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FACE-ing your New Year’s Resolutions

FACE-ing your New Year’s Resolutions

How your face can help you be successful in 2013

By Michelle Butt

It’s that time of year again. The New Year is upon us. As is customary, we all begin to think about our New Year’s Resolutions. What should they be? Are we actually going to keep them this time?

Well, did you know that your face can tell you a lot about why you may have been unsuccessful at keeping those resolutions in the past AND how to make sure you are successful at keeping them for 2013?

If you have a strong prominent nose, chances are you are a perfectionist. Being a perfectionist can be wonderful. You display great attention to detail and truly do care about the quality of your work. But, if you are a perfectionist and you have a list of uncompleted New Year’s resolutions under your belt, your nose holds the key to why that is. Being a perfectionist, when things don’t go exactly according to plan, you can have a tendency to get frustrated and anxious. If the vision in your head of the outcome doesn’t match what is unfolding in reality, you may abandon an endeavor before it is completed. The disconnect between your vision and reality can be too stressful for you.

However, if you now know that this is who you are and how you react to unexpected deviations from the plan, you can arm yourself with a new set of tools to help you to successfully fulfill those resolutions this time. One thing you can do, is break your goal down into smaller, less complicated chunks, so that the attainment of those smaller goals can be completed faster. The other thing you can do is eliminate as many outside influences to your outcome as possible. The more you can control in relation to your goal, the better your chances of success. Precision is a key factor for you as well. Make sure your resolution and the outcome you want is as detailed and precise a

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