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Recreating You

Recreating You

By Sterling Day

Have you ever heard the phrase: “Life is not about finding yourself, it is about creating yourself”? Well, it is so true!  Look at Madonna for example. She has recreated herself several times over the course of her life and career. She is a very controversial figure, but admirably determined. We live in a society where perfection is an expectation (mainly of ourselves).

When we get the courage to leave the past behind, we automatically are given an empty canvas. Leave the past behind, you say? A lot easier said than done. That requires forgiveness, starting with one’s self. One can often get stuck by being defined by their past mistakes, especially if they are repeating them. Whether it is unhealthy patterns within ourselves, or others we choose to surround ourselves with.

It often boils down to this: Quit trying to fit that square peg into the round hole!!! If something is no longer working, (or perhaps never did) let it go!  Take myself for example: My childhood was in a lot of ways pretty charmed and in some…not so much.  The good thing was that I was fortunate to be surrounded by love and acceptance from my family, my community, and friends. I had lots of friends. And, most everything came easy for me. Cheerleader, student council president of the 6th grade, drama queen (literally) in the drama club. You could not tell me that there was anything I could not do. Failure never occurred to me.

But wait…. now it had become the norm. Now it was expected.  And not just by everyone else, but by me.  The older I got, the more I started losing my edge. My fearlessness had turned to fearful. It really doesn’t matter why, the fact was for the first time I was scared of success. I started forcing every situation, and latching on to people, and circumstances that were not the best for me out of fear. The worst part was that I knew better. Before I knew it, I started making decisions that were all wrong. And the thing about me is that I do not do anything small. My failure was epic.

Where did Little Miss Metroplex 1977 go, or the class favorite? Where is she??? I could not find her for the life of me, and I kept expecting and needing her to show up!  I hit my lowest point before realizing that I was there all along! I had been chasing a dragon, not a ghost. I had to forgive myself for being so blind.

The good thing about being at the bottom of the barrel or at the end of one’s rope is that the only way is up. The bad thing about it, is figuring out how one is going to face the world coming out of the darkness, back into the light. Where are we climbing up to, and what do we want to be? Thinking back, that part was equally as challenging as the ‘forgiveness’ thing. But it was the biggest relief to know that we can start completely over.

It is a tall order to know who you are and keep up with our ever-changing world. There is so much uncertainty with our economy, spirituality, world peace and so on. It is a very exciting, and uncertain time to be alive. So many have gone through drastic changes, and have had the rug jerked out from under them.   We are being forced daily, to reevaluate our next move.

NOW is the time for us to take advantage of all of this transforming energy. On July 15th, we had a full Moon in Capricorn. This energy has brought us wonderful manifesting power. First, Our words are our wands. We have much more power than we realize.  Second, do not fear the shadow of life; much wisdom is contained in it. And last, since the triple eclipse much light has been shed and clarity had by many on what is, and what must be done to accomplish forward and positive motion. In other words…. this is the time to ride the wave of change!

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Recreating one’s self simply requires the desire to seek and be more. Wanting more out of life and of one’s self is okay. In fact, it is a natural step in the evolution of life. When we stop growing, we stop living. And, we’re here right?  We might as well leave a mark! And just think: the more we create, the less we are defined by our past. So let’s get started! During the next several weeks, we will embark on this journey together.

As one tries to define where to go and what one wants to become, it is vital to become inspired. What inspires you? It could be something as simple as watching Food Network, and wanting to learn more about the art of cooking. Whatever it may be that brings out your passion and excitement again, it must get those creative juices flowing. We live in a day in age, which so much knowledge and resources are at our fingertips. Inspiration is all around us! It is in the music we listen to, the endless information on the web, to cable television.

So this is your first assignment for recreating you: Inspiration. I encourage you to become greatly inspired over the next few weeks. Whether it is finding a cause you are passionate about, or picking up a paint brush and painting a picture, singing a beautiful Josh Groban ballad at the top your lungs, or eating some delicious food. Live like nobody is watching!  It goes without saying, that life has its responsibilities, obligations, and challenges. Combining all of these with learning, adventure, and triumph makes for quite a ride. So: “Everyone please fasten your seatbelts, and prepare for takeoff!”

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