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2025 – A New World

2025 – A New World

2025 Numerology

2025As the year 2024 finally took its last breath, many of us were relieved. 2024, the ‘8’ (2+0+2+4 = 8) demonstrated its’ volatile appearance extravagantly. The number ‘8’ is all about POWER and SUCCESS. The vibration was so strong that it left many of us in a state of anxiety, fear, anger, frustration, and exhaustion. And now, with 2025, the ‘9’ appears. (2+0+2+5 =9) What else could be next after such chaos but change? Nine represents transformation and seeing the bigger picture.

2025 – A New World – The Year of Transformation – The 9

By Numerologist, Greer Jonas



2024 ~ 2025

No matter what you felt or who you voted for, the point is that change had to occur. Life, our environment, and our values have reached a boiling point.  Almost as if we were holding our breath. And what have you learned from it all? Hopefully: “Let go and breathe. And remember to exhale!”

The Shadow

2025In last year’s January post (2024), I discussed the ebb and flow of the global year 2023 (the 7). Seven’s spiritual, inquisitive, soul-searching ‘yin’ personality was altered by its shadow – isolation, despair, and feeling of loss. Covid happened, stores closed, businesses took a virtual turn, and Zoom became the new communication tool. We quickly learned to speak through the waves of the computer.

My words back in January were enthusiastic. 2024 – “We are moving into the ‘yang’ energy of action. Time to dust off your isolation and get out there in the world. Eight is about abundance and power. The Divine Yin / Yang promotes a much-needed balance.

Instead, the shadow worked its enticing magic. Separation rather than balance has occurred in our society. Hurricanes, war, crime, and stores closing. An election (in the US) presented a loud variety of ideas, money, and ways of life thrown up in the air for the most enticing words and characters to catch.  A new system of blogging filled the waves with angry shouting matches and pointing of fingers. Not just politicians and newscasters but celebrity talk hosts and Facebook and Instagram squawkers. Even if they did not make sense, the words were loud. “We need change!” “And it’s their fault!”

And there were lots of characters with very big egos to feed the fire. Everyone was shouting. No matter which side you were on.  One of the most inflammatory and chaotic political years in my memory certainly exemplified the Shadow of 8.



 The Nine – Transformation

Thus… enter 2025. 2+0+2+5 = 9!

Nine is all about transformation and change. We are asked to open the door. It is a call to step into the unknown with strength. How will we do this? For many, this is a new world. What will happen globally is yet to be seen, but what we can do for ourselves is the basic action we can control. It is not about giving up or letting someone else tell you how to be.



Transformation with Compassion: A New Plan

2025 represents a new way. Learning to look at all sides of the equation – to examine our lives and our beliefs and see (not from despair) but from doing, being, and sharing with others.

After my kicking and screaming, I realized, as a dear friend said to me, Peace & Understanding of everything that makes us different, and the same needs to occur.


Find Your Personal Year in 2025

The first step is you. If you could let go of past struggles and self-judgment and the word ‘can’t,’ what would you have in your life? Through numerology, based on your birthday, here is a technique to create a vision of transformation this year.


Find Your Catalyst Number

Your catalyst number (add your birth month to your birth year) is the vibration of what inspires you in your life. You may love to paint (‘3’), or be a teacher (‘6’), for example.

What is your Catalyst or Inspiration Number if your birthday is July 1?

Add your birth day to your birth month and reduce. Your inspiration number is an 8.

catalyst number



Find your Personal Year

Add birth month and day to the current year

Your personal year number for 2025 is 17, which reduces to an ‘8’.

personal year

Notice anything? Yes! When adding a 9 to any number, it cancels itself out.

So, if your birthday is July 1, what inspires you is success and being a charismatic leader (the ‘8’). 2025 can be a big year if you get out of your own way and are willing to change and let go of what others think.

 As you can see, in 2025, everyone has the opportunity for transformation ~ to enVision what you have always wanted. Recognizing the shadow is also important as you can let go of self-criticism and fear.

Below is a brief summary of the Catalyst numbers. Once you have discovered your personal year, create a new vision. Be adventurous, and remember to breathe. This can be an exciting year of change.

What is your Personal year and catalyst number? Think: How does this number inspire you in your life, and what step can you take this year to enhance or shift what is not working?

Catalyst Number 1 – Leadership / New beginnings / Unique ideas / Taking charge. Shadow ~ is taking on too much. Being selfish.

Catalyst Number 2 – Deep relationships/diplomacy/patience/guidance. Shadow – self-conscious and fearful of what others think.

Catalyst Number 3 – Creativity in every form – art, music, speaking, writing, acting, visualizing. Shadow – feeling in a rut, self-judgment, worry, over-active with no time

Catalyst Number 4 – Building, designing, technology, math. Shadow – judgmental of others. Stubborn/ perfectionist

Catalyst Number 5 – Charisma/humor/out on stage /lovable /personable. Shadow – self-judgment, worried about what people think. Hard to keep still.

Catalyst Number 6 – Compassion/healer/organizer /loves to help others. Shadow – no time for self/ caretaker / cares too much what others think

Catalyst Number 7 – Unique / non-conformist /loves the unknown/spiritual. Shadow – isolator / shy / troublemaker

Catalyst Number 8 – Powerful / success/charisma/leader. Shadow – selfish / bully / or the opposite: afraid to be seen.

Catalyst Number 9 – Wise/intuitive/inciteful / sees the bigger picture. Shadow – spacy / analyzes everything / no time


Master numbers (when two numbers are the same). When the sum adds to or reduces to an 11 or 22, they are very powerful, and you do not reduce further.

Catalyst Number 11 –Example: Born August 3. 8+3 =11,

However, in 2025, the personal year is a 2. 8+3+2+0+2+5 = 20/ 2 personal year.

See Also
Numerology November 2023

What inspires the ‘11’ is being innovative, inspirational, new ideas. Shadow – opinionated/stubborn.  In a 2 personal year, the 11 may feel sluggish or want to please others. Getting past this, in a transformational year, the 11 can make a difference if they allow it.

Catalyst Number 22 – Example: Born June 7. 6+7 = 4 Catalyst/ 6+8+2+0+2+5 = 22 personal year.

The four looks for things to build and organize. This year, there is a potential to build something outstanding that might involve people. Shadow – too much to do and no time / being stubborn.


I wish all of you the transforming message of the Swan. May you let go of past struggles and self-judgment and find your inner beauty, love, music, and grace.

Peace & Understanding of everything that makes us different and the same.

My wish for all of you during this ever-changing moment is peace. And Remember to Breathe And Exhale!


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About the Author

Greer Jonas-OmtimesGreer Jonas is an intuitive numerologist, painter, blogger, and teacher living in New York City. She has been practicing intuitive numerology for 30 + years. Greer works with clients and at events around the world by appointment, both in person and online. She is the Ommie Award Winner for the Category of Numerologist Columnist and OmTimes Numerologist of the Year.

To make an appointment, contact Greer at / Art site:



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