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Let’s Be the Change

Let’s Be the Change

grounded change

Change is inevitable, but grounded change is better.


If Change is Inevitable, Embrace It!

We have all heard the saying “Change is inevitable”. But have we truly accepted that ideology? Often we resist truly grounded change due to fear, pride and unbelief. We resist the unknown because we don’t know what is waiting for us on the other side.

Sometimes our pride gets in the way and we can’t admit we were wrong. Perhaps an ideology that we held close to heart, no longer resonates. The problem is we have preached that ideology for so long, our pride stands in the way of admitting that particular ideology no longer works.

To save face, we stand behind something we don’t believe in anymore. Or plain ol’ unbelief. We lack the type of belief needed to surrender everything we are struggling with. We lack the trust needed to know that God has made a way, even if we can’t see it.


Four Steps to Deep, Grounded Change

But take heart. Together we can make a change in the world, by becoming that change. At any point in time we can decide to change. Here are four steps that can lead to a deep rooted and grounded change, beginning with ourselves. Whether it’s a developmental crisis, part of growing and developing, situational, an accident or sudden disaster, or existential crises, struggling with direction in life, purpose, or spirituality. Let’s be the change.


1. Crisis.

Crisis often comes before change. It’s a time of difficulty, trouble or danger, and a critical turning point. Perhaps we suddenly find ourselves at a crossroad, where a decision needs to be made. During this time, we may feel sad or hopeless.

The crisis could happen to us personally, or to a friend, family member, neighbor, coworker, nationally or even globally. Our personal perceptions dictate how we handle a situation of crisis, as we act out our coping skills, or lack thereof which have been cultivated throughout the years. During a state of crisis, we feel a mixture of emotions, from feeling alone and left behind, to frustrated or afraid.

We can be indecisive, reactive, apathetic. Why? because at the root of those emotions and feelings lies our greatest struggle, and it is with God. We must find a way to trust that even though our eyes do not see a way out of the situation, God has made a way. Crisis translates to surrender. We need to surrender the things we are struggling with to God.


2. Commitment.

The next step is commitment. Pledging to ourselves that we will remain committed to believing that everything we have surrendered to God is being taken care of. We agree to wait, until we see the change, or until an answer comes. During this period, we do not act out of fear, pride or unbelief. We are in the waiting peacefully, and hopefully.


See Also

3. Truth.

Change happens from the inside out. That is where real work begins. It’s time to own up. This means taking responsibility for ourselves, our thoughts, behaviors, and actions. Looking ourselves in the mirror and becoming as transparent as humanly possible. Dissecting personal agendas and motivations that are usually cleverly covered by emotions like anger, fear and pride.

Removing those layers, just like peeling back the skin of an onion, one layer at time, will reveal truths. Truths in the form of hurts and wounds that have never had an opportunity to heal…. until now. Next have an authentic and real conversation with God. He already knows everything, however this step is essential because in order to change anything, we must first change ourselves.

Admitting and coming to terms with aspects of ourselves we may not necessarily like very much. Let the change begin in us so we can heal, and help change the world. We are each other’s teachers.


4. Transformation.

Transformation begins when we realize we can no longer be who were before. After surrendering, remaining committed, and learning the truth, comes transformation. We are now transformed, reconfigured, refashioned, revamped through the process. We have witnessed a shift in our perceptions, and a conversion of sorts. The crisis was an envoy leading us to make a commitment to surrender and live by truth, so that we can be a new creation. With God, trusting God, being committed to God, surrendering to God the old is gone and the new has come.

Let’s be the change, the grounded change, we want to see in the world.

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