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Oracle for March 2014 – Integrity

Oracle for March 2014 – Integrity


by Darity Wesley

The energies and directions for the month of March are evolving around exploring and incorporating integrity into your practices.  Integrity?  Hmmmm…what does that mean?  Do read on…

It was getting grounded that began this year in January.  Then you moved into understanding that being flexible, as a spiritual practice, was your next step.  Now, you will find yourself moving into another important facet along the way:  Finding out how you want to really live your life out there in the world and it is all about integrity.

Integrity may mean different things to different people.  As your trusty Oracle always does, we look to the dictionary definition to begin our journey of understanding what “Integrity” is so you can make sure to integrate it further into the depths of your spiritual practices.  Let’s see if the definitions move us in the right direction at a spiritual level as well as at mind, body and energetic levels.

We see that the dictionary defines “integrity” in three different ways.  First, integrity is defined as meaning “adherence to moral and ethical principles, soundness of moral character and honesty.” Sounds good!   Second, it can be understood as the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished.  In other words like preserving the integrity of the empire. Nice! And, next, it carries the definition of a “sound, unimpaired, or perfect condition” such as how we would say that the integrity of a ship’s hull is important for its seaworthiness. Wow, moral character, being whole and in sound condition.

While those ring true for a solid understanding of the word integrity and all do, indeed, represent the concept and application of integrity to your life, the Oracle would add a fourth definition.  Integrity, in the new energy, in the new reality, means to live your life in congruence with your values.  That means you are congruent in mind, body and spirit.  That means you are living your truth.  That means you are doing the work, the processing and spiritual development, to bring your life into a state of integrity.  It is about authenticity.  And remember, above all, it is an inside job!

In order to live in integrity, as the Oracle defines it, you must first understand what your values are.  This exploration of your values is not hard but does require your commitment to introspection.  As we said, “it is an inside job.”  You have to do the inner work.  I know it would be so much easier to just read a book, sit in a lecture, or watch a You Tube video to acquire your expanded consciousness.  Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, that’s not how it works because it is all about you and you have to do it!

Now, if you wonder what your values are, which is the first step in the analysis, ask yourself questions:  “What connects me to people,” or even “am I connected to people,” “do I care?”  “What can I do to get closer, if I want?”  Look at the concepts, the spiritual values, the spiritual concepts for living a more compassionate life, are those of value to you?  Think on things like: awareness, consciousness, compassion, unconditional love, purpose, touching, appreciation, fearlessness, responsibility, self-esteem.  These are all areas of determining your values, the qualities you want in your life.  What those values are and how they are reflected in your life is your practice this month.

Integrity, meaning living your life congruently, gives you the opportunity to bring more soundness of moral character and honesty into your life.  Bringing more integrity into your life might require you telling the truth at a new level, with compassion and without fear of what others think.  That is amazing growth when you can share your truth, your highest values in a heartfelt, understanding way without fear or concern of reactions.

As a reader of the Oracle you are a way shower, as you grow and change and become more and more congruent, become more and more authentic, you know that energy flows out into the world, out onto the planet, out onto a global scene that so requires the flow of that energy at this time.  You are the one; you support the changes within the collective.  Knowing that and bringing more integrity into your life supports you as well as All That Is.  Not a bad thing, eh?

It is important to know that integrity is not just about telling the truth, which is, indeed, a good thing. It is not just about being a good person, which also is a very good thing.  It is about integrating your values so that you are living in the truth of who you are. Taking it a step further, spiritually, it is to feel and connect with levels of understanding where you know that what you know about you is not YOU.  You, the ego, the personality, is one thing; you, the consciousness, is another.

When bringing more integrity into your life, part of that experience is to realize that it is your consciousness being brought to the fore, being in integrity with your outward manifestation, your self. The point here in contemplating the practice of what Integrity means to you, is clearly stated by Eckhart Tolle in his book : A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, “don’t confuse knowing about yourself with knowing yourself…most people define themselves by the content of their lives…You are the inner space of consciousness.” That consciousness enables the content.  So, at a different level of understanding integrity as a practice for you this month, contemplate and meditate upon the expressions of You, that inner space of consciousness, through, around or over the ego.  Being congruent!  (If you do not know that word, “congruent,” it generally translates to “harmonious”)

Know too that as you bring yourself into congruence you can then experience the expression of that integrity which, in the present reality, means having the confidence to walk your own path, to stand confidently alone if need be, to defend your spirit without compromise.  It, exercising integrity, is indeed the path of the spiritual warrior.

See Also

As you know, if you read the Oracle for 2014, we have just begun a year of Breakthroughs, all different kinds of breakthroughs beginning with January being all about getting grounded, in a different way, but still having your proverbial feet planted now.  With feet planted we integrated flexibility into that, which is all about going with the flow, bending with the breeze.  Using the analogy of a tree, with its roots firmly planted in the soil, if the grounding is secure, it is still flexible and can bend and sway with the highest of winds. Now the energies of integrity are brought in, adding to the energies of grounding and flexibility the concept that in so doing, being grounded and going with the breeze you do both from an integral spirit.

Your willingness to follow your spirit’s directions, to do whatever is needed, whatever your inherent wisdom tells you, whatever your heart propels you to do – do it and keep yourself integrated, honest, truthful, congruent, authentic, transparent, compassionate.  Therein, of course, lies the work for the month of March.

This Oracle is here to encourage you, yet again and always, to step into your real true self, stop pretending to be something you are not and be wholly who you are or at least let yourself express your Self!  It is here to support the expansion of your Spirit.  So remember, by taking a look see at what it is you value, what kinds of experiences and adventures you wish to have in your life, that standing in your truth, the truth of who you are, your very own integrity will hold space for more new energies to come on in, enveloping all of us, for, indeed, we shall all  be changed.  Know that Spirit supports you each and every step of the way.  Love and trust it as never before and you will find yourself truly grounded in the bonds of Divine Love that hold it all together, all the time no matter what and remember…LOVE is all you need…let LOVE support your exploration of what it means to find and express your Integrity this month, it will propel you more and more into the expansion of who you really are – the stillness behind the chatter!

Let your mantra for the month of March be:  I AM conscious of staying in integrity every step of the way…And So It Is!!!

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About the Author

Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San Diego, California. You can contact her at You can follow her on Twitter.  @SpiritReviver. If you wish to subscribe to Darity’s ~The Daily Oracle~™, just send an email to, simply put “Subscribe” in the subject line. If you are on Facebook, help promote Darity by clicking the “Like” button at © 2014 The RYS Center All Rights Reserved.

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