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Mastery Over Self Leads to Liberation

Mastery Over Self Leads to Liberation


To truly be divine, we must create mastery over self in order to take control of our senses and see things as they really are. If man allows his senses to have complete control, he is unable to find the true self. He becomes a servant to his senses and never breaks free.

When the Light of Love, the Light of God, the Light of the Universe and the Light of the One and Only are able to find a crack in the armor of ego, love will be able to impress a message upon the heart, which starts the process of doing away with the senses. Then, man can ultimately walk the path of mastery over self, and setting himself free.


Mastery Over Self and Liberation

However, the path of liberation is not an easy one as there needs to be a calling, or a hunger for answers from the likes of Buddha, Jesus, and Krishna, to hear the still-small voice. Divinity cannot be found through austerity, nor can it be found through knowledge. Divinity can only be found through complete surrender to the divine self in silence.

Those who persevere go out and help those who are suffering. They unceasingly contemplate in deep meditation what LOVE is really about, and that answer impresses upon the heart a powerful message that changes everything. Friends say, “He is not the person I used to know.” But that’s okay; for the real self, the divine self, has taken over, and thus they are reborn.

Most friends and family do not understand. They back away thinking they are crazy, and perhaps they are crazy—crazy with love. Love for all that exists in the universe. Some individuals are able to handle this power in ways that changes life on the planet. Still others are so overwhelmed with the explosion of love that they sit in parks for years giving love and helping those in need. They care for their bodies as the divine temple of love, yet they know they are a drop of love in an endless sea of love.


Mastery Over Self: Relating to Others

These individuals don’t believe in rules, and they don’t believe in having those that are in control in control. In the end, there are no rules. Thus, the only important rules are the rules of the heat and not those of society. They only see the good in the world, and their outlook changes everything, even when anger and disgust is all around them. It’s not that they ignore what they see and experience as they choose not to buy into fear and allow it to take over their heart. They see everything not through their eyes, but with their heart. With rose-colored glasses, they filter out the red and black of all that is corrupt and depraved.

With that said, it does not mean that they are tongue-tied or unwilling to stand up for the truth. They stand before kings, presidents, and all those in charge with a powerful heart moving forward while spreading love. As part of this mastery over self, they have no real agenda, other than to help every soul they meet by whatever means necessary to improve their connection to the divine.

Sometimes these individuals are rebuked and pushed off into the darkness of obscurity, but they never give up! Even when the odds of success are a million to one, they march forth knowing that they are not alone. For their heart is part of the divine destiny of the multiverse. Thus, they are not separate from the single soul they are talking to, or the billions that might receive their message. Since they are not alone, they have amazing self-confidence. They take words that are simple and make them into something powerful enough to move everyone to feel this heart-felt emotion.


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story OMTimes

Heart Power of Words and Mastery Over Self

Plus, it’s not the words they utter as much as the power behind the words that are important. From humble beginnings, those with truth and power bring together crowds waiting to hear their every word. From that point on, their persona and their bio-energetic field emits a force so powerful that it melts every heart.

In turn, they progress from creating mastery over self and their own five senses to meeting with kings and queens as they change life on this planet, and they become liberated in the process. Not only that, but they also instigate the liberation of billions of people who go onto liberate even more souls across the multiverse.

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About the Author

A Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 25 years, Dr. Paul Haider helps people to recover and feel healthy. You can find Dr. Haider on Facebook by searching Dr. Paul Haider and Healing Herbs.

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