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30 Days to a New You – Day 11

30 Days to a New You – Day 11

30 Days to a New You Day 11

by Shelly Wilson

The challenge I am offering is based on excerpts from my book, 28 Days to a New YOU, and concentrates on assisting you in shifting your perception. As you shift your perception, you will change your experiences, including those in the past, the ones you are presently experiencing and those that have yet to happen. This transformation involves altering your mindset and attitude as well as your thoughts, words and actions. I will be with you every step of the way during this challenge – to support and encourage you through interaction on the articles I have written.

Challenge Yourself to Shift Your Perception Perception is how we view or perceive an experience through our senses – sight, taste, touch, smell, and hearing. We may choose to label an experience as good or bad, positive or negative. In reality, this is simply our perception or a personal assessment of the experience.

See Also

Changing your perception assists you in changing your life. Remove the constraints of the “box” you have created for yourself, and allow yourself to view experiences from another individual’s point of view. A group of people may have all had the exact same experience, but will each perceive the experience differently based on their own perception. It is next to impossible to alter someone’s perception. In circumstances that you do not see “eye-to-eye,” simply listen and then practice non-attachment to the outcome. This means that you are recognizing what you have heard, but you are not allowing another individual’s perception to influence your own.

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