Five Ways To Live Life Without The Rulebook
Life can be pretty amazing once you throw out the rulebook. Once you stop doing things because you’re supposed to, and instead, you decide with your heart and your soul about what’s truly suitable for you and your journey.
Time to Throw Away the Rulebook
by Kate Rose
Here are five ways you can live life without the rulebook.
Live Life Without The Rulebook #1 – Be weird. No, really. Let that freak flag fly.
Personally, I spent the better part of my teenage years and young adulthood unsuccessfully trying to blend in with everyone else. It was done in many ways, whether it was with music, clothing, pastimes.
I erroneously assumed that my value was measured based on the ability to blend in. Boy, did I have it wrong? It’s incredible how much easier it becomes to throw the rulebook out after you hit thirty, and I couldn’t be happier I did. I am a weird freaky self. An artist, yogi, hippy burning incense loving fancy drink making, and lover of life. The best part? Through the years, I have the close friends I do now because I embrace my weirdness, and they love me for exactly who I am.
Live Life Without The Rulebook #2 – Screw Fear.
Seriously. Fear is there in your head, reminding you of all the times things didn’t work, all the times you were hurt or felt rejection, or the disapproving stares of people who don’t really matter. Honestly, there is no other way to live life. Apply for that new job; call that friend you haven’t talked to in a while; say you’re sorry and move on, and that particular lover you can’t stop thinking about? Let them know you love them. Fear is the limit that holds you back from your greatness. Don’t let this stop you and try anyway. You never know how amazing life can be until you actually give it a try.
Live Life Without The Rulebook #3 – Listen to your heart. People are complicated, and the right thing may not make sense.
We feel that good isn’t good enough many times, and sometimes even sound can be wrong. Our heads are destined to mess us up. There may not be a logical reason you should take that new job, why you should end that relationship, or why you feel drawn to someone. But there will be those moments through your head can’t figure out that you need to give up control to your heart. Let your heart lead you, and you’ll never be led astray.
Live Life Without The Rulebook #4 – Live for the moment in this fast-paced society.
We can order take-out, find a date and book a vacation all within five minutes without ever getting dressed or leaving your bed. It’s hard to slow down and live in the present moment. Many of us get up and go to jobs we are supposed to or live our daily activities because we are supposed to. We forget about living in the moment, about finding joy every day. Living in the moment doesn’t mean dropping off the grid and living in a cabin in the woods, although no judgment if you do. But it’s more about a way of living life.
Start your day imagining your car is a spaceship as you drop your kids off at school. When meeting friends for dinner or drinks in the evening, making up fun-themed parties.
Plan picnics in the middle of the living room.
Roast marshmallows in the fireplace.
Relaxing in a candlelit lavender-scented bath.
A life well-lived is a life where even the small moments become memorable. You don’t need a private jet or unlimited funds to make this happen, just a little imagination and a desire to make every moment count.
Live Life Without The Rulebook #5 – Make Love.
Make a lot of it; every day. This is by far my favorite. Move through your day as if each movement is a precursor to sex, to your lover touching you. Make yourself feel beautiful, whether that means dreads or a polished bob; a pencil skirt, or tye-dye, whatever is attractive for you, and own it. Feel the movement in your body as you walk or the way your eyes sparkle when you’re talking about something you are passionate about.
Make love to every moment of your day; embrace your sexuality and the infinite pleasure that it brings. Live for bringing joy to your lover, and don’t be afraid to bring happiness to yourself.
It is one of the greatest gifts of being a soul in a physical body. We can feel the touch of ice sliding down our skin or a feather being danced upon our back. Also, we feel the way the hair along your neck stands up when your lover whispers into your ear. Life is meant for love, so live it up, and get down—every damn day.
Amazingly, we find time for once we stop doing what we think we are supposed to do. So, why not call out of work today, surprise your lover, and go on an adventure! Make every moment count.
After all, it’s the journey, not the destination, which matters the most.
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About the Author
Artist, Free thinker, Lover, Writer, Passionate Yogi, Teacher, Mother, Rule Breaker, and Rebel; Kate Rose usually can be found walking barefoot between worlds with the dreams of stars still hanging in her hair while swaying her hips to the music of love. She wakes each morning with the excitement of a new day waiting to unfold at her feet; she truly believes the best is yet to be and waits with bated breath to see what it may hold.
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