You Can Be Bigger Than Your Problems
by Maria Khalife
“The secret to success is not to try to avoid, get rid of, or shrink from your problems. The secret is to grow yourself so that you’re bigger than any problem.” ~ T. Harv Eker
We learned in high school math class that a straight line is the shortest distance between two points.
I think the only time I’ve ever been able to apply that law is when I’m walking a long distance. I use it to create short cuts.
Wouldn’t it be sweet if in our lives, we could just take the straight, short distance to accomplish whatever it is we want? Have you noticed that it seldom happens like that – short and sweet? Oh no, there are always these bumps in the road, and traffic jams, and detours for us to navigate. Okay, if that is how life wants it done, let’s look at that model and see how we can make that work for us.
Is it every fruitful to complain about the glitches that enter into our plans? No, it doesn’t help one bit. But I have discovered a simple tactic that does work when the bumps in the road show up. I ask myself this: What is required of me right now?
You see, this allows me ownership of what’s going on; removes any sense of anger or vulnerability; and allows me to solve the problem without draining my energy away through negative feelings. It also lets me look objectively at any expectations I might have set up that make resolving the problem even harder. Every path to success has rocks and detours in it. Every plan requires tweaks. Every strategy needs refinement. If you’ll see the truth in this, you won’t be so upset when a bump or a rock or a detour shows up.
You’ll acknowledge that it’s re-do time. You’ll see what is required of you, and you accomplish that without upsetting yourself through raging emotion.
I know that some of my readers think of themselves as perfectionists. I truly think that those who think of themselves under that classification are really non-perfectionists because they look for what is wrong, what is mistaken, or what is problematic. A true perfectionist would look for what is perfect, don’t you think? So-called perfectionists are absolutely convinced something will go wrong and they’ll appear foolish. Sometimes this tight-fisted controlling keeps this group from making both mistakes and progress toward their success. Babies fall down a lot when they’re learning to walk. No one laughs or makes fun of them. They’re learning, and some of them get quite good at walking, remember?
OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality
Good insight, on an important self-help strategy, thanks for sharing. Jeffrey
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