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Mind/Body Weight Loss – Day 15

Mind/Body Weight Loss – Day 15

Mind/Body Weight Loss Day 15

Week 3 Shifting Your Thinking

Transcending Fear into Love

Stress and fear are inextricably linked.  The stress response has a myriad of health effects on the body and can inhibit our higher brain centers.  When we move from a place of stress, we move from a place of contraction, instead of expansion.  We lower our vibrational frequency and move into cortical inhibition, meaning the areas of our brain responsible for insight, problem solving and critical thinking are inhibited. We know through research that we make poorer choices when moving from a place of stress.

See Also

Managing our stress plays a huge role in weight loss.  The stresses of today are not the same as our ancestors; they are largely a result of perception.  Stress is when our perceived resources do not meet our perceived demands.  There are many definitions of stress depending on where you are coming from, but this one helps us to realize that much of our chronic stress is a mental construct.  It also speaks to our perceived ability to get things done.  Self-efficacy is belief in our ability to complete a task, they are our perceived resources.  If we don’t have faith in ourselves, we give our power away and fall prey to fear. So many of us spend our lives in our heads instead of our hearts, re-living things from our past.  Punishing ourselves for choices we’ve made over and over.   Or we worry about things in our future that may never come to pass. Again, having a fear that we won’t have what we need when a future event arises. I call these mind-made anxieties.  Mindfulness helps us to live in the present moment.  In the present moment these mind-made anxieties and illusions of scarcity do not exist.  Let me assure you, you are enough, and you have enough right here, right now.

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