Oracle for May 2015 – Layers of Illusion
by Darity Wesley
Layers of Illusion – The energies and directions for the month of May are taking us to yet another level in this year of moving through or transcending the illusion. It comes with an exploration this month of the concept that what we are dealing with are like layers of an onion.
The matrix, maya, the illusion, whether it is the collective human illusion, or our very own illusion, is layers, built up over our lifetime and based on our entire belief structure. This is reflected back to us by the illusion, and this month we are challenged to peel a bit more away; and so, do read on….
As a reminder of what we are talking about, maya is a Sanskrit word which is commonly translated as ‘illusion.’ It is defined in The Free Dictionary as the transitory, manifold appearance of the sensible world, which obscures the undifferentiated spiritual reality from which it originates. Now that is a mouthful, but I think we can get it as anyone who has awakened from the dream even a little is prepared to grasp the intended meaning of the word. –And if you are reading this Oracle, it means you.
Remember, as we travel this spiritually enlightening path of transcending the illusion this year, there is always that subtle distinction between the word maya and the word illusion, and that is what we are referring to.
To recap our journey so far this year into exploring the illusion, or maybe the existence of maya if we had not thought of it before, we called forth the Willpower to open our eyes. We take a look to see if, indeed, there is the possibility that this is all just an illusion, the Matrix, if you will. And then, are we caught up in it?
Our next step, in February, was to focus our Attention. Can we realize some experience of the illusion? Can we get a feel for what the Oracle is talking about? This may be new to many of you, yet it is so important to know. These are the steps that will bring a greater expansion of our very own spiritual consciousness as we move to understand what this brings to us.
Then, in March, we were lead to practice Piercing or lifting the veil on the illusion. We dare to see what is beyond it or at least recognize or sense that there is a reality, albeit different from what we know, there…wherever there is, eh?
In April, the Oracle had us do some Observation of what and how this illusion shifts and parts. This gives us opportunities to, at least occasionally, see beyond this reality.
Now, for May, we look and see that there are Layers to the illusion. Some folks, from what I have studied over the years, have gone so far as to say how many. Then again, they really make sense if we take a look at these layers and think about them in order to transcend them.
Layers Exist All Over the World
So let’s start with considering that there are world views, truths to many, which require our investigation in order to open more and more neural pathways in our experience and changing thought patterns, or at least contemplating them for ourselves. One such world view, or layer of the illusion the Oracle has observed, is anarchy. For those who do not know what anarchy is, it is defined as a state of disorder due to the absence or non-recognition of authority, like absolute freedom of the individual.
You may have a feeling for the word “anarchy.” I sure have, because of the world view that anarchy is bad. But when we pull back the veil of that illusion we see that the freedom of the individual to create all depends on the illusory view of the basic goodness or badness of human kind. I am not saying that all humans are “good,” but we are all part of the entire tapestry of the universe. When we move to that level of consciousness, we see that there is no “good” or “bad.” It all is what it is, doing what it does. This dichotomy of good and bad is duality consciousness. The understanding that all is part of the one, is unity consciousness.
From Subtle Layers into Oneness and Unity
The Oracle holds that the evolution of humanity is in the direction of unity consciousness. The birthing of this consciousness is what most of us on the spiritual path today are here to do. Part of our work is to bust through as many of the layers of illusion that we can before we leave the planet.
The illusion of anarchy is founded on the notion that those in power must be antagonistic to one another rather than cooperating in unity and harmony. Look how this plays out in the United States Congress, for example. The illusion of anarchy holds that there can only be one leader (or ideology) in control rather than multiple leaders (ideas) working together providing their individual gifts and talents.
The Oracle has shared, at many different times and for many years, that the illusion of the current paradigm, our world view, is that of a hierarchical structure. Now, if you are unsure about what hierarchical means, let me define it for you. Generally, it means levels of responsibility or command or ranking where one is superior to another. The illusion of installing a hierarchical structure is part of the essence of duality. It causes competition. It’s like a corporate structure where the Shareholders are the top of the corporate pyramid with the Board of Directors under them and the Corporate Officers under them and the Employees and Staff under the direction of the Corporate Officers. They exist in a pecking order from highest of importance to lowest of importance, like the military.
It is when one at a lower level seeks to overthrow or cause problems with a higher level that reveals what is called anarchy. This whole concept is part of duality consciousness and is a dying reality. We can see it collapsing all around us yet many, so many, are striving to keep the status quo. Those of us on the spiritual path to unity consciousness know, without a doubt, that the reality is collaboration and cooperation, not this acted-out fantasy of chaos. The harmony of working together is a present reality. I see it every day in many ways. It can, indeed, become our world view from a unity consciousness perspective.
Many Layers Equals Many Paths
And so, this Oracle, this signpost, points us to consider expanding our consciousness that there are layers of illusion. With that expansion, know that we can lift the veil and observe that there are different ways to do things; different ways to be; the cooperative path; the compassionate path; and the loving path…all with an understanding that there is a veil. The spiritual realm is beyond that veil.
Pondering the spiritual realms and other constructs beyond the veil will truly ground us further in the bonds of Divine Love that hold it all together, all the time, no matter what. Remember…all we need is love. It will propel us more and more into the expansion of our ability to see through the layers of the illusion, to release ourselves bit by bit from maya, and from our very own matrix!!
Let your mantra for the month of May be: I AM peeling away the layers of illusion, the layers of maya, with eyes wide open, to grow and help ground the New Reality…And So It Is!!!
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About the Author
Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San Diego, California. You can contact her at You can follow her on Twitter @SpiritReviver. If you wish to subscribe to Darity’s ~The Daily Oracle~™, just send an email to, simply put “Subscribe” in the subject line. If you are on Facebook, help promote Darity by clicking the “Like” button at © 2015 The RYS Center All Rights Reserved.
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