Eco Challenge – Natural Toothpaste
Why not make your own toothpaste?
Eco Challenge February 2012 – Toothpaste
You can make your own tooth powder, just take 3 parts baking soda and 1 part salt and mix it together and store in a glass container. Wet your toothbrush and dip it into your powder and brush away and then wet your brush again and brush some more. I use this powder all the time and it’s really does a good job of cleaning my teeth, gums, and tongue. And it helps keep your breath sweet too! You can also make a nice tooth paste by adding 6 teaspoons of glycerin to every cup of tooth powder and 40 drops of flavored oil such as cinnamon, anise, or peppermint or any other natural oil flavoring oil you want to add (Nice thing is… you get to choose the flavor). I also like Tea Tree oil toothpaste and it works well for treating gum disease, and you can buy this at any local health food store… or you can add 5 or 6 drops Tea Tree Oil per cup of natural toothpaste above—it has a interesting flavor that some don’t enjoy so don’t add too much.
I use both and they are wonderful for having a great natural smile and great breath!
If you plan on sharing a KISS with someone this Valentines Day – remember this eco-tip and the reaction received from your partner might surprise you. Clean teeth and healthy gums provide insight into individual health and personal hygiene.
Dr. Paul Haider
Dr. Paul Haider is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. He’s the author of many books, having created many audio programs and videos, and has appeared on radio shows and television. His books “Relax into Success” and “21 Ways to Live a Stress Free Life in Only 21 Days” have sold countless copies.
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About the SACREDspace Studio™
SACREDspace Studio,™ a Humanity Healing International™ Pilot Studio and the original Yoga 2 Go™ Project! Currently, we offer classes in Middle Tennessee and with a special emphasis on yoga as a tool for empowerment and complete wellness. Our studios have quarterly fundraisers to support efforts that bring yoga “off the mat & into the world” as grass roots would say! We believe that yoga is a complete system for health and through a daily practice and commitment to “self” we can prevent most disease and actually begin to thrive – not just survive!
Currently, Ms. Moore is the Health & Wellness Editor for OM-Times Magazine, a regular monthly contributor as well as providing artwork and layout designs, branding and consulting. She is the co-founder of the SACREDspace Studio, a Humanity Healing Pilot Studio and Director of the Yoga 2 Go Project! She works with rural communities to bring yoga to the masses and health to ALL. As the local deKombucha Health Tea brewer, she also shares her knowledge of a drink that is “now” considered a wonder drink and the drink of the year with her community. Her daily mantra, “Just do what needs to BE done!”