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The First Return of Saturn

The First Return of Saturn

Return of Saturn

The Return of Saturn is an astrology topic that is greatly feared and misunderstood by many people. This is because it happens in the period that goes more or less from 28 to 30 years. At this time of our lives, Saturn has been completing an entire revolution around the Sun since the moment of our birth. That is, it returns to the same region of the sky in our Natal Chart, hence the name “return” of Saturn. It’s as if we were completing a year of life on that planet. But what can we expect from this moment of life?

Becoming a Mature Soul: The First Return of Saturn



“Unlike beauty and loveliness that fades with the passing of time, nothing and no one can ever take our wisdom and inner strength away from us.”

~ Dipa Sanatani, The Little Light


In Astrology, each planet represents a spiritual force within us. Saturn is a great teacher who brings growth lessons to our lives. Although he is not a sweet and gentle teacher – in fact, Saturn is best understood as a rigid teacher who always pushes his students and demands the most from them, he does not settle for less because he knows our potential is so much greater – and he will not accept it. Less of us. So, when we arrive at our Saturn Return, it’s as if he’s come close to evaluate us and help us grow. What have we done so far in these 3 decades of existence? Do we create solid or fragile foundations? This is the time when our lives start to take definite shape, and we realize that everything we’ve lived through so far was just a training session for the real life that is about to begin. It’s time to grow up and take responsibility for ourselves. Saturn Return is the time when we are challenged to become the best version of ourselves.

The keyword for this phase is maturity. That’s when all our illusions fall apart. Saturn is that friend who tells us the hard truths no one dares to say. Everything that is empty or meaningless in our lives will fall. As it is a time of maturation, it can be quite difficult. But, as it is in times of crisis, we can learn and change. And this is Saturn’s great gift to us in his return: he gives us the opportunity to change our life to seek what really gives meaning to them.



Contrary to what many people think, this phase does not only bring negative experiences. It is also the time to reap the fruits of our efforts, of everything in which we invest our energy. Saturn brings us those gifts that only time and patience can provide. We must understand this moment as the end of one cycle for the beginning of another. A period of inner renewal.

Our solar system is fantastically bizarre. There are worlds with features we never imagined. Storms larger than planets, moons with under-surface oceans, lakes of methane, worldlets that swap places…and that’s just at Saturn.

~ Phil Plait


Hence, no one needs to fear the Return of Saturn – though no one will pass through it unscathed. This is the time to ask deeper questions about who we are and evaluate our history. A pause to contemplate the path we have followed so far so that we can then choose where to go. Saturn brings us this intermediate moment of looking back but also looking forward. It’s true that his questions can be uncomfortable. He’s sure to make us look at the issues in life that we prefer to ignore – but that’s only how our experience as human beings can make sense.

With the harsh lessons of this strict teacher, we can learn to be kind and kind to our history. For very carefree people, Saturn will teach discipline and rigor; for people who demand too much, he will show the way of compassion. It’s time to find your inner balance. So many people say that life doesn’t begin until after thirty: this new life is Saturn’s gift to us.


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About the Author

Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.


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