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Around the Wheel of Life – Day 17

Around the Wheel of Life – Day 17

Around the Wheel of Life Day 17

Intentions & Journaling

“The Wheel of Life: Steps To Bringing Balance To My Life”

Welcome back to Day 17. Today’s challenge is to begin to put

intentions onto paper.


The dictionary defines intention as the thing intended; an aim or

plan. Setting intention is using the mind purposefully, and consciously. To

intend something means that you have a desire, and a plan, a course of

action to bring that desire into form. Usually, it takes more than just a

desire to bring something into the realm of the manifest, it may also

include a game plan to support it as it is manifesting. In many cases, the

follow through, the nurturing of it as it manifests, is an important, and

significant step to experiencing your dreams and desires.


After you have recognized that you have a desire or dream, you must

make sure that your actions support the intentions. I see more people

dropping the ball at this stage of the game than any other. I also see people

getting frustrated with the process (the work it would take), and the time it

takes (the gestation process) for the object of desire to become real. For

example: if I intend to have green beans in my garden, I am going to have

to prepare the soil, get the seeds, plant them, nurture them, and then

harvest them. It is going to take work, not only planning work, but also

physical work. It is also worth noting here, with some desires to become

manifest, the act of supporting the intentions means to stop certain

behaviors or actions. For example: let’s say that you want to be more

accepting. For that to occur, you would have to refrain from judging. You

would have to refrain from engaging with the mind as it begins to judge

something (stop participating with the mind’s judgment). In many

situations, it takes both, doing and not doing, for a dream to become a



You have to decide that for yourself relating to each different desire.


See Also

Your challenge for today is a journaling exercise based upon your

intentions regarding the “Mental” area of your life. I want you to begin by

asking yourself “what would I like” regarding this area. Let yourself

dream. What would be ideal regarding this area, etc? Once you have

answered those questions, then continue by asking yourself, “What are my

intentions regarding this area?” But don’t just stop there. I would

recommend continuing with: “and I will accomplish this by doing/being



If more than one answer arises, writethem all down. In other words; what actions are you going to take tosupport your intentions?


Mental: exercises or activities that stimulate the mind, and keep the mind

sharp. This includes the act of learning something new, pushing yourself

beyond your normal thinking, and exploring new horizons.


I am a firm believer in the use of journaling as a tool to support

awareness and I recommend it often to my lif

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