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The Top 13 Ascension Symptoms

The Top 13 Ascension Symptoms


Are you Suffering from Ascension Symptoms?

What exactly is ascension? And what are ascension symptoms?Is it like we are moving on a different dimension, escalating, leaving earth or re locating to some other galaxy? Sounds hilarious but not far from the ‘truth’. Many of the divine souls who are blessed with the ascension symptoms, honestly speaking are actually not celebrating but rather finding difficult to live like a ‘ human’ they used to be! They just can’t fathom what is exactly the ‘problem’ with them. What appeared to be ‘once sane’ now appears highly ‘toxic’; whether it’s people, foods, places, way of thinking, watching TV, songs they once listened or just about anything! They just can’t get it! Neither can anybody else around them, since people around them find the change ‘UN acceptable ‘ ! They rather miss the good old , blindfolded, fool or rather ‘cow’ you once used to be.

The ‘poor you’ has now transformed into a ‘lion’ who can ‘roar’ the hell out of anyone! Much to their chagrin. It’s like the ‘phoneix rising ‘! Now how do you handle such a ‘situation’ ? Many of you would want to just abandon everything that was ever connected to you, others would want to just move on, god knows where and most wishfully never come back! But much to their utter shock and also the shock of the people around them, they will have to face lot of emotional dramas from their kith and kin, tears galore, emotional blackmails blah, blah, blah…

So what should they do to move past the never ending hue and cry…Well it’s a tough call but you got to take the shots or else ‘die another day’! Well with all this internal churning going on the number one thing that hit’s once mind is, how exactly does one deal with it? If you are lucky enough you may have some supportive folks around and they will help you to calm down but if that’s not the case than trust me you are in for a ‘WAR’, and this is real one since this is both internal and external. Internal because the ‘old you’ will outright ‘reject you’ and the ‘new you’ will demand everything about you ‘new’, so be prepared, infact first deal with your ‘soul’!

Or let’s just get this straight it’s between ‘you and your soul’, so once you pacify the soul rest will unfold in divine timing but if you don’t than ‘hell let loose’…Now next is the external war, this gets Herculean if your kith and kin are not ascending like you . Than you will have to really make some shifts in your life. Either you live separately if it’s getting unbearable or else educate the once around you …but do it in any case!

For some of the readers the ‘ascension’ thing must be sounding a little ‘gibberish’, ok so let’s just analyse what exactly is this ‘ascension’ stuff all about?

Listed here are a few Symptoms, which are a sure shot indication that you are ‘ascending’.


The Top 13 Ascension Symptoms

1.   I just want to ‘break free’…enough is enough ! In fact this reminds me of Bryan Adam song

“I want to break free…I have fallen in love…”, your situation may not be like a typical love lost fool but rather ‘like a lion’s cub’ who’s let loose into wilderness after being treated like a ‘sweet human child’…reminds me of the movie ‘Born Free’.

2.   I cannot connect with anyone! Trust me you really won’t!

3.   Mood fluctuations, sudden outburst of anger, sudden outburst of tears, sometimes very happy and sometimes extremely low.

4.   Eating disorders – this one is very prevalent when energies shift.

5.   Can’t stand loud noise, loud people, loud music, TV … your so called favorite TV programs will look like absolute ‘rubbish’ You will wonder what the hell was I watching till now.

6.   Sudden cravings for certain food items like how ladies feel when they are ‘pregnant’.

And these cravings are so dire sometimes that you can just about drive any number of miles to just ‘get it’!

7.   Lots of pains and aches for no fathomable reason whatsoever! It’s like one day the head is taking you for a ride the next day your legs have given up, you just can’t gather the strength to walk …so on and so forth.

8.   Either loss of weight or major gain in weight. The funniest part is your intake of food is just about the same; how it was but still you will see weight fluctuating to quite a degree. For the ones experiencing ‘sudden loss’ may feel elated since they will feel ‘light’ on retrospective the bulkier ones will just hate the ‘process’.

9.   Many would just quit their current jobs abruptly. With no justifiable explanation to their hassled employer. The urge to quit can sometimes get so edgy that some of you would not even want to serve your ‘notice period’. Many will want to take up their hobbies and passion as their next profession so to speak. The ‘Be your own BOSS’ attitude will prevail like ‘hell’ or shall we say ‘Heaven’.

10.   To many of you, your parents will look like aliens to you …in the sense that you will feel they ‘blindfolded’ you to the ‘real you’ and an unexplainable anger can emerge out of that…which you need to take care of since they still are your ‘blood’…maybe they were themselves not so evolved! Few of you may also experience some sibling rivalry erupting here.

11.   Breakups and Divorces will be like all over. Most logical reason is one of you is ascending big-time and the other is still ‘stuck’ in the rut! Trust me either the ‘stuck’ partner is patient enough to handle the ascending partner or else better you part ways else things can get ugly.

12.   You also may start seeing some lights, flashes or visions but it’s all good since your mind is ‘expanding’, you are psychically charged up! You will start getting more intuitive and sensitive. It’s all part of the process.

13.   The most ‘heightened case’ or we can say ‘serious ascension symptom’ could be a complete ‘disinterest’ in life itself, now that’s a little too much! You might have thoughts like ‘I AM DONE WITH LIFE’! If that’s what you are feeling kindly walk up to a psychotherapist even better a genuine energy healer or life coach and talk your heart out, they WILL HELP you! Remember it’s just a phase this too shall pass! As they say “It ain’t over till YOU call it Quits!

So all said and done.

See Also
energy closet OMTimes

What next? How does one deal with the ascension symptoms ‘roller coaster’ ride?

1.   Don’t panic rather read about it on the Internet, first be aware of what you are going through.

2.   Discuss with a life coach or any energy healer they will help you to understand your emotional and physical body.

3.   Change your diet. If possible have more fresh fruits, juices, water. Organic food is the answer. If not cure it will at least make you lighten up!

4.   Relax and take it easy if body is just not coping, sleep as often as you can.

5.   Do more of physical exercise when you can. Even a mild jog or walk can get your stress hormones satiated.

6.   Meditation will be like a soothing balm to your ‘havoc-wreaking’ body.

Last but not the least give yourself space! Be assertive if something doesn’t align with you, learn to say ‘NO’, remember you have to please your ‘soul’ not anyone else. Respect ‘thyself’!

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About the Author

Sunanda Sharma is a professional Tarot Card Reader, Psychic, Author and Life Coach .She is a member Elite Psyche Team – Best American Psychics 2013, Member of Certified Psychic Society 2013, Winner Tarot Super Achievers Award 2012 India. She is a published author. She has written two books of Spiritual/Inspirational genre “Inspiration from the Spirit Volume I” and “Inspiration from the Spirit Volume II”. You can reach her at:

View Comments (9)
  • Yikes!!! What do anything I do now?!? E erythibg, including divorce and treating my family like they are dead. Heeeeellp!!

  • Much of this article seems incomprehensible. Not necessarily the themes and ideas but the grammatical errors and typos galore and strange wording certainly didn’t support the points the author was trying to make. Maybe having someone edit this before it was posed to make sure the article sounded coherent would have been a good idea.

  • Hi Molly,
    Thanks for the constructive feedback, there’s no grammatical mistake whatsoever, maybe a comma yes…will keep up with that. 🙂

  • Hi Theia,
    You can check my website and if you wish consult with me regarding your situation in life.

  • My teacher told me NOT to read much on the internet about what I will experience. I need to go through it myself and learn from it. Otherwise, it could change my outcome by having expectations on what could happen.
    Also, the ringing in my ears! ugh. It will get quiter but then LOUD.

  • I totally agree. This article is so poorly written and rife with painful grammatical errors, not the least of which being the improper use of the word “than” where “then” was called for. It always surprises me when things like this get published because not only does it wreak of unprofessionalism, but it adversely affects whatever respect or interest I had in the publication to begin with. In this day and age, with the technology available, editing has become practically idiot-proof! There is no excuse for this under any circumstances. I clearly sense the author believed they had something of value to share, but in reading the article, it made no sense at all, and came across as offensive gobbledygook to anyone with any modicum of even elementary writing skills. Does Om Times not have an editor?

  • I agree entirely, Molly and Valerie. And would add, the song is by Queen and not Bryan Adams.

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