How To Open Your Heart to Higher Vibrations
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How do you open your heart and switch from a vibration of fear to a state of love and acceptance? Start by opening your heart to the true nature of things.
Fear and Love: Opening Your Heart to Higher Vibrations
Have you ever felt the desire to bring more love into your life? Not the romantic, lustful love we read about in novels, but the practice of pure, accepting, unconditional love. How many times have most all of us said, “I wish I wasn’t so angry and judgmental” or “I wish I could manifest real love in my life”? The benefits of bringing unconditional love into our lives are endless, it is something we all can do, all it takes is a little practice.
The first step to unconditional love is to open your heart and see things for what they really are. At the core of every single person in the world is the desire to be loved and accepted. There are only two base emotions and vibrations that we all experience. They are love and fear. All other emotions stem from these two states of mind. It may seem strange to think that fear is the opposite of love, and not hate, but if you really think about this, it is easy to see it is true. Hate is simply a result of extreme fear-based feelings. Think of any instance in which someone is acting out of hate, try to get to the root of the issue and you will see that indeed it stems from fear. In essence, all the negativity in the world is a result of the vibration of fear, just as all positivity is a result of love.
The state of fear is a very slow, dense vibration. Think of the heaviness we feel when we are truly afraid or angry. It bogs us down spiritually and emotionally, leaving us feeling as though we are in a thick, dark fog. In a way this is true. The auras of those who are feeling intense fear-based emotions take on a very dark, murky appearance. The state of love, on the other hand, is a much faster, lighter vibration. Often times people who are in a love-based state of mind feel light, bubbly, and free. The auras of these people glow with vibrant colors and project their light upon everyone around them.
There have been many studies into the effects of love and fear on our health and well being. The vibration of unconditional love brings us joy and healing, while a constant state of fear-based thinking has been shown to have many far-reaching and adverse health effects, both physical and mental. It has been shown that when we are in a state of loving and acceptance, our brains produce more of the “happy” chemicals which lead to positive feelings and fewer feelings of depression and isolation.
How do you open your heart and switch from a vibration of fear to a state of love and acceptance? Start by opening your heart to the true nature of things. By recognizing that we are all one vast, interconnected web of consciousness, we see that nobody is truly separate from us and that we are all expressions of the divine Source. We begin to see that others are not acting against us because they are evil or lesser individuals, but because they are living in an extreme state of fear and ignorance. By opening our hearts and realizing these things it becomes easier to love everyone we meet.
The best ways to open your heart are through meditation and blessing. When we meditate we make contact with our higher selves and reality. Meditation helps us to see through the delusion of separateness and to realize we are all expressions of divine oneness. Meditate each day and practice seeing the true divine nature in everything you come in contact with. Try seeing the divine in people you meet when you go out. Can you see it in a pretty person who smiles at you in the check out line, or a family member? Can you see it in someone you don’t agree with, someone who is unpleasant or who has different beliefs than you? Keep trying, it will only become more obvious as you practice.
The practice of blessing is another way to manifest love in your life. Begin to bless everything you meet, every person, animal, plant, and object you come in contact with. Instead of thinking a negative thought of someone or something, instead, send them a blessing of love and light. It may seem difficult at first, but try it for a few days, the results are amazing! You will feel much lighter and happier. You will find yourself accepting and loving those who at one time you may have disliked or even felt hate towards. You will feel as though you have started a new life after practicing blessing for awhile.
In summary, there is no reason not to practice unconditional love in our lives. It will lift us to new heights and raise the vibrations of both the world and ourselves. During the time of awakening, many are already doing so, you can too! I encourage you to open your heart and invite unconditional love into your life for the benefit of yourself and everyone in our world. Each person who awakens to love serves to improve our world, we are a web of life. What happens to one strand affects the whole web.
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