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How Space is an Entity

How Space is an Entity

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by Marguerite dar Boggia


Esoteric Teachings Show Space is an Entity

The Tibetan Master, Djwal Kuhl, worked through his amanuensis, Alice A. Bailey, using mental telepathy to write approximately eighteen books with her.

The esoteric teachings of occultism proclaim that there is one boundless immutable principle; one absolute reality which antecedes all manifested conditioned being. It is, therefore, beyond the range and reach of any human thought or expression. The manifested universe is contained within this absolute reality and is a conditioned symbol of it.(1)

The teachings also posit that space is an entity, and the entire vault of heaven is the phenomenal appearance of that entity.(2) It is not the material appearance, however, but the phenomenal appearance. Some dim idea, providing analogy, even when eluding specifications, might be gained, if you will endeavor to think of the human family as an entity.


Individuals Are an Integral Part of the Solar System

You, as an individual, are an integral part of humanity. Now, extend this idea to a greater phenomenal entity, the solar system. This entity is itself an integral part of a still greater life which is thus expressing itself through seven solar systems, of which ours is one.

It is the life and the influence, the radiations and emanations of this great, inconceivable entity, and their united effect on our unfolding kingdoms of nature, which we shall briefly mention. I believe that this entity is a star in our galaxy, ‘the Milky Way.’ In other places, the Tibetan Master refers to this indescribable, absolute monad as, the one about whom naught can be said. Hence, the twelve constellations in our zodiac form a quaternary, which is his personality.(3)

As our body is a living organism with cells forming parts of various organs, so is the universe a living organism. Its planets and stars form parts of various organs, known as solar systems, constellations, galaxies, etc. All lives are thus interrelated and inter-dependent.


Greater Lives Vitalize Lesser Kingdoms

The greater lives vitalize the lesser kingdoms and hierarchies of lives. The human kingdom vitalizes the animal kingdom and the animal kingdom vitalizes the vegetable kingdom, and so on. As we are cells in the body of the lord of our solar system, it, also, is a force center in the body of a stupendous lord.

An endless series of hierarchies of sentient beings guide, control, and animate the whole universe. Thus, each has its mission to perform. They vary in their respective sizes and degrees of consciousness.

Hence, some function as gods, some as hierarchies of angels or devas, some as rivers of lives vitalizing galaxies, solar systems, planets, and all the kingdoms of nature. Some also function as the elementals that form the bodies and the universe.4


Boundless Space is One Integral Whole

The famous scientist, David Bohm, stated that the universe is one integral whole.

Space is boundless; hence, it cannot be measured. The ineffable, inconceivable boundless is called the “All” or “That” by the Hindus and others, as it cannot be described. The Hindus refer to it as the one principle with two aspects: called Parabrahman and Mulaprakriti.

The teachings also state that every mathematical point in space is a ‘life.’ The ancient Greeks called this life a “monad.”(5) A monad is a consciousness center. It is the life or soul of its vehicle: the atom.

Its essence is deity. It is indivisible; while a mineral atom, is endlessly divisible. Scientists can investigate and search for atomic sub-particles forever.


Life Space and Its Purpose – Spirit and Matter

What is the purpose of this life? The teachings state that spirit is the first differentiation from “That”, the causeless cause of both spirit and matter.(5a) The goal of this spirit, or monad, is to gain experience by encasing itself in all and every type of form in all the kingdoms of nature. Its goal is also to return to its emanating source as an inconceivable, stupendous, life.

Darwin’s theory starts with evolution, but before there was evolution there was involution.(6) It is the process of the one, the homogeneous, becoming the many, the heterogeneous, through differentiation. Spirit, or the monad, comes down into ever-denser matter until it reaches the lowest point of densest concretion.


Elemental Kingdoms of Our Solar System

It starts out in the first elemental kingdom for our solar system, in a form of mental substance. As it descends to second and third elemental kingdoms, its invisible form thus becomes slightly more material and less spiritual. There are elemental lives known as nature sprites, faeries, salamanders, undines, sylphs, gnomes, etc.

When this life finally reaches the physical plane of our solar system, it enters into the mineral kingdom. Then, the monad is considered to be commencing on the ‘evolutionary arc.’ As it gains experience and evolves through the kingdoms of nature, its forms will very gradually become less material and more spiritual.

The vehicles will be adequate to the expanded consciousness of the entity. Only in the human kingdom does the entity develop self-consciousness. Thus, in the lower kingdoms, the lives are self-unconscious.


Elemental Kingdoms Five through Seven

The kingdom to which we aspire is the fifth kingdom, called the kingdom of souls. This is when we develop the ‘higher mind’ of the soul. At this time, we are developing ‘lower mind,’ the intellect.

The sixth kingdom is that of the devas, or angels. Hence, it is where we develop our spiritual nature and intuition. The seventh kingdom is that of deity. This is where we fuse with our inner god and continue to evolve on higher dimensions. Since consciousness is infinite, every deity will continue to aspire to greater goals on the endless ladder of evolution.

Furthermore, scientists now concur with the teachings of occultism; to wit: that there are planes or dimensions of more spiritual substances. They call them implicate orders, also known as dimensions.


Everything is a Life; with Evolution

The teachings state that everything is a life. The sum of the (self-unconscious) lives that make up a plane, is a great angel, also called a ‘deva.’ For our solar system, there are seven major planes which are divided into seven sub-planes. The lowest planes are of a substance that is more material than the one above it.

These are planes of consciousness. Hence, all life has consciousness. The life of the mineral atom knows when to attract and when to repel, etc. Of course, it cannot be compared to the consciousness of a rose or an animal.

The sum of the lives that make up my computer is a life. It has no mind or emotion, (sometimes I wonder about that) but it is an ‘elemental’ entity that will evolve. Wherever there is an atom of matter, it also has the potentiality of self-consciousness.(7)


The Seven Planes of Our Solar System

A diagram below shows The Seven Planes of Our Solar System for the Constitution of Man. The names of the planes are:

(1st) Divine, the plane of Adi, or the plane of Deity. Deity is called by the Greeks, “a Logos.” It is the First Cosmic Etheric Plane. All etheric planes are of invisible substances which are, therefore, the counterparts to the dense physical plane. In the future, humanity will develop etheric vision. (My dog has that vision. It sees ‘ghosts.’)

(2nd) Monadic, (Anupadaka) meaning parentless. It is the second Cosmic Etheric Plane.

(3rd) Spiritual, or Atmic; also known as the third Cosmic Etheric Plane.

(4th) The Intuitional or the Buddhic Plane. It is the fourth Cosmic Etheric Plane.

(5th) Mental or Manasic Plane. Thus, it is the Cosmic Gaseous Plane.

(6th) The Emotional or Astral Plane. The Cosmic Liquid Plane.

See Also
angels OMTimes

(7th) Physical Plane, also known as the Cosmic Dense Plane.


seven planes chart-space-solar system
The Seven Planes of Our Solar System for the Constitution of Man


Triangles of the Monad

The highest triangle in the diagram, symbolizes the three aspects of the one monad. It also reflects the three aspects of the one deity. The Christians refer to these aspects as: Father, Son, Holy Ghost, the Vedantins call them: Sat, Chit, Ananda. The Hindus call them: Brahma, Vishnu, Siva.

The Occultists also refer to them as: The First Logos, the Unmanifested. Its aspect is “Existence.” The Second Logos is Spirit-Matter. This aspect is “Bliss.” The Third Logos is Creative Wisdom. Its aspect is “Intelligence.” All substance, called ‘matter,’ is really ‘mind concreted.’ It is, therefore, the third aspect of Deity, known as “Active Intelligence.”

The second triangle thus symbolizes the threefold soul, which is the vehicle for the monad. The vehicle for the soul is the personality, which is also in the process of developing.


About the Author

Marguerite dar Boggia presently serves as Secretary and Membership Chairperson of ISAR (the International Society for Astrological Research). She served as publisher of Kosmos, the ISAR Journal, and as Secretary and Director of ISAR and UAC (the United Astrology Congress). She is also a co-founder of UAC. Marguerite offers free of charge three pages weekly online of esoteric studies as known by Pythagoras and Plato. Contact her through her website:



1. Bailey, Alice A., A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Lucis Publishing Co. N.Y. 1925, p. 3

2. Bailey, Alice A., Esoteric Astrology, Lucis Publishing Co. N.Y. 1951, pp.7,8.

3. Ibid., p. 608

4. Blavatsky, H.P., The Secret Doctrine I, Theosophical University Press, Pasadena, CA. 1963, Verbatim with the original edition, 1888, p. 295

5. de Purucker, G., Occult Glossary, Theosophical University Press, Pasadena, CA 1972 pp.108-9

“A monad is a spiritual entity which to us humans is indivisible; it is a divine-spiritual life-atom, but indivisible, because of its essential characteristic, as we humans conceive it, is homogeneity; while that of the physical atom, above which our consciousness soars, is divisible, is a composite heterogeneous particle. “Monads are eternal, unitary, individual life-centers, consciousness-centers, deathless during any solar manvantara, therefore ageless, unborn, undying…Monads are spiritual-substantial entities, self-motivated, self-conscious, in infinitely varying degrees, the ultimate elements of the universe. These monads engender other monads…Every monad is a seed, wherein the sum of powers appertaining to its divine origin are latent…”

5a. Blavatsky, H.P., An Abridgement of the Secret Doctrine, The Theosophical Publishing House, London, Ltd. 1966, p. 18

“The “Parent Space” is the eternal, ever-present Cause of all–the incomprehensible DEITY, whose “invisible Robes” are the mystic root of all Matter, and of the universe…. It is without dimension, in every sense, and self-existent, Spirit is the first differentiation from THAT, the causeless cause of both Spirit and Matter.”

6. Bailey, Alice A., A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Ibid., p. 95.

7. Ibid., p. 246 under footnote.


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