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Consciousness is the Key to the Law of Attraction

Consciousness is the Key to the Law of Attraction


Why Consciousness and Not Visualization is the Key to Mastering the Law of Attraction

By Victor Da Ponte

Take a moment and delve into your awareness of what you want most in life – your dreams, your successes, your personal realization. In order to attract what you want, you must first become a vibrational match to those realities. Those realities that you want for yourself are there in potential. You can “extract” those realities out of the canvas of the universe the same way Michelangelo “extracted” David from a piece of marble. You are the artist who creates your life.

But your tools are not a hammer and chisel. Your tool is consciousness. Consciousness is your true, fundamental tool, not visualization or imagination. This is because you can visualize all day long and still not be conscious that you are not a vibrational match for the reality that you want to experience.

It’s not about visualizing into the ether; it’s about allowing your consciousness to transform you into that visualization. You may have dreams, visions, and thoughts about your goals, but they will not answer your call until you change yourself, until you becoming consciously aligned with what you desire.

Are you sure that you can become a millionaire? Well, are you a millionaire already or not?

Hold that thought…

Maybe you want to have the best relationship with you current life partner. Well, are you having the best relationship with your partner right now, or are you still wanting it? If you are still wanting it, then you are not yet a match for it, are you? Keep in mind if you are still striving for something you want, then you are not yet a match for it. This awareness is where transformation begins.

Ask your consciousness to let you know if you are there now or not.

Start a relationship with your awareness. Your awareness is essentially one and the same as your consciousness.

You cannot hide. Forget it. Just start to make friends, best friends, with your consciousness. This is you. Become close with yourself, and your life will quickly transform in miraculous ways.

Consciousness is king, I like to say. We could also say consciousness is king, queen, and the greatest power in the universe. In fact, there is no other true power. It’s the one power of existence. The good news is that it is there to help you.

That’s right, your consciousness is conscious of you, and it wants to help you. It’s kind of weird, but you are consciousness, yet there is a layer of you that has a higher perspective of you. That higher part of yourself can help you to pinpoint and expose the truth – the truth in all its glory.


You Want Truth

Let’s face it; you need the truth. You need to know what your current reality is and is not, and you need this awareness in high definition. You see, we are often blinded as to how we show up in the world, and we need a higher consciousness to guide us.


Ask Your Own Master

Here’s how to ask:

Think or speak the following:

Consciousness that is conscious of me, here is my question to you...

Pause for a moment, and make a connection. You can do the classic, eyes-looking-up-gesture. Yet, this time, feel a conscious, benevolent presence. This may create an urge to take a deep breath. Great, you’re on track! When you exhale, send that breath up to your consciousness, as if sending up a prayer for answers. Now ask:

In what way am I not aligned to my dream life?

Feel free to plug in any specific goal here.

Here are other questions you might also ask:

In what way is my heart not in alignment with who I truly am?

See Also
Is The Law Of Attraction Real? OMTimes

Why I am not attracting the life I want?

Whatever the answer is, know that it is your own consciousness lighting up your awareness. Don’t make too big of a deal out of it. Just be natural. Know that all the answers lie within you.


Attraction Time

Once you illuminate your state of reality, just stay conscious and allow your underlying intention to transform your limiting emotions, thoughts, and perceptions into emotions, thoughts and perceptions that are in alignment with your dream life.

With consciousness as your fundamental pillar of power, you can take off into a new reality. Then you can visualize and imagine with strength and power. You can manifest what you already are. You can celebrate what is already real within.

Whatever you want, it’s already alive and within you. Let that which you want vibrate. Feel the currents of vibration within you. Let what you want then fuse with you, with the old stuff already part of you. It’s just stuff of the universe and nothing else really. You contain all possibilities. Create yourself. Let that become the new you. Let the real you unfold and expand.

It will always get better. There is always a new adventure. So journey on, my friend.

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About the Author

Victor Da Ponte is quickly becoming known for his profound I AM transmissions that shift limitations on a dime and align the body and mind to infinite potential. Get free access to live I AM Activations at: http//

View Comments (6)
  • this is very confusing to me, typically I am a very astute learner when it comes to spirituality… Your wording leads me to believe that we as humans can never achieve anything that we currently are not conscious of. If we are not conscious of ourselves already being millionaires, for example, then we can never ever become one? This leads me to believe that we can only achieve that which we are already in alignment with and thus our goals ambitions and dreams could never come true because we cannot be conscious of something that is not within us?
    I dunno what you were trying to say but it came off, to me at least, as a bleak and dismal view of life and consciousness. I believe enlightenment of consciousness continually happens and therefore the adventure will continually perpetuate itself and we simply need to identify with what is true to ourselves in order to attract what we want. In layman’s terms be yourself and live your life to the fullest and you will automatically attract the things in life you desire.

  • “Ask your consciousness to let you know if you are there now or not.” More New Age fraud and self-deception. There is no ‘consciousness’ outside of you that you could turn to – you’re it.

  • what do you mean when you say”you must first become a vibrational match to those realities”? how practically to do that? you say I “have to be consciously aligned with what I desire”, if I have a certain dream(aspiration), i am conscious of it. this is very confusing.

  • Essentially we will achieve success by vibrating the frequency of success in how we align our thoughts that create the self image we unconsciously and consciously project onto the world and onto ourselves.

    You’ve probably met mofos that always wait for the other shoe to drop, and when
    adversity does go down they perpetuate the cycle by saying something to the effect of,
    Of course, it had to go wrong this shh always happens to me,” and of course it does
    because thinking like that controls behavior that is part of a self fulfilling prophecy.

    You may have met people like the Tao of Steve, who never seem to worry about anything
    going wrong even when it does and somehow things always work out in their favor. This
    is again the linkage to who we are inside attracting similar energy on the outside, influenced
    by the self image we hold in our mind’s eye.

    By owning up for the life we live and taking responsibility for who we are instead of blaming
    external circumstances or people, we can evolve our self awareness and self-create prosperity
    through a healthier self image closer to our ideal self, the best version of us we can imagine ourselves to be. Call it metaphysical, humanist, doesn’t matter, its about being sincere in your approach
    to owning up for your own happiness.

    I wouldn’t toss visualization out the door either but its even more powerful to combine that with
    simply becoming a better person, along the way we attract better realities that spin off from the choices we make once you become more focused on actually giving a damn enough to do something about life instead of complain about how it isn’t like you want it to be. You change the inside and it has a ripple effect on the outside world around you,

    I can’t vouch for who the author is or isn’t or if this is even the most precise interpretation but its the first thing that came to mind reading this. Oh and it is a beautiful thing in that moment when two people together in a relationship can help eachother evolve. Hope this clears things up for everyone. Deuces

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