The Miraculous Gifts of Spiritual Guidance

The Gift of Spiritual Guidance
What are we all doing here on this planet? Most people believe there is a purpose for us to be alive on this Earth right now. Many people understand most of us have lived lives here previously through the reincarnation of our souls. Some people seem not to believe in anything except keeping their focus on just learning how to survive here. The proof of our soul’s existence beyond these physical human bodies is everywhere around us. If our eyes are open enough we see, feel and hear spirit’s presence reaching out to heal and sustain us as we journey through.
The tests and trials of human life in the last 100 years have brought us fantastic discoveries about ourselves as humans and spiritual beings. We have seen success in the changes we’ve made as to how we think, perceive and rationalize the Universe around us and our role in it. The bigger picture is coming into focus with more speed and validation than we can keep up with. People are seeing things they have never seen. Knowing things they have no idea they knew. Dreaming things that come true and feeling spiritual energy that they cannot see. More than ever before we are all seeking help to understand a part of us that was never so wide open before. The old ways are falling short of this life’s journey. We are seeking new and better practices to connect and keep up with the spiritual evolution presently underway.
All of us possess the abilities to understand the bigger picture of our soul’s purpose. We only have to ask, believe, and receive openly, without fear. A challenging task for most of us here but we are not without help! It was always meant for us to evolve into beings that communicate telepathically, heal our bodies with light energy, and transcend the world with the love of our collective consciousness. The gifts of clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience and astral travel are aided by the spiritual guides, ascended masters and angels who assist us every minute we are alive here.
In the years to come the endless possibilities of psychic communication and energy healing will become realities to people here. The transition we are making has been the incredible result of those who were not afraid to speak their truths and question what was once believed or taught. There is no mistaking the fact that some people have the ability beyond others to connect and communicate with the souls who have crossed into a higher dimension. It has been proven in thousands upon thousands of readings and sessions with people who could never have known the information any other way.
Premonitions, predictions, and miraculous healing are all a way of life on Earth for those who practice it regularly. There is no great mystery to those who have studied it, processed it and broken through. But for most, these concepts are intimidating and frightening because they believe they are not in control of it. This is where our guides and loved ones who have crossed into higher dimensions come in to help us to understand what is happening. There are so many of us have been praying for the world to have more compassion, love and understanding. This is why the messages are getting more detailed and the healing energy is greatly heightened anytime we ask to receive without fear.
Our new consciousness of spirituality is replacing the separateness and judgment of religion with acceptance and belief in the higher consciousness of our souls to evolve into ascension. As more people are experiencing the signs of an awakening soul to request and realize their true spiritual guidance, the planet is aglow in a brighter light than ever before. The awakening codes are working, things have gotten much brighter and we can see the shining lights. Some will choose to go and some will choose to stay here. It is a choice we make through our soul agreements. We are the judge and conductor of our own lives separately and how that interconnects with others is able to be shown to us.
If we are truly to evolve this Earth, then it takes all of us working together to aspire to higher thoughts and processes. We all have to think about the food we put in our bodies and where it comes from. We have to look at the materials we waste which could be recycled, the people we throw away who can be healed. The list goes on and on. To be able to do this, we sincerely and openly need to be connected to our higher consciousness to create and live the purposes we came here for.
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About the Author
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, spiritual adviser, healing energy channel, author and teacher. She is the co-founder of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) 3 non-profit charity. Her book “Friends with Lights, A True Story” is available on Amazon; A featured columnist for OM Times Magazine, she has read for clients all over the world. Her new book, Conscious Ascension is coming soon.
To read more and contact for a reading/healing session or to schedule a private workshop:

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world.