Conscious Career – Day 30
Conscious Career Day 30
Day 30: Conscious Living Career Challenge – Planning
You spend so many of your waking hours in work mode, why should you settle for drudgery? Expand your thinking – which could actually lead to some incredible and seemingly serendipitous opportunities – by putting a plan in motion to reel in the work… and the life… you want. A plan helps you to actually make the change you wish to see in your world.
In an interview on, Dr. Daniel Goleman, author of the books Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ and Destructive Emotions: A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama, pointed out the propensity we have to think something is great but forget to follow through on the idea: “There is a difference between what is called a ‘State Effect’ and a ‘Trait Effect’ as it’s called in psychology. You experience a State Effect when you go to a workshop – you feel great, that was so good! But there is a shelf life to that. By the next week, life has set in again. You’re stressed about your job, your dog is sick, and you are arguing with your partner. That is the State Effect – it’s great while you are in the circumstance, but alas, it doesn’t last. The Trait Effect, on the other hand, means that you have embarked on a program of training the mind and training the heart in a systematic and prolonged way, which actually changes the neurology of your brain. And the more you do it, the bigger the change, and it will be there a year later, maybe even 10 years later.”
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