A Celebration of the Sacred Feminine
Heart of Mary: A Celebration of the Sacred Feminine
by Holly Austin Grimes
For those who are able to discern the subtle flows of spiritual energies, it has become increasingly apparent that mankind is involved in a process of rediscovering the vital importance of the sacred Divine Feminine. Historically, it is widely accepted that some of the first forays into religion were centered on veneration of the Goddess, the Mother, the bringer of life, the great mystery represented by the feminine. However, we have long been ensconced within a heavily patriarchal favoritism in more recent eras, from which has originated a stark imbalance that has resulted in the chaotic state and overabundance of untempered power that we see in the world today.
The return of the feminine energies marks a return to love, a return to reason, a return to sanity in a world gone mad. She brings with Her the powers of compassion, forgiveness and healing to a realm too long held in the clutches of hatred, vengeance and destruction. She reminds us what it means to be human, and what it means to be something beyond human. She comes to tame unrestrained aggression with the scepter of wisdom; she comes to end the rule of war with a contract of understanding. She brings nurturing where there has long been neglect and abuse, insight to the confounded, intuition to rekindle inner sight, and creativity to allow us to begin to rebuild anew.
Restoration of the Sacred Feminine
This restoration of the Sacred Feminine is about a glorious reunification, a mending of the rift between the corresponding energies of the masculine and feminine – not about supplanting one force with another. There is not a battle being waged here to be won, but rather a joyous reuniting of spiritual lovers to be enacted. At the conclusion of this cosmic marriage feast will be the ecstatic dance of truth and freedom, and we are all invited.
In light of this re-emergence of the Sacred Feminine, there is a great work at hand in the world to initiate preparation for this energy, to open hearts and minds to a shift of such a proportion as has not been seen in many ages. Such is the case of a magnificent musical album and series of videos produced by a very special Canadian composer and performer by the name of Bradfield. Bradfield has been offering “Music for the Human Spirit” to the masses for more than two decades. His creations span an immense breadth of expression, yet consistently embody the direct inspiration of Spirit. In this current project of devotion, he highlights the manifestations of the Sacred Feminine in the aspects of three powerful archetypes: Isis, Saint Mary and Mary Magdalene. The name of this album is “Heart of Mary.”
“Heart of Mary” Focus on Sacred Feminine
Taking his vision beyond the traditionally associated and universally accepted writings and beliefs of these women, in “Heart of Mary,” Bradfield brings to the surface of consciousness the remembrance of their virtues and influence over our development as a species. Using a wide variety of sound elements representing Oriental, Egyptian and even Celtic themes, these compositions are designed to awaken embedded tones, firing wake-up codes to facilitate that preparation within each individual person for the materialization of the Sacred Feminine into the world once more. We have been created with these inner cues pre-existent, specifically for this time in our history. Now is the time they are being accessed and activated, and this album promotes that process.
This music takes us on a soulful journey back in time, reawakening the past that lives of the sacred feminine within each of us, so that we may move forward with a sense of understanding of where we have been, complete in our story, assured in our history, reformed in the image that was originally intended. No longer half a being, no longer limited, restored to our given birthright of Wholeness, we can now begin to recreate the world from this space of higher consciousness, which will bring forth the existence for which we so deeply yearn.
These sacred women remind us that the feminine aspect is not merely responsible for the procreation of human life, but that through the Divine Feminine dynamic, life itself is birthed into reality, and Mother Nature works to transform this creation, continuously, evolving it ever further onward, towards its shining potential of perfection. Only through the unity of the masculine and feminine is this possible. We must leave behind all beliefs that foster divisiveness, and embrace that which brings us together in love, in peace, in harmony. In bringing Her back to her rightful place – at His side – we elevate the Sacred Feminine to Her proper station, ruling the cosmos in unity with her Divine Counterpart, restoring the balance that has been lost to us for so very long.
Now is Her time, the time of the sacred feminine, and we are Her welcoming party.
Listen to Bradfield express his musical vision in his own words and enjoy the music videos HERE. Discover his entire discography at APSIS Music ~ Music for the Human Spirit, including the music he has composed and performed with Anael.
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About the Author
Holly Austin Grimes has gathered a broad base of multi-platformed knowledge and comprehension, in areas including spirituality, psychology, metaphysics and others. Her goal in writing is to reframe concepts and to offer deeper observances about her own everyday experiences in order to offer insight to others as they traverse the path of life’s journey.
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