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Our Non-Linear Selves

Our Non-Linear Selves


Healing Matrix with Regina Meredith

Featuring Dr. Joe Dispenza

Premiers Wednesday, 31 July at 7pm ET

HM-FB_Promo-JoeD When we reach out from the body, beyond the physical world to contact our higher selves, we can manifest incredible healing and creativity. Dr. Joe Dispenza explains how the pineal gland plays a key role in the rise of Kundalini and connects us with our non-linear selves.

Neuroscientist, chiropractor and author Dr. Joe Dispenza empowers people to change from the inside out. Dr. Dispenza combines the fields of quantum physics, neuroscience, brain chemistry, biology and genetics to teach you how to rewire your brain for health and happiness. He has taught thousands how to reprogram their thinking through scientifically proven neurophysiological principles.

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See Also

Healing Matrix with Regina Meredith on GaiamTV


Healing Matrix with Regina Meredith explores a range of alternative health modalities. The show seeks to empower viewers with the tools they need to help heal themselves, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

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