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Loving What Was

Loving What Was

As spiritual beings, we all aspire to live our lives with no regrets! We know that our experiences are a part of our soul’s journey to embrace and celebrate. The divine, the not so divine and the in between absurdities are all a part of the plan. We learn to pick ourselves up when we fall and we also learn how to help others do the same.

It still happens that every now and then we get emotional over the past and what might have been or what might have been better. Even though we know the experience was put before us for a purposeful reason. We sometimes revisit what we thought we had learned and healed from and we mistake it for feeling regret, when it is merely a reminder of how far we have come in our emotional healing. When we remember moments and events fondly, we can view them anytime in our human memory and bring about a laugh or a smile.

When we remember the emotional pain we’ve been through, we can shed tears that seem to reflect sadness or even depression. Maybe that sadness is actually our soul releasing this lesson back to the Universe as we conquer another soul theme or life lesson along the way. The sadness can flow through us into complete understanding of how it changed us and made us more whole inside that we survived it! Allowing ourselves to prepare for the next challenges to come with this reminder of how much stronger and aware we are now.

Eventually, we learn to take the emotional scars and turn them into light again. Finding ways to understand how to celebrate the ability to heal the hurts and haunts we feel so far away from most of the time. We might hear a certain song or see a movie preview that reminds us of another time in this life. Many things we might see or hear frequently can set our hearts to feeling sadness and remorse over things that were or might have been. As we spiritually ascend these healing events become our personal badges to the unique and precious souls we truly are.

So feel the feelings and remember they got you here to this place. Everyday that you keep an open heart and mind to all the possibilities that this life on Earth has to teach you is a day to create miracles. We live in such a time of choice and fear and turmoil that the only solution to our very survival has to be love. It seems so pure and simple. Our life missions are to evolve as spiritual beings and to listen to what our consciousness communicates through our very souls. We heal, we forgive, we listen, and we love unconditionally.

We understand how to love what was and what is to be as we have created our reality. How soon it begins to shine and emerge has always been up to us.

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