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Everything Changes

Everything Changes


The beautiful fall season is now upon us and it’s always a reminder for me, that like the seasons, everything changes. Children and young adults are back at school, many for the first time, and others returned to meet new teachers and classmates. In some parts of the country, the trees are exploding with color as everything changes with the season, the weather is cooler, and there is a sense of crispness is in the air. With fall, I feel more invigorated and more alert.


Everything Changes Over the Summer…

Over the summer, many of us relax as we celebrate the warmer weather and have a tendency to pull away from our normal schedule. Exercising takes a back seat to sitting on the beach. Our diets and eating habits fall into a summer pattern as we enjoy barbecues and picnics, and fast food becomes easier to eat and prepare. Everything in the summer season speaks to us about relaxing and vacations. But when the summer is over, many people are sad or upset that the season and our lives are about to change once again, as nothing remains the same.


Everything Changes Again in the Fall…

The fall is one of my favorite seasons. It somehow seems to get me back on track and focused on what needs to be done, and what changes have to be made in different areas of my life.

I find that during this time, I like to change my style a little as I update my wardrobe and experiment with different colors and fabrics that I haven’t worn in the past. I work on changing my food choices and begin to research new recipes, and seek out new dining experiences with healthy foods from around the world that I’ve never tried before. I look around my condo and get rid of as much clutter as I can, or add to the décor with new curtains or even a small piece of new furniture, or refresh the plants that have been there for years.

Why Resist When Everything Changes?

So instead of resisting the way everything changes, I encourage you to embrace it! Even changing what type of books you usually read can take you and your imagination to places that you’ve never thought possible. Let this beautiful fall season help you and remind you that some changes at this time might be exactly what you need.


John’s Lesson

Regardless of the season, life has a way of pushing us along, so instead of fighting it, I recommend you embrace it. Take the time to examine your life, especially in areas where you feel stagnant or bored and ask yourself: “What small positive changes can I make?” Whatever pops into your head first is a clue that your intuition and soul are trying to get your attention!


Here are just a few more ideas for you to consider as everything changes:

Since everything changes, do something totally different that you’ve never done before. Break out of your day-to-day routine, and stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone. No matter how safe it might feel to remain exactly where you are, it’s important to occasionally stretch yourself. It could be a meditation or prayer group, Salsa dance lessons, joining a book club, an art class, or even a pottery workshop. Once, I took a cooking class at a local kitchen store just as a way of meeting some new people. Not only did I laugh and meet some really interesting, diverse people, I also had a great time and learned how to cook a new dish! I’m never going to be a gourmet chef, but it didn’t matter. So many people say: “But I hate going to those things alone!” or “How is taking a class going to help me?” When I went to this cooking class, everyone came by themselves. It was a way of reaching out and bonding with others in a safe, fun, and educational environment. If you’re nervous about going somewhere alone, stop and say to yourself: “Wherever I go, there will be friends there.” It really works and takes the edge off those feelings of nervousness. You never know what’s going to happen or whom you’re going to meet and become friends with.

See Also

Everything changes, so connect with nature. Nature has a wonderful way of healing and soothing our souls. Prana or Chi (the life giving energy from the Universe) is more bountiful outdoors. When you breathe it in, it clears your head, infuses you with positive revitalizing energy, and provides a much-needed boost to your entire being. Try getting outside, whether it’s for a walk on a beach or in the woods. Appreciate the beauty that nature has to offer, whether you’re gardening or if you choose to meditate in a serene area. God made this earth and blessed us with it, but it’s so easy to get so caught up in life that you end up ignoring its beauty. When you’re outdoors, challenge yourself to do something physical. You may surprise yourself when you complete it, but notice the sense of achievement you feel inside.

Everything changes, so volunteer your time. Nothing makes you feel better than when you help another. The benefits work both ways, and have a positive effect on you too. I’m constantly in awe of people who freely volunteer their time. They seem to have ample amounts of compassion toward others, as well as such tolerant and patient natures. When you volunteer your time, you develop a deeper understanding of the world and the benefits can be wide ranging, from enhanced interpersonal skills to improved coping skills. Local animal shelters usually don’t have a lot of money and need people to help out with the animals. Volunteers who work in hospices (particularly those for children) are the unsung heroes in my opinion. They admit that the spiritual and emotional compensation totally outweighs the care time they provide. Volunteers are the heart and soul of our society. I’m blessed with the opportunity to speak to thousands at my lectures, and often say: “When you volunteer your time, you get bonus karma points in your favor!”

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About the Author

John Holland is an American artist, best-selling author, spiritual teacher, and public speaker, who describes himself as a psychic medium.

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