30 Days to a New You – Day 13
30 Days to a New You Day 13
by Shelly Wilson
The challenge I am offering is based on excerpts from my book, 28 Days to a New YOU, and concentrates on assisting you in shifting your perception. As you shift your perception, you will change your experiences, including those in the past, the ones you are presently experiencing and those that have yet to happen. This transformation involves altering your mindset and attitude as well as your thoughts, words and actions. I will be with you every step of the way during this challenge – to support and encourage you through interaction on the articles I have written.
Challenge Yourself to Pay Attention The next step involves paying attention to the guidance you are receiving. I am referring to the guidance from your Higher Self, your angels, and your guides. Sometimes, this guidance is subtle and comes in whispers and gentle nudges. When we refuse to acknowledge this guidance, it becomes louder, more persistent and may feel like the proverbial push or shove. I feel that it is extremely important to recognize and acknowledge the guidance you are receiving and to give thanks for it. You may not understand the how, when, where, why, or what aspects of the guidance; yet you should acknowledge it and express your gratitude for receiving it. Call upon your angels and guides for clarification of the message as well.
In addition, I encourage you to pay special attention to the messages your body is sending you. Listen to your gut instinct, which is located in your solar plexus chakra. As you become attuned to listening to your body and what it is telling you, it will become easier to recognize the messages that originate from this area. Your physical body is a great device for gauging energy and situations. If something does not feel right, do not proceed. Have you ever felt nauseous or had “butterflies” in your stomach? This may be feelings of nervousness, or it may be your body’s way of telling you something.
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