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The Science Behind Yoga

The Science Behind Yoga


by Azriel Re’Shel

Modern science confirms that the practice of yoga has tangible physical health benefits that include improved brain function and denser bones, as well as immune health, better nervous system functioning and strength.

Today over 36 million Americans practice yoga and enjoy the benefits of a stronger body, calm mind, increased happiness and reduced stress.

Yoga instructor and physician, Dr Loren Fishman uses yoga in his medical practice to treat a variety of conditions. In an interview with LiveScience he said many recent studies show the amazing effects yoga has on the brain, central nervous system and immune system.

“It thickens the layers of the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain associated with higher learning, and increases neuroplasticity, which helps us learn new things and change the way we do things.”



The Science behind Yoga and Stress

The science behind Yoga can help explain why regular Yoga is so effective in reducing stress and creating balance in the body. Dr. Mithu Storoni, a medical doctor, neuroscientist, and yoga teacher, explains the fundamental principles of the Science behind Yoga and Stress.

“There are two functional parts of the brain that play a key role in stress. These serve the functions of emotion and cognitive function. So I am calling them the ’emotional’ brain (amygdala and its connections and medial forebrain structures including the medial prefrontal cortex) and the ‘logical’ brain (the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, other parts of the prefrontal cortex, parts of the cingulate cortex and parts of the hippocampus). The emotional brain is able to initiate a ‘stress response’ via the sympathetic nervous system which culminates in adrenaline and cortisol racing through our circulation.  The logical brain is always trying to ‘turn-off’ this stress response and it is also trying to restrain the emotional brain. The stronger our logical brain, the better it becomes at doing these two things. When the stress response is ‘turned off’, our parasympathetic nervous system signal is ‘turned on’. This signal ‘relaxes’ the body. So a strong logical brain goes hand in hand with relaxation.”


Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees. ?~ B.K.S. Iyengar

Dr Storoni says the stress response and ‘relaxing’ signals travel through the body along a particular route and parts of this route have little ‘switches’ that we can physically manipulate to turn the signals on or off. The neck is an example of where such switches are located.

“Yoga is training this entire stress circuit at two levels. First, every time we are ‘holding’ a posture, staying very still to concentrate or trying to balance, our logical brain is being activated. When we are bending forwards, our ‘relaxation’ signal is being turned on through the ‘switches’ in the neck. So bending forwards and concentrating at the same time is triggering both the logical brain and the relaxation signal at the same time.”


Yoga alters the chemical structure of your brain

Yoga boosts brain chemicals that promote a sense of wellbeing. it increases the levels of the brain chemicals like GABA, serotonin, and dopamine, the happy chemicals responsible for feelings of relaxation and contentment. These neurotransmitters are targeted by the drugs for medicating mood, such as anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs. Yet yoga has long been shown by science to successfully reduce and heal anxiety and depression.


Yoga balances the Emotions

Yoga is a way to freedom. By its constant practice, we can free ourselves from fear, anguish and loneliness. – Indra Devi

See Also


The science behind Yoga shows that Yoga stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for calming us down. Activating the parasympathetic nervous system, starts the process of restoration and healing in the body. Blood is directed toward endocrine glands, digestive organs, and lymphatic circulation. Blood pressure and the heart rate are lowered, nutrients in food can be absorbed more easily and toxins are released from the body due to enhanced circulation.


Yoga is the fastest growing movement of our time.  In four years, the number of people practicing yoga in the US has nearly doubled. The practice is so popular and fundamental to so many people’s lives and wellbeing, there is now an annual World Yoga Day recognized by the United Nations.

UPLIFT has put together an extraordinary movie charting yoga’s journey from ancient wisdom to modern science. The Science behind Yoga, is a scientific exploration into the healing benefits of yoga. This free film is part of a unique online event, the The Yoga Day Summit, where you can listen to Indian sages and saints, contemporary yoga masters, scientists and wellness experts as they explore the life changing path of yoga.


The Yoga Day Summit 

Join us on International Yoga Day on June 21 for a day of exclusive interviews, amazing yoga classes, sacred music and a global Yoga Wave at Sunset.

You can register for your FREE PASS at

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