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Bloom Baby Bloom – Maximum Benefit through Minimal Effort

Bloom Baby Bloom – Maximum Benefit through Minimal Effort

By Jill Lebeau

“When you are in the FLOW OF LIFE, doors open easily when you knock, You know intuitively what your next right step is,

The people you need appear and they offer help gladly. Coincidences abound. Opportunity arrives out of the blue.

Life itself is conspiring to help you.” ~Tao Te Ching

What if you discovered that there is a way to live your dreams through minimal effort on your part. Sound too good to be true? Most people settle for just fantasizing about their dreams, or give up entirely, convinced that they don’t have what it takes to actually live their dreams. They go day to day, stressed out and suffering. That’s because there’s been an error in our perceptions. Just as a computer program won’t work efficiently until the error is identified and fixed, the same principle applies to the quality of the life we are living.

We’ve been operating out of a blueprint that no longer applies. The old paradigm had us constantly searching outside ourselves… comparing ourselves to others, seeing life as a competition for limited resources, believing that success requires an endless pursuit of external reality (circumstances that are out of our control as well as out of our reach). Oh, and also that it inevitably involves a ton of hard work (usually joyless) if our goals are even attainable, which is highly unlikely. This is how we were conditioned, based on the idea that there was something lacking within us. No reliable source of power on the inside, so better get really busy looking outside just to survive, let alone thrive. That old b.s. (belief system) convinced us that there wasn’t much point in focusing on our inner life because… that’s just a total waste of time and we wouldn’t find much of anything useful there anyway. The key to living well couldn’t possibly be in our hands.

Truth time… we’ve already got what it takes to live our dreams. Where do we find it? Ha! It’s already within us, just waiting for the taking. You see, our success is already a done deal because, as a spark of the Divine, we inherently contain the seeds of Divine love, vitality, purpose, and good fortune in our true nature. That’s how Spirit (the Master Coder) designed us. The question is, are you tapping into your innate spiritual power and to what degree?

So what’s the best way to put this enlightened new perspective into practice? Well, when we apply Feng Shui directly to the mind, not just the environment, we harness the unlimited power of the mind to co-create what we want to experience now. Not in some far distant future. You see, the mind is the originator of everything that we create. And Feng Shui is all about creating maximum benefit through minimal effort. This takes the elegant, efficient practice of Feng Shui to a whole new level.

Take a look at this excerpt from ‘Feng Shui Your Mind to awaken the part of you that can’t wait to help you create success the easy way’. Introducing the Wood Element (one of the five elements of Feng Shui). “Connecting with the Wood Element is a sure-fire way to be confident that you can get the results you want. The Wood element is related to your ability to succeed in life. In traditional Feng Shui, the Wood element is associated with fortune and wealth. If your bank account is all dried up, your Feng Shui consultant might tell you to put a plant or perhaps an easy flowing fountain in your fortune corner. But, we’ve got something else in mind….

…The energy of Wood is all about being proactive. Just as flowers don’t think about budding into bloom, there is a part of our nature that also doesn’t hesitate to get the job done. And when we choose to view our challenges as opportunities to grow, we automatically activate the part of us that’s ready to move forward. The Kabbalah states that we always have free will with regard to how we respond to life. Through consciousness, we have the power to make good choices.”

So, let’s get started. How do we activate the Wood element in ourselves? Good news… it happens to be peaking right now. Yes, the Wood element peaks in spring. The energy of Wood is all about renewal, proactivity, creativity, having a vision and healthy boundaries to protect that vision. Its mantra is carpe diem! This is the perfect time to try something new. You know the project that you’ve been putting off, thinking you don’t have the energy to tackle it? Or you’re dreading initiating a conversation with someone you feel upset about because conflict isn’t exactly something you look forward to. With a little mental decluttering (which is the first of the four easy steps to Feng Shui your mind) and envisioning how great you’ll feel once you take an inspired action step toward your goal, you’re on your way. Soon as you get the ball rolling, you’ll feel the momentum to keep going rise up. That’s the Wood element. Notice it doesn’t say, ‘I guess I’ll just stay a closed bud today and forgo the experience of blooming…’ when you reconnect with your proactive nature, you’re going to feel inspired, thrilled to be back on track. Now you’re living in the flow. That signals the Universe that you’re ready for those opportunities to flow into your life.

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My mission is to inspire people to discover the wealth of spiritual power they already possess inside themselves. That is the fun, easy way to get into the flow. Try it!

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JILL LEBEAU, MFT is a spiritual psychotherapist and co-author of the groundbreaking book, Feng Shui Your Mind–Four Easy Steps To Rapidly Transform Your Life! A master Relationship Therapist with 28 years of clinical experience, Jill is passionate about teaching people simple, practical and powerful ways they can create abundance through ease. You can find out more about Jill by visiting the following websites., on Facebook  and on Twitter

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