light. But I never know the specific events or experiences with astrology. And time is also beginning to warp—Saturn in Pisces = the dissolution of linear time. It’s speeding up; we’ll have more and more lapses in time as we shift towards the light body. We will get an awful lot of news about the ‘out there’—the cosmos, the galaxies, the galactic beings, and as you well know, we are galactic beings as well. We’re going to be meeting our galactic families. Our air travel method will be completely revolutionized in the next few years, and we will also hear a lot about ‘out there’ in terms of space travel. So it is very exciting.



SANDIE SEDGBEER: All the billionaires are jumping on the ‘Let’s send rockets to and colonize Mars’ platforms.

PAM GREGORY: And as long as this is done with altruism in mind and for the highest good of all, then fantastic. If it’s not… you know our timelines are going to be very self-selecting. One of the ways you can categorize them is to say, ‘Are we acting as Service to Self or Service to Others?’ Because that’s going to be one of the big divides in timelines going forward. And nobody forces you on to any timeline, you self-select them depending on your frequency.


SANDIE SEDGBEER: Also, more and more cosmologists, physicists, and scientists are now sharing what they know about consciousness.

PAM GREGORY: Yes. Absolutely. And consciousness eventually becomes an inescapable ingredient of quantum. Physics. You can’t get away from that, and I’m seeing more parallels between Buddhism and quantum physics with consciousness slap bang in the middle to link the two.

I am deep down rabbit holes right now. In fact, I had a bit of a download about ten minutes before we hopped on here, Sandie. The question that has always driven my work for years is ‘how do we create our reality?’ Once we understand that, we become incredibly empowered co-creators in our world instead of victim consciousness being buffeted by the nightly news when we just leak and scatter our power. So this is something I’m fierce about. I have a laser grip on that question, so that’s leading me down some interesting rabbit holes right now.


SANDIE SEDGBEER: Can you share any of those downloads yet?

PAM GREGORY: Yes. I’ve been brought to tears this afternoon because several people have written to me about the many projects they’re starting up worldwide. Two sisters wrote to me this afternoon about a particular project in Spain. And they got inspired with my hashtag #lookwhatlovebuilt. They are hacking out from Wildland, a community, for the greater good. And I was brought to tears because they were inspired by #lookwhatlovebuilt as opposed to moaning and groaning about the state of the world.



And these choices at this time in history… we in this group have chosen to incarnate because we are the cycle breakers, the trailblazers, the bridge builders of New Earth, and it’s going so fast.

Nothing is more important than us raising our consciousness because the universe, as Professor Robert Temple has talked about, is one consciousness; it’s interconnected. So therefore, if we can raise our individual consciousness, by definition, because we’re fractals of that, we have to raise the collective consciousness, and that is the way we get beyond the hamster wheel of horrors – the war, the death, the disease, the poverty…

More and more, I think we want to turn inwards, to find that place of stillness and peace from where we know we create our reality. If you just do this as a really simple experiment in your own life, if you have a challenging relationship or job circumstance, or whatever it is, send love to that situation.

Also, do something like the Hawaiian Ho’oponopono forgiveness prayer, which you can find online and learn in five minutes. I have literally laughed out loud at the effect that had in terms of what I thought was an intractable situation where you think I can’t logic my way out of this, so I’m going to roll the Ho’oponopono prayer like a mantra and direct it to the person, the circumstance, the situation.

It’s incredible how that stuck situation dissolves if you do it enough.

I certainly feel – and I know many people do – that we’re not going to solve the horrors in the world with an ‘out there’ focus. A few years ago, when I started writing my newsletters, I was almost obsessed with current affairs – what was happening worldwide. So, I would always review the previous month and get the proof of the pudding of astrology.

Now, I still care enormously about the horrors in the world, but I know that I am not going to solve them with an ‘out there’ focus. I am going to solve them with an ‘in here’ focus. It’s not to say that you become a hermit, but you become more aware of the core, the center of the ignition point of how you create your reality.



SANDIE SEDGBEER: You have said that people are contacting you and asking, ‘How would I know if my consciousness is changing?’ Jude Currivan says that consciousness is not what we have; it’s what we are. Pure consciousness. That’s it. So, how would you know if that’s changed? Just look within.

PAM GREGORY: Yes. 100 percent. And more and more, I just think we are pure light. Physicists know we are 99.99999% empty space, recurring to about 10 nines. So, it is a tiny piece of matter, but as Einstein would say, this constant illusion is very persistent, an illusion of tangibility and solidity. It’s all about the frequency. The energy, the light. It’s all about that. I think we’re going to develop a new vocabulary and a new understanding of what this universe is and what we are made of.


SANDIE SEDGBEER: Another thing that’s been filtering into the consciousness is the phrase “new human.” Everybody is suddenly talking about the new human and how this is who we are becoming. Certainly, the people I know who are working with the autistic nonverbal population say they are the prototype for the new humans. Their frequency is different, and that is why they find it hard to interact on this 3D plane.

PAM GREGORY: Yes. The children are remarkable. Their understanding of the galaxy and science; how did they learn all that at such a young age? I mean, youth will represent leadership going forward. Not in this old-fashioned, top-down, telling-us-what-to-do way. But simply by being visionaries, progressives, and innovators. I’ve often referred to that wonderful chap, Boyan Slat, who is the CEO of the nonprofit organization called The Ocean Cleanup. He’s got volunteers worldwide and is dedicated to cleaning up 99% of the floating plastic pollution in all our oceans and seas. I mean, how incredible is that? He’s not making money from this; he just wants to help the earth. And so do all the young people around him. And that’s how it’s going to work in the future.



SANDIE SEDGBEER: When you and I first spoke a few years ago, we talked about something Jim Self had told me a long time ago: We would learn more about astrology and what it can do for us than anybody ever thought. And that is beginning to emerge now. With what you said earlier about believing light will move us forward, is astrology pointing to anything else?

PAM GREGORY: I think that what is going to be discovered – and this is almost going back to Pythagorean harmony of the spheres – is that every orbiting body has a particular frequency. They are creating music out there in the cosmos. It’s almost like our birth chart is a symphony for us, created by the planetary frequencies and that particular geometry at the moment of our birth. It will never be repeated in history again. That’s why each of us is so special.

But with the longer-range telescopes, we’re discovering this whole new level of planets called the Kuiper belt objects, the dwarf planets, and the symbolism of those is really representing a higher level of consciousness for us, which has less to do with our individual personalities and more to do with this collective frequency of love coming forwards.

That’s why I’m so excited by those; they represent humanity’s new frontier. Although they’re very slow-moving – with a fast-moving planet, you can get a lot of information from an individual’s chart in a short period as well because Jupiter moves quickly, Mars moves quickly – but with the Kuiper belt objects, because mostly they’re all just about 300 years, it takes us longer to get information. Nevertheless, people who have these four planets conjunct their planets or angles prominently are stepping forward in remarkable ways to break the mold of what we’ve known and had. And that becomes incredibly exciting. It’s happening very fast, and it’s all about the frequency.


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SANDIE SEDGBEER: I love what you said about the music because that means we are just one wonderful orchestra.

PAM GREGORY: Yeah, Pythagoras was right.



SANDIE SEDGBEER: You’ve been involved in astrology for around 45 years. So, your understanding of it and what it can do must have evolved over that period. Are you finding that your understanding of it is escalating now?

PAM GREGORY: That’s a great question. I’ve felt that very strongly recently; I want to go beyond the astrology I’ve worked with for many decades, the bread-and-butter planets. And I haven’t quite crystalized or can’t quite articulate where that’s going to take me. I will always use astrology as my language, but I want to go beyond it because there’s still this sense with people of, ‘What are the planets doing to us? It’s fated.’ ‘I come to an astrologer because I’m anxious and worried about what Saturn or Pluto is doing to me.’

This is just modeling clay for you to create your reality. So we’ve got to turn that around from being fated to you stepping into playing your unique sheet of music magnificently.

So, I’m trying to go beyond it in a way I haven’t fully grasped yet. I’m slightly in limbo with this at the moment, but I know it’s linked to the dwarf planets and quantum physics, and to some extent, I think it’s linked to Buddhism and its simplicity.

People always ask me, ‘What’s your ritual or ceremony?’ Well, it’s throwing sticks in the stream for my neighbor’s dog, where all the dragonflies are. You know, I’m a proud bumpkin. And possibly, it’s that simple. And I say that with pride because I think it could be the simplicity that makes anything I say reasonably accessible. It’s trying to make it not complicated because then it’s useful.


Continue to Page 2 of the Interview with Pam Gregory


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