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Truth or Illusion…Your 2013 Challenge

Truth or Illusion…Your 2013 Challenge

By Janice Chrysler

As you go through your spiritual journey, learning what is truth and what is an illusion can be one of the most difficult passages to make. It seems just when you think you have it all figured out, something will happen; you will read something new, or listen to someone else’s opinion on what is reality. When these crossroads come up it is so easy to get caught up in other people’s thoughts and completely loose your memory of who you really are. You may even feel like you are starting out all over again, perhaps even more confuse than before. That is really a good thing!

When you become confused, that is the time you need to be still and reflect upon who you are; looking through the eyes of your soul rather than your physical body. Everyone is at various levels of vibration and this makes it even more complicated at times to know what is real or not. The higher your vibration has become, the more self-love and compassion is within you. What was truth for you years ago or even just yesterday may not be same as today as you ascend spiritually. That does not mean you are above or beneath anyone, simply on various levels of ascension. To some who are on one level of vibration, revenge may be their truth to handle the feelings of being hurt or wronged, while to another they would send love to heal the one who had wronged them. As you grow the veils of illusion will become thinner until all you see is truth.

How can you tell the difference? After all an illusion appears to be the truth but it does have one big difference. It promises you one thing but delivers another. For example often people think getting a new job will solve all their problems only to find out that didn’t make them happy. It didn’t provide that inner peace they were actually looking for. It may have provided a band-aide type of solution but in the long term there was something deeper they required.

Think for a moment on what your life might be like if you were able to take away all the illusions and you could know a higher truth? This would enable you to evaluate the situation, take the appropriate action to get the results you wanted. You would be able to work and talk with others with the understanding that they may be on a different level than you, so are approaching matters from a different angle. At this level you would not be afraid to look past what is being presented to you as truth, but rather you would listen to your Higher Self (your soul) to feel and know what was true to you.

As you enter into another cycle, a New Year, why not do so with eyes and heart wide open to all the possibilities that are before you? Do not limit yourself with the answers of others but rather throw wide the doors of potentiality with questions asked from within your Higher Self? Break down the wall of fear and replace it with the gateway of challenge and adventure, knowing nothing new was ever invented or thought by sitting still. Be the one (and you are the only one who can) to make the biggest change in your life simply by asking how it can get any better than this? Don’t try to put an answer to it right away but rather let the Universe bring you all the endless possibilities, then choose what is true to you at that moment in time. Soon all what once appeared to be the truth but was really an illusion, will slip away and it will be replaced with deeper and more meaningful insights as you allow your Higher Self to come forward and accept what is true.

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This world and your life are for you to live, not to follow the dreams and expectations of others but your own purpose and path. In order to do so, first you must take time to uncover what is truth or illusion in your own life. It is a journey worth taking and one you will never regret.

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