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Living in Awareness – Day 17

Living in Awareness – Day 17

Living in Awareness Day 17

By Vedam Clementi

Today, I Choose To Feel …

Last Monday, you learned about the “Trinity Of Life,” and how thoughts create our feelings. Yes, how we feel, and what we feel is in direct relation to the thoughts that we think. Usually you are unaware of the thoughts that pass through the mind, but yet wonder why you feel the way that you do. Yes, when you are feeling anger, or sadness, or even fear, it is because you are thinking about things that are bringing up those feelings for you. This is also true when you are feeling happiness or love; in those moments, you are thinking about something that has brought those feelings up for you.

Are you aware that you can direct your thoughts to feel a certain way? Today’s challenge is to do just that; direct your thoughts through a journaling exercise based upon intentions and actions that support how you choose to feel today.

This morning, I want you to open up your journal and begin today’s entry with:

“Today, I choose to feel _________________________________ (You get to choose what that feeling is going to be today). I will accomplish this by doing or being…


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In this exercise, you can go beyond using FLASH words (fear, love, anger, sadness, or happiness). You can choose any emotional word that you would like to experience today, such as excited, cheerful, blessed, elated, proud, joyful, serene, peaceful, etc. You get to pick and choose any emotion you would like. I would like for you to match one of the FLASH feelings with whichever emotion you choose. For example: “excited” may match with love or happiness.

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