by Shervin Hojat
Let down the shield.
To receive the light of love
the shield needs to be lowered.
Let down the shield
created and used for your protection
as a child or adolescent.
The shield no longer serves its purpose.
It is time to let down the shield.
Investigate the shield of
refusing to receive love.
Let go of the belief that
feeling love brings out
hurt and disappointment.
Investigate the shield of
self punishment.
Let go of the belief that
you cannot trust yourself.
Investigate the shield of
feeling not deserving.
Let go of the belief that
you are separated from the Divine.
Investigate the shield of
shame and guilt.
Let go of the belief that
anger, hatred, or grief should not be felt.
Let the shields down and let the light in.
OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality
Very true. thankyou