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Intention, Intuition, Feng Shui and Romance

Intention, Intuition, Feng Shui and Romance


Trust Yourself to Find the Love You’ve Always Dreamed Of With Feng Shui

by Ken Lauher

Here’s how to use Feng Shui to help.

I often say that Feng Shui is a combination of intention, intuition and bringing your environment into alignment with your thoughts in order to accomplish specific goals and begin to live your best life. How does this translate to the area of improving your love life or even finding that perfect partner to spend the rest of your life with? Let’s sit back, relax, breathe deeply and then consider how intention, intuition and Feng Shui can help you find the love of your life.


You’ve surely heard the phrase “like attracts like.” This is true of many things, including energy. Since everything in the Universe is made of energy, (including our thoughts) when we begin to choose our thoughts carefully and place our focus on finding a mate, the energy around us shifts so that it is in alignment with this goal.

What’s that mean, really, in terms of end results? When we focus our intention on finding a mate, the energy around us shifts to create circumstances that will put us in a better position to do so. That does not mean your perfect partner will fall out of the sky. But things will begin happening. People who aren’t very self-aware might refer to these things as “coincidences,” but in reality, it is the energy around us shifting, and our thoughts of “I’m finding a lover,” are causing that shift.

All of a sudden, you will find potential partners everywhere you look, increasing opportunities to get out and date, and avenues to pursue your dream that you hadn’t considered before. Since love is a numbers game, the more people you meet who could potentially become a lifelong partner, the better the chances you will meet “the one.”

Of course, you don’t want to just meet and date anyone. You probably have a clear vision in your mind of your desired life partner. If you don’t (yet), that’s okay. But it’s the first step to attracting the person of your dreams.

First, make a list of all the qualities you would like in a mate. Then add to that list the physical attributes you would prefer. Finally, fill in the missing details to help you complete the picture: the person’s career, geographic location, even the car they drive.

At this point, after making this list, you should be able to sit quietly in a comfortable place and really envision the partner of your dreams! They feel real, don’t they? Capture the emotions you’ll feel when you’re with that person.

This can take practice. The best way to do it is to achieve a meditative state in whatever way works best for you, and then think about being with that person you’ve created in your mind. How do you feel? Secure? Happy? Content? Excited? As you create the energy of these emotions, you are taking a powerful step toward meeting the person you will fall in love with, and you’re preparing yourself to take action when you do meet them.

How will you recognize that person? That’s where your intuition comes in.


I mentioned that romance is a numbers game. The more people you attract, the better your chances of meeting your perfect mate. As you set your intention on meeting more people who fit what you’re looking for in a partner, opportunities to meet those people will come your way.

It’s important to trust your intuition. Take time each day, even if it’s only five minutes, to stay quiet and calm and listen to your inner voices. They’ll guide you toward the right decisions.

It’s not necessary to take every opportunity that comes your way. Trust your intuition to decide when to go on that blind date and when to stay home. Which online dating site you should use. Even what time you should go grocery shopping and what you should where when you go. (While you don’t have to get dressed for a dinner date every time you step outside to get the mail, if you’re looking to attract a partner you do want to always be clean and tidy when you’re in public — even if you’re just going grocery shopping!)

Feng Shui Your Home to Attract Romance

When we use Feng Shui in our home with the intention of attracting romance, it backs our intention with tangible action and opens up even more opportunities.

One way to Feng Shui your home to pave the way for love is by getting rid of mementos of past lovers; don’t keep love letters in a box under your bed, and get rid of old photos from past relationships that have gone bad. Many people keep these types of things under their bed — that’s especially bad. But if you want to open your heart, mind and home to new love, get rid of these symbols of past memories entirely.

While we’re on the topic of beds, if you recently suffered a break-up or divorce, you might consider getting a new mattress.  A new mattress is like turning over a new leaf and introducing new energy into the master bedroom. The master bedroom is one of the most important places in a home if you are looking to attract love or improve your life in any way.

As a final step, add fresh flowers to the love and romance trigram of your home, when you lay out the Feng Shui Ba Gua over the floor plan of your home or apartment. The Romance/Love/Marriage trigram is located in the back right corner of your home, or any room in your home, when you are standing at your front door and looking in. Fresh flowers, especially in shades of red and pink, add important life energy to the space. Every time you look at them, remind yourself that you are worthy of beautiful things and you are also worthy of a strong, loving relationship.

See Also

As you purge your home of the symbols of past, unsuccessful romances — including the mattress you slept on — and add objects that make you feel happy and secure, you may find a weight being lifted.

Re-invent your home to create a place where you can feel lighthearted and confident and you’ll be on your way to re-inventing yourself as you change your mind set to attract romance. These actions will make you even more desirable to others and help create opportunities where you can meet a life partner.


About the Author

One of America’s premier Feng Shui consultants, Ken Lauher’s life purpose is found in helping people find love, increase their income, get unstuck and create the life of their dreams through Feng Shui. A sought-after public speaker on Feng Shui and life enhancement, Ken is also the author of Feng Shui Secrets: What Everyone Should Know About How To Be Successful With Feng Shui.

Based in New York City, Ken works with local, national and international clients. He invites you to join him on this exciting Feng Shui journey and embrace all the possibilities life has to offer.

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View Comment (1)
  • Translation:
    •Get rid of reminders of past love
    •Allow yourself to feel good again
    •Treat yourself well and have fun
    People are attracted to happy people who want to engage in life

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