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2023 Sagittarius Full Moon Astrology Forecast

2023 Sagittarius Full Moon Astrology Forecast

2023 Sagittarius Full Moon

2023 Sagittarius Full Moon – June 4, 2023

8:41 PM PDT / 11:41 EDT / 3:41 AM GMT

13 Gemini 17 / 13 Sagittarius 17

2023 Sagittarius Full Moon



To listen to Astrologer Kathy Biehl discuss the 2023 Sagittarius Full Moon Astrology Forecast, click the player below.


Boundless as the sky, boundless as the great outdoors, boundless as a scholar’s curiosity, boundless as a wildfire – such are the scope of emotions and dramas blazing under the 2023 Sagittarius Full Moon.

Sagittarius is generally a philosophical yet fun-loving sign, more inclined to theorize and laugh (and run away) than express (or admit to) feelings. The sign’s ruler Jupiter encourages going over the top, but this Moon doesn’t need Jupiter’s help; the lineup gives plenty of co-conspirators in that regard. Ironically, it’s Jupiter that is contributing stability to this event.

The over-the-top passions come from a wide grand trine in fire from the Moon to Mars in Leo and Chiron in Aries. Mars, the cosmic first responder, and ruler of our drive, delivers the motivation and courage to push ourselves forward and extend our protection to others. He has enhanced philosophical fighter potential from a conjunction with the asteroid Pallas Athena. She’s exactly trine both the Moon and Chiron and contributes strategy and playing the long game. In the sign ruled by Mars, Chiron inflames the lineup with impulsive anger, aggression, and wounded or toxic masculinity.


2023 Sagittarius Full Moon – The Fire of Passion

Fiery passions run from one point of the trine to the other, stoking dramas into roaring fires, sparking reactions from wounded places, and encouraging fighting for our beliefs (politics, anyone?), taking a big-picture approach and bolting.

The fire is subject to a tempering influence, the grounding cord that is the Gemini Sun. Opposite the Moon and sextile to Mars and Chiron, it is diffusing – or defusing – them through the mind, through words, and through a multiplicity of perspectives and possibilities. Partnerships and agreements waft through the chatter via the Sun’s conjunction with the asteroid Juno, protector of marriage. Practical considerations (especially financial) have sway, too, with the Moon’s inconjunct with Mercury and Uranus in Taurus. That link calls for adjustments in escalating emotions and in what we’re thinking and communicating.



Pulled in by his proximity to Mercury, Uranus is shooting startling, innovative concepts into the equation, but he and they, are not as disruptive as they have been for much of the recent past. The cosmic agent of radical change is no longer dancing tightly with the Full Moon, as he did from September through April. We’re in the aftermath, with thinking and perspectives freed from earlier constraints and awakening to possibilities that fit new conditions.

Jupiter is also reining in the Moonfire with awareness of real-world impact – and enlisting the fire for real-world expansion. The great benefactor is only two weeks in the earthy, resource-oriented sign of Taurus. Instead of lolling about in nature, it’s forcibly tilling the soil for our future. Jupiter is firmly planted in fertile terrain that’s fated to flourish, shown by the planet’s conjunction with the North Node. The pair, and the ground they occupy, are getting worked over by two forces of action, coming at the earth-bound pair in aspects that themselves demand action. Jupiter and the Node are the focus of a t-square from Mars in Leo and Pluto in Aquarius, pitting individual expression against communal evolution and forcing focused but exponential growth in money and physical resources, comfort, and pleasures.


2023 Sagittarius Full Moon – What to Expect?

As the ground of the future is being tilled, it also has access to water, which could work its way deep below the surface. Jupiter and the North Node are sextile Saturn in Pisces, offering the potential to dampen the fire (accented by the Moon’s wide square to Saturn) and soften material issues with maturity, compassion, and guidance from a higher source.

The bottom line? Even in good-time Sagittarius, emotional flare-ups are likely. Fighting over beliefs is likely. Aggression is likely. Lots and lots of thinking and talking are likely, with plenty of swaying this way and that. But ultimately, the important focus is not on the world of ideas and beliefs but on tangible terra firma.



What do you value?

And what are you building?

Do you know what the flare-ups show you about that?

Are you fighting for the sake of fighting? Any battles you want to step away from?

A burning ritual might just be to help clear the mental clutter.

See Also
Astrology Forecast May 2023


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About the Author

Kathy Biehl is a professional astrologer with more than 30 years of experience. She has been translating astrology for the mainstream since high school and has a knack for combining humor and pop culture with her guidance. Visit to sign up for her mailing list, listen to her forecasts, and book a session for her. Find her on Facebook at Empowerment Unlimited and the Astro-Insight Lounge and on YouTube at the Professional Aquarian Channel.  Listen to her radio show Celestial Compass on OM Times Radio.


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