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You are the Master of Your Soul!

You are the Master of Your Soul!


It’s time to take back your spiritual power! Turn up the frequency, dial in, and crank up your amazing metaphysical skills. These connections are imperative in helping you survive this rapidly changing world. Refresh your browser and hold fast to the future you wish to manifest during your time here. Many individuals are suffering in the confusion of transition that they are unable to be still and listen to the guidance being offered all around them. Incredible connection and vibrational energy is just waiting to be discovered below the surface of the drama and anxiety.


Protect Our Soul

One of the most important aspects of tapping into your own source energy of pure love and guidance is to protect it. Honor this phenomenon as sacred. No one is allowed to chart or manifest your future but you! Life is filled with options and decisions that can help you fulfill your best potential to help a life purpose shine with attitude and clarity. Letting another chart your course with their judgments, timelines or demands can rob you of your own source given power to manifest and ultimately draining your energy.


Empower Our Soul

In my spiritual work, I have seen the difference firsthand of someone who is empowering themselves through life’s challenges and others who are letting life defeat them. There is a spark and light that shines or a dull and bitter bulb whose lifespan is winding down. We decide which we want to be. Each one of us determines whether we want to get back up and try again or sit back down to silence the fear. If we choose fear, then the fear will always win. If we choose to use our own inner connections to the source, our courage can learn to overpower anything that challenges us.

When our personal space is protected with our own source energy and guidance, we are much less likely to fall prey to others opinions of who we are or what our intentions should be. So many give over their personal lives to others to decide or live through different scenarios because of the fear they are not skilled or blessed enough to be allowed to know these things.


Soul Service

Too many have put their faith and futures into people and practices that have no value to serve them or their life purpose. We have all heard about people who pay to remove curses and cast spells, giving all their power away, and then they feel guilty and foolish because they looked to the wrong places for healing. It can become an obsession for them to find someone to validate them, to tell them what to do, and what the exact future holds. They have no comprehension they have just signed their life over to another who may not have one ounce of compassion, love or understanding for them at all.


Soul Practice

The truth is that the practice of prayer, meditation and energy healing helps strengthen the miraculous gifts from Heaven that each of us has permission to understand and practice. Our evolution as humans on Earth is helping our brains understand how our spiritual consciousness resides and controls these bodies, which contain the minds that are in a constant state of change and revolution.


Soul Assistance

We have assistance – very powerful, life altering assistance at every turn when we are mastering the helm of our journey. This help comes in the form of spiritual guides, angels, ascended masters, mentors, artists, family, friends, pets and every soul we come in contact with on Earth. We have only to ask and then discern our course of action to decide which path to walk. We must never give our energy and power away out of fear or lack of self-confidence. We can make the right decisions in our lives if we take the time to evolve.

As we learn this truth over and over again, we will all begin to listen to each other through the beautiful stillness. We truly begin to comprehend that the energy fields we create are real, not imagined. Just because you cannot witness it all with your human eyes doesn’t mean it isn’t there. The spiritual experiences you have had really did and were meant to happen.

See Also
Purpose of Living


Soul Guidance

It is also true that you can request and manifest through your own inner GPS without anyone else’s assistance. There are angels, guides and ascended masters who will be at your side if you request them. Their frequency has been felt by many and some have even captured a glimpse of a wing or two. We have the validation all around us.

You are a true miracle master! You are loved and protected in the light of the consciousness. Take this radiant light and shining power. Let it heal you and lift you up into the higher vibrations. Your message centers and healing channels will come alive inside your human body. You will know your soul much better. The connections that you can create contain unlimited miracles and manifestations based in the reality and truth of your own unique soul’s experience.

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About the Author

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension. or email

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