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Thunk Book Cover

by Sandy Newbigging

Do you think too much?

Thunk Book Cover Are you one of those people who just can’t stop thinking? Do you think about work? The kids? Money? Ageing parents? What’s for dinner? Does it go on and on and on and on? And if you can’t switch it off, even when you go to bed, then, according to author Sandy Newbigging – you’re being THUNK!

Newbigging demonstrates that excessive thinking is stressful for the body and can cause unwanted physical conditions. He is not saying that the mind is bad and that we shouldn’t think, just that that too many of us don’t know how to stop the ceaseless churning of our minds. We don’t know how NOT to think. Newbigging’s book teaches MIND MASTERY, which put simply means using your mind rather than letting your mind USE you.

Thunk! contains easy and practical exercises, created by Sandy to help the reader get out of their head, and into a space where they can watch their mind. It’s about focusing on the context rather than the content. He knows that many readers will have tried meditation before and believe that they just can’t do it. That doesn’t deter him. In fact, he devotes a whole chapter to busting the myths about meditation. With an encouraging tone he confidently predicts that readers WILL find the simplicity and stillness there for them. It’s a path to the Real Self that will lead to peace and an end to the constant churning of a mind that’s being THUNK!

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