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Astrology Forecast for the 2014 Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

Astrology Forecast for the 2014 Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse


2014 Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

April 15, 2014

12:42 AM PDT / 3:42 AM EDT / 7:42AM GMT

25 Libra 15

Deep breath. And another. Yes, this month’s Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will have a lasting and powerful effect. But no, it is not the end of life as we know it, no matter what you may have read.

This Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is bringing spring cleaning to relationships. Keep that metaphor in mind as the month (and beyond) plays out and your connections rearrange. Some could use a little airing, some are in for deep cleaning, and some are going out the door to make room for new ones that are more appropriate for this new season of your life.

As with so much this month, there is a huge wild-card element at play. Though the direction or the timing may take you by surprise, none of these developments is truly out of the blue. What’s happening now has been a long time coming, for three reasons.

First, a lunar eclipse always has the dual qualities of closing a chapter and of revelation. The two often play into each other; you learn something that changes the game for good.  This eclipse is delivering a bigger picture and understanding of what has been going on in your relationships — whether they’re reciprocal; what the ground rules are; whether the purpose or agreement fits both of you at this point. Watch for “Aha! That explains a lot!” moments. As it shines a light behind the scenes, the eclipse is also bringing feelings to the surface. Enormous feelings, possibly. But don’t panic — what’s coming up is beneficial, as we’ll see in a minute.

Second, this eclipse is awakening themes and issues from April 1995, the last time a Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurred at this degree. Whether the players are the same or not, you have the opportunity now to revisit, redo or make a different choice about an important relationship development that took place that spring or summer.  For example, if you left a marriage then, you may now discover and clear out a residual attachment (which you may not have even suspected was there). Or you might, instead, become aware of how drastically you have rewritten personal relationship guidelines since that spring. If you started a relationship in 1995, it was probably unlike anything you would remotely consider now.

Finally, the jumble of endings, adjustments and beginnings occurring now are tied to the ongoing reshaping of the metaphoric earth beneath our feet, which has been cracking and shifting since June 2012. Another round of shifting is building as this eclipse takes place. The tension from the build-up is accentuating and accelerating the the shuffling and reshuffling we’re experiencing in relationships. It’s also bringing up for reconsideration, reworking or renewal developments that occurred between last Christmas Eve and New Year’s.

Here’s why not to panic:  No matter what surface form events take, the effect is beneficial in the long run — and exactly where you want to be.

You’ve got ample motivation to rethink arrangements and agreements, renegotiate them, shake them up and even blow them up. (The Powers That Be could deliver an easy out for that last possibility).  The gumption comes from the Moon having just passed action god Mars in Libra, while the breaking of perspectives and locks is courtesy of messenger Mercury scheming with unpredictable change agent Uranus.

Everything that unspools, morphs or falls into place has a fated, even blessed quality to it. The Moon is smack up against the North Node of destiny, a combo that is pointing the way to the future. A softened, healing, even heaven-sent feeling is in the air. It’s lingering from Friday’s meeting between the gods of earthly and higher love: Venus, ruler of the Libra Moon and all we hold dear, and Neptune, lord of transcendence, magic and illusion. Venus is in her most exalted mode in the sign of Pisces, and her meeting with Neptune works as a baptism in the most spiritual, compassionate experience of love.

See Also

This bodes well for soothing, sweetness and kindness as our relationships rearrange. The combined influence of Venus and Neptune gives us a fighting chance to see God in the eyes of the people this eclipse brings to the fore, whether they’re walking out the door, tempting us to strangle them, or offering their heart. Nostalgia, weepiness, ecstasy and compassion are likely side effects, too. Venus has another gift as well. She’s closing in on Chiron, the embodiment of our core wounds and challenge to master physical existence. Long-festering hurts involving of self-worth and lovability are finding balm, comfort and resolution, all of which color and steer the changes going on.

Effectively, the Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is hitting reset. The results will take time before we perceive them fully. The situation is like when a cable company sends a signal to the cable box and several minutes elapse while the system reboots. Old programming has been overwritten, and a process must run before the new programming takes control.

Our waiting period lasts at least through the grand cross of the 20th to the 23rd, when Mars and Jupiter lock into the ongoing clash between cosmic change agents Uranus and Pluto. The cross will suspend us in the radical restructuring that we’ve been undergoing for two years. It may feel as if we’re hanging in the air, on our bellies, being pulled in the four directions of identity, home, relationship and career, and looking down deep into the cracks, fissures, and new forms that those foundational issues are taking.  When the configuration begins to break up after the 23rd, we’ll be put back on our feet — and our new traveling parties will either be with us or sending signals that they’ll be coming along soon.

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About the Astrologer

Kathy Biehl is an astrologer, Tarot master and Best American Psychics member who helps individuals and businesses understand (and laugh about!) themselves, their options and the people in their lives.

View Comment (1)
  • On October 7, I made the choice to expose the truth about a situation, love triangle. This caused a me and the man that was involved to cut ties. Is it possible that we will reconcile and that this situation only needed to begin on other terms? Only reason I ask, I am now expecting. Is our relationship done? Or can it realign in a different light now that its all out there?

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