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Consciousness and The Metaphysics of Individuality

Consciousness and The Metaphysics of Individuality

The Metaphysics of Individuality explores expanding consciousness, love as a unifying force, and the coexistence of individuality within divine unity.

The Metaphysics of Individuality and the Expansion of Consciousness



The Universe has shouted itself alive. We are one of the shouts.

Ray Bradbury


When “God” created the world, He first created emptiness to fill the void, and everything that exists comes from within the Divine mind of Our Creator, which is inside Himself/herself and is part of Him.

I will repeat what I said, as it helps us understand.

The Creator externalized what existed within Him/Her (the field of pure potentiality), which was part of Him/Her, which is us and everything that exists or will exist one day.

However, to exist as separate entities, which gives us the notion of ourselves, we need to acknowledge that there is a void around everyone and everything, which is the individual void.

This void distinguishes and gives the illusionary notion of living beings separate from the Divine Creator of All.

All is divine, all is God, and unity is divinity.

Sathya Sai Baba


The Power of Spiritual Experiences

On the path of expanding consciousness, we enter a field of experiential encounters and occurrences designed to challenge preconceptions and old points of view. These experiences can give us a different perspective and the realization that there is no separation and that we are all connected.

Mystical experiences, in which we see ourselves as part of everything and everything as part of us, are perceptions that allow ourselves to of seeing things not as separate from everything but as part of the divine Mind of God.

Some beliefs from India, like Hinduism and Buddhism, have different ideas about life and what happens after we die. Hinduism says we come from God and will go back to Him. Buddhism, on the other hand, thinks that we will eventually blend into everything around us.

Our notion of ourselves, our individuality, can only exist because there is an individual void around us, which exists around everything, from planets to stars to atoms and cells.

Thanks to that, we see these things as separate, not as part of everything. God also has the void around Him, which distinguishes Him from everything. But suppose everyone has the individual void, including planets, more evolved beings, and God, who is greater than everything that exists. In that case, we will never lose our individuality.

Still, through our Mystical experiences, our consciousness will increase and go beyond ourselves, transcending the individual void. We will have the notion of the Whole, just as well as the notion of ourselves, and this is the expansion of consciousness, which is going beyond our individual void.

Some religious, spiritual, and mystical currents seek the expansion of consciousness, which is this notion of the Whole, which brings fulfillment and very pleasant feelings. These experiences usually occur in practices of meditation and prayers.



Universe Beyond Human Limits

With spiritual evolution, our consciousness expands beyond ourselves and our individual void.

Thus, the limitless absolute and individuality can and will coexist. As the more evolved beings also have individuality, but also a great feeling and experience of expanded consciousness, this shows that we will never lose our individuality, and this differs from what some spiritual schools believe, like Buddhism, which believes that reality is only life with the expansion of consciousness.

But it is by working on self-knowledge, which is an amplified awareness of ourselves that has to do with individuality, that our consciousness expands.


Love as the essential element of Consciousness

We are one species. We are star stuff.

Carl Sagan


Many people have developed consciousness and do not know it.

Still, it brings compassion and empathy, which are ways of going beyond ourselves and beyond our individual void. Love is something that makes us go beyond ourselves and is linked to the expansion of consciousness.

Love connects us to everything and links people to each other, and those who live too much for themselves end up being very alone without realizing it because they do not connect to others, and this is selfishness.

The energy of Divine love connects atoms in systemic structures like the solar system, with the planets being part of it, not to mention the most obvious. Divine love unites people, and among them, we will elect someone special to us, our love partner.

See Also

The presence of this person becomes very good and greatly appreciated.

Consciousness that goes beyond itself is consciousness that goes beyond the individual void, that is, expanded awareness.

Everything has its void, and for things to function, the void reflects on the outside and inside what exists inside the void, which is full of things. If the void did not reflect, everything would empty into it.

Our notion of spirituality is to go toward love, toward the Whole, the expansion of consciousness. Love leads us to” the other”.

God, or the Divine infinite Mind, created various levels of consciousness in different stages of development. These living and conscious beings are “deities” that radiate God’s energies to everything that exists. These deities live within God and radiate their energies, creating, developing, maintaining, and changing all reality.  Everything that is designed (Created)  and uncreated inside the limitless field of Possibility inside the Mind of God is considered Cosmic energies; like Sagan said once, “we really are star stuff”.



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About the Author

Ageless Wisdom Institute is a Soul Service-Oriented Initiative of Cathedral of the Soul and Humanity Healing International. The Institute was created as a multilevel educational platform encompassing an Esoteric School of Ageless Wisdom and a Mystical Seminary, especially intended for Old Souls, Mature hearts, and Spiritual and Conscious seekers.

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