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Universal Individuals Arise!

Universal Individuals Arise!

Universal Individuals

The world needs “universal individuals” who can think globally.

Calling Universal Individuals – It’s Time to Arise!

by Barbara Ann Briggs



Universal individuals naturally pledge their allegiance to the whole world’s family.

Already some multitudes work to advance their own selfish interests. They don’t consider the negative consequences of their actions on others. The world needs individuals committed to preventing injustice, exploitation, and inequality of opportunities for any human being. Such individuals are committed to supporting all human beings’ development irrespective of their race, religion, caste, or political affiliations.

There is an urgent need in the world to expand our vision beyond the narrow boundaries of nationalism so that our individual interests encompass the whole world’s interests. It is time for us to recognize that the world is one interconnected global family. The latest scientific experiments in quantum field theory confirm that the universe is one vast interconnected web of pulsating energy that is constantly being influenced by every thought, word, and action of everyone on this planet.

Our thoughts and feelings are continually sending out ripples into the infinitely dynamic vibratory ocean of existence. These individual ripples oscillate in the scintillating fabric of life and interact on a subtle level with all beings’ lives on the planet. We cannot gauge the influence we are having or the far-reaching effects of our actions. Therefore, we must move in an evolutionary direction that serves all life’s interests everywhere.


Universal Individuals – A Common Bond

Such “universal individuals” will spontaneously have the ability to see beyond the artificial classifications which separate human beings from each other. The differences between ideologies, cultures, and traditions will not overshadow the awareness of the common bond shared by the whole world family. Such individuals will comprehend the indissoluble link between their individual progress and the progress of society, the nation, and the world. Only such people will inspire a lasting transformation in the dangerous fragmented clash of cultures evident in the world today.

The only solution is to work together toward a harmonious, peaceful world in which every nation transmits a nourishing influence to every other nation. We have to grow together and prosper together by helping each other in an atmosphere of mutual trust and benevolence. We can learn to integrate those elements from other cultures that elevate and enhance our nation’s strength and intelligence and eliminate those influences that can be potentially harmful. We must learn to look beneath the surface differences between cultures, religions, and nationalities to find the common thread of our humanity.



The perception of the interconnection of every living being weaves life into a multi-colored pattern of integrated wholeness. This is the vision so vital in today’s world. Segregation, isolationism, the psychology of “me and mine” is outdated today; it must be replaced by the awareness of “our planet, our world, our shared interests, our global family.” Only then can we safeguard the future and ensure that our children can enjoy an affluent world rich in harmony, happiness, health, and fulfillment.


Conflicts Based on Ignorance

The conflicts, disagreements, and disharmony prevalent in the world are all based on ignorance. In the state of ignorance, the awareness of differences predominates, overshadowing the awareness of the inherent underlying unity of life. By focusing on the differences, the mind with a narrow vision erects artificial barriers between people. These barriers actually divide life from itself. Such an over-emphasis on differences is caused by deeply rooted stresses in the collective consciousness of a nation.


Universal Individuals – The Vision of a Higher Truth

When the mind of the individuals in society expands beyond boundaries and the collective consciousness of a nation is purified, the narrow limitations of vision are replaced by the vision of a higher truth, an awareness of the common thread of life that interconnects all living beings everywhere.

The Vedic literature contains the exhortation: “Vasudaiva Kutumbakum” – The world is my family. Every Vedic ritual contains prayers for the well-being, health, and happiness of the whole world. The Kalyan Prathana says: “May all become auspicious; may all attain peace; may all achieve perfection; may all be blessed.” The natural propensity to pray for the good of all people everywhere is a trait of truly spiritual culture. When the priceless wisdom contained in the Vedic tradition of knowledge is fully enlivened in the hearts and minds of the people, India has the potential to become a lighthouse in the family of nations.



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About the Author

Barbara Ann Briggs is a Transcendental Meditation teacher, a poet, and the author of Pilgrimage on the Path of Love, a novel of visionary fiction available on Amazon. For more information on her books, visit her website:


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